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Going back to Seoul soon for possible third revision; thoughts on these clinics?

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My name is Joe, and I'm posting for my wife...please don't bash me but I've been using this forum for awhile now as a source of research and information so thanks to all of you that have shared.

To make a long story short and not bore all of you; my wife has had an upper and lower blepharoplasty performed now twice. The first time in California; totally my fault for not doing enough research. The result: Large eyelid creases that she hated.

Having had no luck finding a PS in in the DC area to perform a revision on her creases; we opted to go to Seoul in Feb 2018. Ended up with Dr Kang from IOU. Service was great; however she is still not happy with the results a year later: Creases are somewhat fine; but now she has some noticeable wrinkles around her upper creases that drive her crazy. She's lost confidence and feels awful. Well to me; she's beautiful and will always be...but I must support her...

Now we've still had no luck with finding a PS in the DC area (and even went to PA looking for help) that is willing to do a revision. I don't get it. I don't understand why Drs. here in the US tend to shy away from revisions...I thought maybe even a small brow lift may remove the wrinkles near her creases but no one wants to do that either; one Dr said Asians are picky...

Well anyway; we're back to planning for Seoul and so far are looking at:
1. JJ Plastic Surgery
2. JW

Does anyone have experience with these clinics? Or know of others? Last year we interviewed Tieum, MVP, and IOU, and one more I forgot the name.

thanks for the help
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, Im sorry to hear about your experience with IOU. Will you consider Dr Kang for revision? I have consulted with JJ, (Dr. Hong Jin Joo) JW and IOU. I will pm you, since I'm not really on PF too much.
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Thanks everyone, my husband has good intentions.

So far I’ve reached out only to JW and JJ; and I’ll also look at View.

Beauty12, actually Dr Kang did my second revision. The service at IOU is great however I’m not happy with the results. Not saying that Dr Kang is bad; just saying it didn’t help me 100%. So there’s still some work that needs to be done.

What’s difficult with all the PS centers in Seoul; is most of the surgeons say they can help; so it’s hard to pick the right one...that can accurately forecast what you’ll look like after full recovery.

So I’m still gonna reach out to a bunch of centers and set up appointments for my visit in May or June and hopefully select the right surgeon that can help me

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  • 8 months later...
Hi joe/hang how did you go with your 3rd revision? My story is almost identical to yours - had my eyelid revision done with IOU in Feb 2018 and while I was happy with the results initially, my old crease is starting to come back now and I’m looking into whether I should get a 3rd revision.
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Hi SleepyJean,

Our third revision went better than our second revision with Dr Kang. Of course we chose another PS. Hang is happier with the results and most importantly understands that perfection is truly never obtainable, and that there will always be something that isn't perfect. Therefore she has accepted the outcome of the third revision and is much happier. Most of her concerns were addressed with the third revision but not all. Hopefully I made some sense.

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That’s good to know, I’m happy for your wife and glad to hear a 3rd revision can produce better results. Can I ask who she did her 3rd revision with? Did she have more scarring the 3rd time round or no more than before?
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We went back to Seoul in June 2019 and selected Dr Hong with JJ plastic Surgery. Dr Hong speaks pretty good English which helped immensely especially when setting our expectations as to what the revision would accomplish and the probability of success. These conversations were critical on setting our expectations and determining my wife’s satisfaction today. He told us that the tiny scar at the end of the right outer crease could not be surgically repaired which we understood, but his procedure did improve the sleepy look enough that she’s satisfied, and the creases are more even and smooth.
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forgot to add; and healing time or recovery was much faster too; we were quite surprised that the incisions healed so quickly and there wasn’t a need to wear sunglasses everywhere after like two weeks
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Thanks for your reply Bojinns I’ll check that place out. Your wife is lucky to have an understanding husband like you, I think I’m driving my partner insane with my eyelid obsession lol
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That ab goodness to hear. Can I ask how much you paid for the revisional surgery all up?
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Lol. Very kind words. I’m sure Hang would say I drive her insane too. But I’m more happy that she’s happy cuz revision surgery isn’t an easy process for anyone. The surgery cost us a little over $3500 US, before the 8% VAT refund we received.
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