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Posts posted by kaspy

  1. Hahaha! That boy is so adorable. Those are exactly how mine look my cheek depressions look like. Dr. Chuang said that tear trough implants could get rid of them but I haven't found much information on them.
  2. He said that 10 days should be sufficient. Accomodations get pretty expensive when you are staying that long. That's why it's great to split the room and share the pain. :tup:

    I'll let you know what he says about the screws and wiring money.
  3. Hey Maskd,

    Unfortunately, the doctors have said that fat injections aren't successful for those lines because the injection site often becomes bumpy. You're right, we do lose facial fat and our lines also get deeper as we age. *sigh*

    Btw, I love your nose. It's perfect.

  4. Hey Keenose,
    Dr. Chuang as well as some ps here said they can be removed by tear trough implant. They are these crescent shaped implants that go below your eye (under the apple of your cheeks).

    I actually didn't even notice mind until a ps pointed them out to me and now they are all I see (ha). In pictures you can't really tell but in certain lights, it's pretty obvious. I heard it's because it's two different types of skin. Like the skin below your eyes is really thin and the skin on your cheek is thicker so the line is just a division of those two types of skin. If I smile, they are not that noticable and that's what a tear trough implant does (gives your cheeks that smiling look). I also heard that radiasse (the collagen filler) could help so I might try that first. I have heard bad things about the tear trough implants shifting and messing with the eyes.

    I've had them since I was a child too but I think they are getting worse as I get older. I'm not sure though. I might be imagining it. ;)
  5. Hey Keenose,

    I just received Dr. Chuang's e-mail and he suggested a medpor implant in this e-mail. I think because he is so swamped with e-mails, he can't keep up with what everyone looks like. I asked him if he screws it in, so I'll let you know what he says.

    He also quoted me a price but it doesn't include a discount. Is a discount not applied for having only 2 procedures together?

    I would like a complete transformation as well but I'm terrified that it will be a transformation from hell.

    Did any of you guys wire money to Dr. Chuang and know if he charges a few? I'm afraid of bringing that much cash with me overseas.
  6. Aussie_nose,
    I am easily swayed as well. I was so tempted to get all the suggested procedures done because it would be cheaper to get it all done at once and you wouldn't have to go through all the pain and hassle again. It's not a smart idea. Especially when you think about how many hours you'd be under the knife.

    Is he going to screw the medphor implant to your chin? I think I'd prefer to have my screwed so it doesn't move around but he suggested silacone. Anyone know what the difference is between how they look?

    June/July would actually work better for me too because I only have 1 week of in April and I'd prefer to stay there 10 days.

    I know what you mean by not really noticing certain things about your face until plastic surgeons bring them up. The first time I went to see one he suggested that I have 8 different procedures and I felt like crap all day. haha. :tdown:
  7. Hey Aussie_nose!
    I wanted to get the smile makeover here but all the cosmetic dentists I met with here said that they don't like putting veneers on healthy teeth and they don't think my teeth need them. Maybe it's just in my head then but I hate my teeth. lol.

    Dr. Chuang recommended a silacone chin implant and open rhinoplasty with the following:
    1. Bridge augmentation with a thinner and natural implant
    2. Tiplasty with septal cartilage graft
    3. Tip defatting and cartilage reposition
    4. Alarplasty with nostril reduction
    5. Corrective osteotomy

    He also recommended tear trough implants because I have these lines that extend from my tear trough and onto my cheek causing a "cheek depression" and lower blepharoplasty for my undereye circles. I decided to stick to just the rhino and chin augmentation for now because having all these implants in my face is kind of freaking me out...plus Kanye West's mom just died from plastic surgery. hehe.

    My schedule is pretty open too. End of June/early July works for me as well as a week near the end of April.

    Unforunately, I can't speak Mandarin either. I'm Korean...
    I can learn how to say 20 and then you will be able to tell everyone your age. :smile:
  8. Aussie_nose, I am doing the same procedures and going next year too. Maybe we can go together? Keenose also has a friend that is going to Dr. Chuang so maybe we can make it a party? :smile:
    I have a question about chin implants. Maybe you guys can help me out. My mouth protrudes a bit so the natural stance of my lips is to be apart. I'm afraid that if I get a chin implant, it's going to be unnatural to close my mouth. Like I feel like my bottom lip would strain to reach my top one. For example, when I pull the bottom of my chin down, all that skin under my lip also pulls down and it's harder to close my lips. Is this how it's going to be?I heard chin implants help push the bottom lip up and helps with lip strain. Is this true? I'm a bit confused about the chin implant position. I always thought that it was like a little cap that fits on the bottom of your chin bone. Therefore, wouldn't it pull the skin underneath your lip downwards, making it harder to close your lips? Or does the implant cover the entire chin and so the top of the implant is pushing the lip up?
  9. Tear trough implants are about the size of your thumb. They kind of look crescent shaped and go under your eyes. I have heard that it can get rid of darkness but no, they cannot give you the smiley, Hyori eyes. (I loved to picture Angelzai LOL). Keenose, your right. It's like fat grafting in your upper cheek (like you are smiling...except your are not). :smile:

    I decided not to do tear trough though because I don't want to have a lot of implants in my face. Instead I think I will go for fat grafting. I asked Dr. Chuang about it and he has yet to reply about how much it costs, how long I will need to stay in Taipei, and if he even performs the procedure.

    So a question for all of you who have gone to Dr. Chuang. How did you pay for your procedure? Cash? Traveler's Check? Credit Card? I don't know much about this international transaction thing and I'm afraid I am going to be mugged with thousands of dollars in my purse and then I will have to sit on the city streets and cry...

    Also, anyone know of any hotels cheaper than Deja Vu?

  10. OUCH! That sounds painful. What do boob massages even do?

    Tear trough implant goes beneath the eye on the upper cheek. My face is flat (Asian, guilty!) so it gives it a little lift and gets rid of the line that goes from underneath my eye down to my upper cheek. It's kind of how you look like when you are smiling or if you had fat injected into the apple of your cheeks.

    A medapor implant could very well be a mythological animal (lol, Grossomer) but it gets rid of the paranasial fold from the line that goes from your nose to the corner of your mouth (smile lines). Mine are pretty deep.

    Finally, everyone knows what chin augmentation is....I think

    I feel like because I am mainly getting rid of lines on my face, I won't look completely different, yes? I think if anything, the rhino will make me look much different, but I don't want to look in the mirror and not recognize myself. Plus, I don't want my parents to freak out when they see me.

    I know that Dr. Chuang is just recommending things that I could possibly do but man, now I feel like I need all of them. How do I choose? :shrugs:
  11. Finally got a reply from Dr. Chuang. He suggested open rhinoplasty, tear trough implants, chin augmentation, and a paranasal Medpor implant for a whooping 255,000 NT *ouch*. Has anyone had any of these surgeries (other than rhino, of course) done? I have heard of implants shifting, infection and being improperly placed so I am scared about having those other procedures done. Plus, for that much, I can get a new set of boobs. :oP
  12. It's been a while since I have posted. I am trying to decide whether or not I should go to Korea or have my surgery here in NY. Does anyone know anyone who has had their rhinoplasty from either Dr. Jeffrey Ahn or Dr. Edmund Kwan in New York? I had consultations with them and both seem skilled but I just want information from someone who has had first haand experience.

    If I decide to have my nose done in Korea, it will probably be in the summer of 2008. Is anyone else going around then?

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