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Posts posted by kpp

  1. You're welcome. :smile:

    I need to have a few procedures done which will probably require more than one trip, but my main concern will be my jaw line and chin. So, I will most likely go to ID for bone reconstruction. OZ for calf reduction. I'll have to wait until my face heals and settles into it's new shape before doing my nose. I will go with Jung for rhinoplasty.

    I haven't set a date to go yet. What surgeries are you planning to do?

    Looks great! Thank you for sharing.
  2. Have you tried asking questions in the forum section of their websites?

    The clinics that advertise in English, should have nurses and doctors that speak English. So, I wouldn't worry about the language gap.

    What you said about a doctor's preferences are true. It's really important to understand what they find beautiful, because it will affect your look when they operate. If you tell them you're from a different country, and don't mean to come off as rude it might help.
  3. If you look in BK's forum you can see some unsatisfied patients, and the doctor will tell them to get lost basically. I wouldn't take a chance with that.

    What do you want to get done? Each doctor is best at certain things.

    OZ = Calf Reduction
    Jung = Rhinoplasty
    BK = Eyes

    Thank you for the info. Why aren't you getting it done in Japan?

    You're welcome. You will feel so much better knowing you are going to the best surgeon. Instant gratification and cheap surgery doesn't turn out very well most of the time.
  4. Would you rather pay less and deal with the possibility of getting your surgery redone? It seems better to take the time you need to save. Don't cut costs with your face, because damage could be permanent.

    A poster at Cozycot had a rhinoplasty they didn't like at ID, then had it redone by Jung a week later. ID isn't bad, but they specialize in facial bone contouring not rhinoplasties. It's best to go to a doctor that is known for doing one or two surgeries very well, as opposed to a general doctor that may do many types of surgeries mediocre. Also, there were other posters on Cozycot that regretted having their surgeries done in places other than Korea. Their revisions were done by Korean doctors.

    I originally was going to have it done in my home country too, but I'm not convinced the surgeons have enough experience. Cost isn't an issue for me. The doctors with the most skill and experience is.
  5. Who are the best plastic surgeons in Japan?

    I've been considering BK, but I'm concerned with their reputation. There aren't many people that say nice things about their aftercare, or fixing mistakes.


    The first girl has a perfect nose. It's straight from the side. I wonder if she had surgery before going to BK for the tip work. I wish I knew a surgeon that could give me that nose or similar. It's very elegant.
  6. Why doesn't he ever update his gallery? He was on my list when I first started researching. Yet, his rhinoplasty pictures really don't impress me.
  7. That's what I thought of the 29 year old patient's nose, but that may have been what she asked for. The 42 year old received a nose much smaller in comparison to what she had, but it fits her face. The 50 year old received a perfectly proportioned nose in my opinion.

    I read most of this thread, but have yet to see anything regarding medpor implants. Does anyone have one, or know someone else that has one?

  8. Thank you for the link. Has anyone mentioned Dr. Rizk in this thread before? The work done on the 50 year old asian is quite impressive.
  9. I can only speak for myself. I possess double eyelids, but the lids themselves are rather heavy. I'd like them lifted for aesthetic appeal, much like any another ethnicity that undergoes blepharoplasty.

    Has anyone had work done by Dr. Meronk? Or even a consultation?
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