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Avoid Regen at all Costs

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(Attached is a cat scan of my skull for reference...)

It's been a really long journey. Several months ago I went to Regen for chin contouring/setback (they call it mini-vline since you're only touching the chin). I've been struggling with depression since the day I let them operate on me, and I regret going. Im gonna post here and tell the -entire- story since things have been getting progressively worse every month. I figure I'll just post comments here as I deal with the situation

Consultation Day should've been my first warning. My Meeting with Myung June Oh was very short. Maybe 6-10 minutes. He asked me what I wanted and I provided pictures - He didn't ask any detail questions about chin height, width, shape, etc. Just suddenly told me I'd need a mandible reduction as well. I didn't want that - But I went with his suggestion because I thought he knew what he was talking about. This was my first surgery ever, so I had no idea how badly things can go wrong when your doctor doesn't care... So I was given a full v-line surgery. They operated on me an hour later.Surgery was generally painless (we'll talk about that in a second...) and the only thing that really stressed me out was the lack of aftercare.

So here is where things get bad - I'm three months post-op and I realize that my face looks nothing like I want it. Heck, it doesn't even look remotely v-line.

Chin - It was pushed forward when I wanted setback. Height was reduced and now I have a disproportionate chin height and short lower face. Muscles are bunching up/dimpling from too much bone removal. Skin isn't mounted onto the chin properly so it droops into this weird square shape - not pointy or even round... just lumpy.
Jaw - Others surgeons tell me my face was already slim (in fact, it was almost -too slim-). Again, I figured as much. So naturally, the mandible was shaved down too much because there wasn't much bone to begin with. I have no bone left (only room for lower gums) - I look like I have an crocodile face. It's terrifying. Not to mention the cuts are very uneven (big difference... not subtle.)

Regen is wont help at all. Just telling me to wait and everything will look better. I didn't buy it.

So at this point I'm thinking its just a aesthetic problem. Okay - I'm going to have to spend $25000 on custom implants because I simply can't live with this face.

Fast forward to a month or so ago - Now US -and- Korean doctors are telling me this is a difficult case. Why?

Because he cut past my nerve line. (I suspected it when I saw my x-rays but the doctors have confirmed it.) Yes, people, my mandible nerve is now exposed and most likely attached to the outer jaw muscles. This is a major complication and effects whether or not I can feel my mouth - I realize the surgery and recovery has been painless because I've been numb this whole time from damaged nerves. And I'm only -just- now realizing what happened because Regen failed to mention it. So whoever inserts my jaw implants may have to dissect the nerve -away- from my jaw muscle before inserting the implants. And let's not forget that I could suffer other complications like infection.

What happened? Either Doctor Oh isn't as skilled as he says he is or they used a shadow doctor. I'm livid.
I'm currently working with another surgeon to get my jaw repaired (I'll make a different post for that)

Please, please don't go to Regen. (Also PM me if you want to discuss fake reviews. I have decent proof that their staff has been posting fake reviews. )
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I kinda knew about regen. Their reviews on realself are all so similar. I knew they with shoddy when they recommended that I remove more cheekbones. I was told by other surgeons I need to add a bonegraft not more reduction.

Also, you know they're all about money when they operate on already beautiful girls who prob have dysphoria and not physical problems with their faces. There's a huge diff. Which is why so manyt people end up getting botched or look less pretty then pre surgery.

Some of these Korean clinics are so desensitized that they look at us patient as cash cows. They have no compassion, medical ethics, just greed. It's like this everywhere but korean doctors are the worst. All they're good at is manipulating photos and advertising their clinics. There needs be stricter regulations.
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I'm so sorry you are going through this. Is that right you got operated on 1 hour after your initial 10 minute consultation?!

I think some lessons here are to never go with a consultant or doctor's recommendation just because they said you should do it, this isn't like a normal doctor-patient visit where you would trust they diagnosed your illness correctly. This is a cosmetic procedure and their idea of beauty may be very different from yours, plus this is a business so they may be financially motivated to perform a more profitable procedure. Know what your own face needs going in, get your face morphed digitally, and get multiple opinions before you ever think about letting someone operate on your face especially if they are doing something like removing bone. If a doctor says you should do something you never considered, take a few days to sleep on it and again get second opinions, don't just trust they know what they are talking about.

I think the saving grace here is assuming you can address the exposed nerve, jaw and chin implants should correct the damage he did.
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Are there any official regulations for cases like that? Like they offer free surgery to fix it or pay money back?
Really sorry you have to experience something like this and thanks for sharing clinic and doctor's name. Wish you can find solution to get your desirable result..
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There is a Korean government agency, Korean Medical Dispute Mediation And Arbitration Agency, which deals with cases like this making it possible for the patient to get compensation for damages resulting from surgery, not sure how effective they are but it's worth a try: https://www.k-medi.or.kr/eng/index.do
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I guess sometimes, people just made the wrong judgement call due to various reasons e.g. they are under pressure, they have time constraints, they trust the surgeon etc.
Would it be possible if the patient can bring along a friend inside the consultation room? Maybe that would help in making better decisions?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm really thankful for the link. I've began pursuing legal action with my husband, and any bit of information is appreciated.

Thank you everyone that responded. There is obviously a lack of information circulating around popular clinics. The more I read this forum, the more I realize that it's hard for people to really protect themselves.

I'm actually back in Seoul (with a different doctor, of course) to reconstruct my jaw. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. (I'll make a new thread about that journey in a few minutes.)
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Unfortunately I've read cases where people who have brought family have -still- suffered malpractice. Nothing can prepare anybody for a doctor completely ignoring elementary maxillofacial surgery rules (or worse, the doctor being switched right before an operation)
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  • 4 months later...
US doctors are the same except they cost twice the price. I'm like you suffering for 3 years disfigured then I got contacted by his patients and realized doctor and his staff remove negative reviews from realself and Google by posting tons of positive reviews. Also there are companies that hide negative reviews for $100 for businesses. In my case doctor said to me and others he will sue us and his lawyer contacted us. I talked to many lawyers and they said plastic surgery cases are dead cases and no lawyer takes them. Board of plastic surgeons and medical doctors were as useless and said they only give certificates byt not responsible for how they do things after doctor is certified! This is a scam, paying so much to look so cheap not for everyone but some stories really hurts, to pay 10k 20k to someone to disfigure and ruin your life. I wish I could get my face, time, money and energy back. I am sorry to hear about other ppl stories, Mark Richards, Bethesda is a scammer and free.
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Dude here whos thinking about getting a jaw reduction and Regen is one of the places I am considering. I actually contacted Regen and asked them about OP and they seem to remember her very well. So basically she asked for 'A' and when their surgeon did exactly 'A' she didn't like the results.

So after reading up on OP's story, i felt for her until I did some digging. So she claims there was malpractice and her jaw is all screwed up and she even posted a really bad review on real self but with 0 pics. Then she goes on to talk about how she's going to get titanium implants in her jaw at the face dental. She even wrote in her review on real self she is going to get surgery that day and its already been over 5 months and not a single update. What happen? TFD messed up her face too? Something is definitely not adding up. I basically made an ID on here just so I can private message her about a few questions I had concerning Regen since Dr. Oh is known as the best if not one of the best for jaw surgery. No response. I'd rather trust a place with 95% postiive reviews vs her 1 sketchy review.
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@gqwiththesteez I agree with you. I met Dr Oh and he spent an hour with me. I was told one could not have surgery until blood tests and investigations were done so I would need to factor in a day of tests before my op date if I planned to fly back for surgery.

Also a patient has to be fasted for general anaesthesia for at least 8 hours so it is impossible to have major surgery an hour later.

As this review has no photos of the opening poster, I have my doubts. Just my opinion.
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I'm not disagreeing with you because it's not like I know OP personally but the majority of people wouldn't be comfortable sharing photos of themselves on the internet saying that they have had plastic surgery.

I think its quite common for people who don't want to stay in Korea for too long to book a consultation and surgery on the same day and just fast through the consultation.
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  • 1 month later...
she updated tfd surgery on this forum check her profile
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  • 4 months later...
Hi thanks for your review. Sorry to hear about your experience at Regen. Can I see your vlone surgery picture? And how to it is fake reviews. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have just been in touch with Regen, and I was offered a discount to post reviews.

Hello dear,
Thank you for your email :smile:
Revision rhinoplasty cost 8600000KRW,
Fat grafting cost 2500000KRW
SMAS lifting cost 11000000KRW, Deep plane face lifting cost 13500000KRW.

There are discount optons it may applies upto 20~30%. Please let me know if you are interested
You could get 20% offed if you put deposit on it to lock up the date for surgery. (10% deposit is necessary)
I can offer you upto 30% if you are willing to write reviews for us as well as before and after photo
Holding the surgery spot before arrival (10% deposit is necessary)

If you have any questions please let me know

Best Regards,

Alice Lee
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