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Posts posted by goldfish18

  1. i'm planning on getting my nose done in korea. so far, i'm thinking about bk clinic, oz clinic and dr jung. i would prefer to go to oz clinic as i've heard great things about dr park at oz clinic... expecially how the post op care there is good. however, i haven't heard anyone's experience with dr park for nose surgery (seems he's more of a specialist for calf surgery). has anyone had nose surgery performed by dr park? how were the results? thanks!
  2. Hi Queenslander, My lower calf is also quite big so after reading your post, I wonder if this surgery will make much difference to the shape of my leg. Do you now have regrets for having gone through this surgery? Also did Dr Park give you realistic expectations based on your calf shape? From what I've read from his website, I was under the impression that there would be at least 2-8cm decrease in calf circumference. I really would not want to go through all this pain for just 1 cm difference.
  3. I'm also planning to get my calves and nose done by Dr Park this September. It sounds like the recovery is very painful... for those who had the calves surgery already, was the pain unbearable and how soon were you able to walk? I really want to get my calves and nose done on the same day but worried that the recovery pain from having 2 surgeries would be too much to bear! Would appreciate your advice :biggrin:
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