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Finally, I got FC and nose revision

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Hello~ guys It's already been 4 months since I had Facial contours! lol
The reason why I decided to do FC was because I was always concerned about my square jaw. When it’s looked from the side, it was more prominent.
Well... I have never got Botox since I was born
People suggested me to get Botox before I do contours but Botox is what paralyzes my muscles. Isn't it?
I knew it wouldn't work because my jaw bone was too prominent.
I was so stressed out about my square jaw, but after I became an adult, it made me more nervous.
There are many pretty people outside these days, so I persuaded my parents over a year and I've been to many hospitals.
It was hard to walk around the hospital and get counseling. But since it's a big surgery, I've been trying to make a smart choice for a week or more.
Then I finally choose Faceline.
Why did I choose this hospital out of all the hospitals?
I've been to a lot of hospitals and I've been searching for data.
But this hospital had a phrase, "No accident for 15 years," and my parents who went there with me were worried about the surgery. They hope that I can get back safely after the surgery without any accident.
That's why I did the FC and the nose surgery together. ~ Dr. Lee Jin-soo did FC (including cheekbones, angles, tip of chin)
Lee Taehee did rhino for me.
I had counseling and I wanted my nose to get smaller because I had a bulbous nose.

So while I was doing the FC, I did the rhino at the same time as well.

I am so happy with the result these days :smile: I hope you guys have satisfying results like me
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