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Posts posted by zipperfool

  1. Your nose is looking better and better as it deswells at the tip!! I wonder why other doctors suggested you to do osteotomy! If it were any thinner I think it wouldn't look as good. Thanks for the update! How many mm was your silicone implant?
  2. Thanks for sharing! My eyes are very similar to your pre-op eyes - did you do incisional or non incisional DES? Was any fat/muscle removed?

  3. I consulted with GNG via Kakao, and liked their responses, but they suggested that I may need an Osteotomy as well.

    Has anyone here had Osteotomy at GNG? And what was the experience like? (I'm curious if the healing time is longer since you're removing parts of the bone..) I haven't seen much osteotomy B/As from GNG so thanks in advance if anyone can direct me to 'em. :smile:

    Does getting an Osteotomy require general anesthesia?
  4. Thank you again for your update!! It's so helpful for everyone here - we only see very natural subtle results, but yours is natural AND dramatic at the same time! Garosu will definitely be on my list for consultations now, MVP is also one of my first choices. Please keep us updated as you heal! :smile:
  5. Thanks so much for sharing! Aside from an alarplasty and tip plasty, did you also have bridge augmentation and if so, what material was used?
  6. Hi there, which major clinics did you consult with that you didn't feel comfortable with? I am planning to go to Korea soon for consultations as well and would love to hear more!
  7. Thanks for linking the video! That is really helpful! Her result looks really good, though a bit too slim/dramatic for what I'm looking for, it's good to know that there are clinics that can perform dramatic width reduction in Korea! :smile:

    I've never tried out babitalk before, but will give that a shot! Thank you!
  8. I agree, it seems as though he uses a technique that cuts the outside of the alars and leaves holes/stitch marks up and down the sides of the nose. I wonder if that's why the noses look better and not pinched though? Because rather than just reducing it at the base, he reduces it along the length of the alar so it looks more natural. I wonder how the scars look after 1 year :huh: I wonder if any other doctors use a similar technique with good results?
  9. I've noticed that a lot of Korean clinics do not really address the width of the nose. Instead, they focus on making the nose taller (which helps of course, but it seems like many of them try to avoid alarplasty). I on the other hand don't really mind the height of the nose being flat, but I really care about the width of my nose.

    Popular youtube stars have been getting their wide noses done in Korea like Edward Avila https://www.youtube.com/user/mrpanda101 and although there is an improvement in the nose, the width is still not to my liking.

    So in terms of aesthetics, I find Dr. Yappy from the Philippines to have the same taste as me: https://www.instagram.com/docyappy/

    He focuses a lot on making a flat wide nose a bit taller and less wide, more proportioned to the rest of the face. I haven't found the same aesthetics in any other doctors/clinics (unless I missed any, please link if you recommend any!)

    But the problem is that I'm kind of scared of going to the Philippines. I feel that in terms of technology and hygiene, Korea is better.

    Does anyone know of any doctors/clinics in Korea that does good work on wide flat noses?

    Thank you!
  10. Hi Ohaiolos - I sent over a PM a few weeks ago - I'm also interested in hearing more about your experience with MVP - let me know if you didn't get the PM and I can resend ^_^
  11. Please stay positive! I have talked with people who had noses that didn't deswell until at LEAST 7 months post op. So hang in there! Swelling is different for everyone, and so many things can affect it.
  12. Ooh got it, thanks so much!
  13. Thanks for the detailed response! :heart: I'm curious what the dermis fat is like - where do they get the dermis fat from? And will it just make your bridge squishy or does it feel hard? It sounds like a solution that I'm interested in actually since my body is very sensitive to foreign material. How long would you need to stay in Korea to use the dermis fat method? Sorry for so many questions hehe >_<
  14. Hi Angie! Excited to hear how your nose heals in the next few weeks! Please keep us updated :smile:

    What procedures did you get done at April 31 on your nose? Did you get a silicone implant or use cartilage for the bridge/tip area? Alar base reductions, etc?

  15. How did your revision surgeries turn out? Please keep us updated :smile:
  16. Hm you're right, I may be judging the paranasal implant surgeries based off of the overall look haha, since they tend to be paired with other surgeries all done together. Is it rare for people to just do paranasal implant? I wonder if there's a reason for it being rare on its own.

    https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Eyn20IAXk54/VvIGdDxhezI/AAAAAAAAEDM/n6nIGrIpfPkDVr4n6E2VzRqRn36t_-kHQ/s1600/before.jpg In these photos, it looks like the girl's face is extra puffy - not sure if there's still swelling present though..
  17. I think those look pretty natural from the front actually, but are there any photos of other angles? Like 3/4 view and view from the side? At least with nose jobs, I know that judging a nose by the frontal view only in a picture is really misleading. Videos or other views of the face help a lot!
  18. Thanks for your reply! Did you have a consultation with Dr. Yoo? How was he like? Did you end up getting any work done by him? Would love to hear your experience!

    Yeah I constantly hear that if the doctor's before/after is not suitable to your taste, you should not go to them because beyond skill, there is also an artist's take on rhinoplasty. I guess it's weird that I'm so stuck on considering him, I think I feel like at least with him I'm in good hands in terms of my health and nothing will go terribly wrong. I also think his noses come out looking very natural, and doesn't have that asian plastic surgery feel, despite the noses looking too caucasian for my taste.

    I just wonder if he can bend his aesthetics to suit my personal tastes haha.

    I guess I should say I haven't fully given up on Korea yet. I have the means to go there, but I just feel like a lot of the bloggers who went there came out with noses that look really weird too - a few of them being: Bonqiuqiu: https://www.instagram.com/bongqiuqiu/ , Miyake: https://www.instagram.com/mykxii/ , Stella Lee: https://www.instagram.com/stellalee92/ They just all have a very worked on / PS nose look that I don't like.
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