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Posts posted by batgirl0711

  1. It was a BIG wake up call for me when I started tyring to wear cute clothes but not look fat...it was impossible because I was super big. I would put pictures of fat me in my room and if I wanted to binge eat I would look at those pictures and say no way.

    I would run every day. It started with just one block and it was HARD. Of course there were the days when I was like I GIVE UP but those pictures just kept reminding me of what NOT to look like. And now (two years later) I can run 3mi and feel great after.

    Dieting: its just cutting sugar OUT...I would substitue diet for EVERYTHING, I do count calories and don't exceed 1500 for the day, and I make sure everything that goes into my mouth is accounted for....of course I do give myself one Junk Food day a week to not deprive myself and those days I just don't count the calories because I would probably freak out. I also became a vegetarian. I cut out all that meat and stuff and so going out to eat is often impossible for me...

    Now to keep it off is easy...I have established a new lifestyle.

    There are a few downsides to my situation though. I will never really see myself like everyone else does. I have really bad vision (legally blind) so when I see myself in a mirror I see myself about 20lbs bigger (magnification from my glasses adds those 20lbs). My parents thought it was Body Dismorphic Disorder and so did I once I went to therapy...but then I looked in the mirror with no glasses or contacts and was like NO WAY where did I go I am tiny and then everything added up....but its hard to constantly see myself as bigger than I really am.
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