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Theline plastic surgery- just fishished

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Hi girls and guys!
I've just done surgery with theline 1 hour ago, I'm still in the recovery room. I've done rhinoplasty, chin implant and buccal fat removel. I wasn't qualified have to do quick cheekbone. So feel free to ask me anything!
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I love that you're back online an hour after surgery!

Hope you're recovery will go well. How are you feeling?

Did you get an internal or external incision for your chin implant? Did they give you the option or discuss it? (Just curious because I'm getting my chin done next week).
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I'm feeling quite alright, surprisingly! There is a lot less pain than I anticipated! In fact, I can pretty much say that I'm not in pain whatsoever, just uncomfortable due to the slight swelling I'm having right now.

My doctor and I did talk about my chin implant. I had a 3mm implant inserted internally (via my mouth) due to the fact that I don't want scars on my skin.

So feel free to ask me anything! I have unlimited Wifi and I'm bored.
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Haha :smile: Thanks for getting back to me.

Did you have the option to have it put in externally if you want? (I ask because some surgeons don't mind which way and some have a preference. I'm having a mouth corner lift the day before my chin augmentation, so my preference is external incision for the implant as not to disrupt my mouth corners).

When do you have to have your chin implant scars removed? Or are they dissolvable?

Did they screw the implant in place or is it just secured by the pocket they created?

Did you ever think about sliding genioplasty at all? Or were you always set on silicon?
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The doctor did gave me a choice, but we were both leaning towards internal due to the lack of scars. The snitches inside my moth can be cut after 2 weeks, but it'll dissolve by itself even if you didn't cut it. But my rhinoplasy was open, and they gave me a scar gel for it.

As for sliding genioplasty, I never wanted it. Too invasive for me.
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Thanks for your good wishes!

Apparently my nose is an 'easy' nose in terms of rhinoplasty. Basically, just shave my small hump, insert a 3mm silicone, reduce my nostrils and it's done!
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Thanks for the compliments, it makes me so happy! :smile:

Back when I was still researching on clinics, I wanted a clinic that was able to do quick zygoma reduction, rhino and chin argumentation. I've always felt that a normal zygoma reduction is too much for me both mentally and physically. All plastic surgeries that includes bone shaving is required to use G.A. I honestly did not want my first ever plastic surgery to require G.A.

Out of the many clinics in Seoul, I can only find 3 clinics that can offer a slight cut in the cheekbones which does not require neither shaving or G.A. And those 3 clinics are 1) TheLine, 2)Tlps and 3) Braun.

I was actually quite set on Braun because my cousin Carmen ( a Hongkonger mixed Korean who had experience with rhino and epi) recommend it to me, but still booked consultations to all 3 clinics. But....

4 days before my trip, I received a call from Carmen whom told me that Braun cancelled my consultation and that the rhinoplasty and facial contour specialist is unavailable from end of October till the 8th of November.

That was a load of bullcr*p!

Turns out Braun was too busy with rich Mainland Chinese customers whom are willing to pay double or triple the price of what international customers normally pay to bother with with lil old me.

I was actually quite angry about that.

But I still had TheLine and TLPS. So I still decide to come to Korea and consult, thinking that even if it doesn't work out, I could still spend time sightseeing and shopping.

On the way to my consultation(s), Carmen told me a some interesting info, which includes;

1) Tlps is a university clinic, in which almost all the doctors are from Yonsei U. Which means that there is a chance that my case might end up as a training case without my knowledge.

(I was not cool with that)

2) TheLine is very strong on medical ethics.

I never got to find out weather or not Carmen's info on Tlps is true or not, but I've experienced TheLine's medical ethics firsthand.

During the consultation, I was never pushed or recommend to do things I don't want or I didn't think I needed. I've consulted 2 doctors, and both said I don't need quick zygoma reduction, and and instead go thru my plan to do rhino, chin implant and buccal fat removel.

What I liked about my clinic was that everyone was nice and kept simile get, inculding the doctors. It put me at ease. It also helps that TheLine actually looks like a hospital and has proper hospital grade equipment.
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im curious how did you find out that Braun cancelled ure appointment cos of the rich mainlanders? I know the oct group which went a couple of them did their work at Braun and the one guy i spoke to said his post op results were really satisfactory.

Glad your surgeons were ethical enough to talk you out of the zygoma reduction! I've had several of our forum members who kakaoed me recently regarding sagging they experienced after their cheekbone reduction. I really wish more surgeons would be more ethical about rejecting to perform this procedure on patients who are not the right candidates.

btw mind me asking...did u get a forehead fatgraft? I'm only asking cos u have a very nice and voluminous forehead :P
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I knew because Braun's consultant flat out told Carmen that if I was going to pay Korean price, they are too busy for me. But to be fair, the doctors in Braun are apparently very nice, according to Carmen. It's just the consultants that are dishonest.

I actually got under budget at TheLine, lol. (I paid Korean price opposed to foreigner price. But even their opening price is not expensive. But apparently the 10% tax is really strict right now, even if you pay in cash)

As for my forehead, it actually natural.
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Can't tell yet as my face is still swollen, but I can feel the skin near that area feels somehow tighter. The removal is permanent. I'll tell you more once I'm less swollen.
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Thanks! I got dissolvable stitches for my chin as well.
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