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Zygoma + Buccal fat What's the recovery like?

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I just had both done. It's day 3 Post op and there's still quite a bit of swelling. I can only open my mouth about like 2 inches or so.

Also, my zygoma area seems swollen too. When will I typically see the results?
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I was looking through Korean clinics, but eventually I decided to get them done in the States where I am from. The doctor was Charles S Lee in Beverly Hills. Are you aware of the recovery process?
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@katrinawhy: Woah..Not sure about jaw stuff, but yeah it was hard for me to eat solid foods. Its getting better though, but not entirely there yet. My mouth wasn't wired shut...that actually sounds dangerous. But I'm just concerned about swelling and when it would all go away.
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Just wanted to update this in case to help anyone else out.

It's post op day 5 for me now since right side zygoma and both sides buccal fat removal. 70-80% of the swelling is gone, but I am still swollen (like I have the alcoholic frat guy look going on right now). I still can't completely open my mouth beyond like 7cm or so or it hurts my left cheek. My left cheek feels a bit tender in the incision spot. I just hopped on the plane and flew back to home. While on the plane, I guess it was the ear popping thing, but my zygoma area started to hurt! It would hurt more when I clenched my jaws. I was a little scared, but it went away after the plane landed. I guess the ear popping thing screws with your sinus which then screws with your zygoma arch or something. Whatever it is, I'm grateful its over.

Will put out more updates in the course of few weeks or so. The results are not apparent. It's like looking at an egg that's hatching. I can see the beak and the feathers, but not too convinced just yet.
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70% - 80% swelling gone by post op day 5, that's pretty impressive! :nuts: For most people it'd generally take them about 1 -2 full weeks up to a month to get rid of 80% swelling, and the rest 20% will gradually go away in the next 3 - 6 months, sometimes even up to a year depending on the individual.

I suggest try your best to avoid eating hard or chewy food or frequently clenching your jaws for the first 3 months until the zygoma arches are basically healed, as the pulling pressure of our masseter muscle is quite strong.

All the best with your recovery! :biggrin:
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@CecretS Hey! Thanks. I'm a guy btw, so healing for a guy is slightly different from the way girls heal. Apparently it has something to do with higher testosterone similar to how people use anabolic steroids for healing injuries. I still look a bit swollen for sure, but at least I don't look like Tweatie Pie or a square hamster anymore.

It's now currently post-op 1 week. I slightly look better, but I still can't open my mouth fully. I always feel a bit of pain when I yawn and forget I can't open wide fully. It's my left side that hurts. The incision area is a bit sore to touch. I need to heal more. I did some pullups and some hanging leg raises just enough to keep the blood flowing without truly exerting myself. I wish I can get back to the gym right now, but I'm going to wait another week. If I do, then I'd essentially be hitting the gym 2 weeks after surgery. I hope this won't screw things up since doctor recommended 3 weeks, but I just can't wait that long!
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Ok, so it's Sunday now. I think about 95% of the swelling is down. I look like no surgery has been done on me or at least no one can tell. I can see the effects of the zygoma. I'm pleased, but I'm wondering if there's still some residual swelling or if what I see is what I get? I wish the zygoma arch reduced a couple more millimeters so hopefully I'll see some more reduction but its looking way better before surgery.

The buccal fat results I haven't seen yet, but really its been a week and 3 days post op. I can't expect results until month 2 for buccal fat.

I really am tempted to start working out, but I'm a bit scared. Not sure what to do as 2 weeks haven't even passed by, and the doc did suggest me to wait for 3 weeks...no way am I doing that tho. I want to go lift weights NOW!!! :mad:
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