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Posts posted by flojo1985

  1. hi...

    if you guys have been here for a while.. i'm sure you know who i am :P made a lot of friends in this forum....

    i've been wanting to do plastic surgery for a while... i wanted to do jaw reduction surgery as well as rhinoplasty and fat graft...but finally i decided to do tipplasty and fat graft only.. as i got scared of bone shaving complications.....

    had a few clinics in mind but i decided to go with DARPS... i felt comfortable with the translator...and i had a few friends(from this forum) who decided to do their surgery there and i like their results..

    i promised that if i decided to do surgery i would post my experience here to help others...
    so here it is...

    the first consultation i had to wait about 15 minutes for the translator to come lots of locals and mainland chinese there... and the office is so damn nice..... the translator (riley ushered me to meet the consultant... and i told her what i wanted to do..)i told her right away i wanted dr choi... because i did a lot of research(from my kakao group).. and i already know which doctor i wanted ...

    i met with dr choi.. he seems to be very meek and humble and not pushy at all.. i told him i wanted to do tipplasty only and i don't want any silicone on my nose...he gave his opinion.. he said if i did silicone it would be perfect... i still said no.. and he wasn't pushy!!!

    i decided i felt comfortable with him... because he understand i wanted a more natural result .. not the typical korean look...so finally i was ushered to meet the consultant again...we discussed price... and if i have advice for people who wanted to do surgery.... know this: do your research.. know what is the fair price to pay and what is not....i definitely got a fair price.(paid cash.. usd btw)..then they do the routine stuff. checked my blood took pics

    I was scheduled to have surgery the next day.... i wasn't nervous at all because i was prepared for it.... when i came i the surgery room.... gave me IV>. and then i was out...

    when i woke up.. i had slight amnesia.. i forgot where i was, what just happened.. i tried to run away..lol..
    but then i finally regained my memory .. and actually i got high from all the drugs.. it wasn't painfull at all....i actually walked home from DA to my hotel (lex hotel)

    2 days after the surgery panic sets in.. i bugged my line group... im okay with my fat graft.. but my nose.. it was so BIG.. like super swollen.... but thank GOd everyone in the group was like.. it's ok .. it's normal. don't worry till the cast comes off.. etc....i couldn't eat very well.. because i couldn't smell/.. they put this huge cotton inside my nose... and it keeps leaking snot.. the first 3 days was soo uncomfortable.. i couldnt sleep...couldn't eat...

    ont he third day i took out my cotton (not the stitches) and it was MUCH better.. i could finally eat.. i was so hungry!! .. fat graft keeps going down... had a few bruises here and there..... on the 7th day . took of my cast.... hmm i liked how it look.. but then my alar was huge... and again i was PREPARED for this.. because my kakao group people told me... it's gonna b swollen for a while,. and i shouldn't panic... so i didnt

    so i wrote this review after 2 weeks because i want everything to settle down first... to know whether i really like the results or not...

    FG.. i love this.... although it goes down everyday,. and i expect it to go down anyways.... and i know they don't really last.. so i'm planning to do a touch up in january.... they make me look so much younger.. but sometimes it feels uncomfortable to make facial movements.. and i made sure i didnt sleep face down....

    tipplasty + alar : as expected.. the swelling goes down day to day... nose tip looks a bit upturned.. but again.. i know this because my friends from plastic surgery told me that it the nose tip will drop after a few months....(i'm so glad for kakaotalk group, they helped me a lot :sad:)... the nose tip is still a little swollen... but that's okay...

    so far i'm happy with my new look.. i'm sure people know i did surgery.. but they couldn't point out what i did.... some asked "did you get eyebag removal" lolll

    so for people who decided to do surgery... my tips are

    1)make sure you are comfortable whichever clinic you choose.. make sure the doctor knows what you want.. be super super specific . it's your face
    2)know what is the fair price...

    3) do lots of research... know how recovery will be... ask people who did surgery before.. DON"T PANIC

    4) come in with the right mindset.. know that your face is gonna change... and it might not exactly be how you imagined it

    i hope my post helps :smile:
  2. may i know where you did your mandibular reduction? and how much did you pay for it? areyou satisfied with the result?

    did you go for the dramatic v shape face or more of a natural one? do you know if there are different techniques to cut the jaw? one is like resection.. the other one is long curve or something right? which method is better?
  3. [/QUOTE]
    sure send me her contact id... oh no.. i feel bad for her.. makes me sad hearing stories like that :sad: .. i'm still not decided until i meet the doctors face to face i guess. but i feel like i have to gather as much information as possible beforehand..
  4. may i know what botch job jw did to your friend? because i am considering them.. i think it willl be good to know... if you don't want to post in public can you pm me? it would be very helpful..

    thank you
  5. thank you for your reply! you're very sweet :smile:

    yeah i read someone post before that it's not recommended to do nose and jaw at the same time.. but i only have limited time n money and i guess i am "prepared" for the pain... i had 4 wisdom teeth simultaneously removed and the doc had to hammer one to break the teeth.. so it probably more or less the same pain level? so when you did jaw you couldn't breathe as well? or just that it's sore? how long does this discomfort last?

    before the surgery did you do any scans to detect the nerves so they can avoid it? i don't wanna end up looking like a stroke patient...

    did you have any sagging?( i know the older you get the worst the sagging is,, but i guess i'm 30 ish... not that old right? :P) and i take good care of my skin

    i just don't want to die from not being able to breathe.....maybe i can ask them to insert breathing tube or whatever.. lol
    also. is it true the first 1-2 days after jaw surgery they make you stay at the clinic and they do hourly checks? i hope they do that for me...it will make me so much more secure...

    i know i'd still probably be swollen.. what i meant was probably by day 8 i would be able to walk/ go to the airport without feeling dizzy/pain right? and usually if there's something wrong the clinic would know by then...

    sorry for the many many questions.. but if you share your experience with me it will surely help me a lot.. and other people who went through the same surgery can contribute as well :P
  6. i;ll let you know.. i'm going in june 16th... -26 i hope that's enough for jaw surgery recovery...

    i'm a plastic surgery virgin... i wanted to do surgery for so long.. about 3 years ago i posted on purse forum and i was already planning to go..i even made a thread about how to haggle... lol...
    but i guess the timing was not right (had a baby)and i chickened out because no one was willing to accompany me...i wasn't mentally prepared.. i know the stress of a new baby and surgery will probably break me down mentally... this time i am ready financially/ mentally(well actually half readylol )... and plus going with my cousin...so i feel more secure..

    actually my jaw isn't THAT BAD.. and my face isn't horrible.. but you know we're all human and sometimes there's this little "thing" that other people don't notice.. but bugs us so much you know??? it's slightly asymetrical and i wanted to correct it.. had botox before for soooooo many years... but i don't like it.. because 1) the maintenance cost is high... i think if i used all that botox money i have enough to do jaw surgery already...2) it makes me look gaunt because it shrinks the muscle.... (not the bone)... so finally i decided to do something about it

    i also want to do tipplasty... because my nose is the bulbous n short... with wide alar type... i don't want silicone for sure... because where i'm from.. most of the girls are natural.. and if i stick a silicone up my nose... people will be able to tell for sure...i can always tell whenever someone put silicone... there's this "line" in between the eyes... it becomes more apparent after they get older...

    i also want to do fat graft on my forehead... but i don't know if i can because seems like jaw surgery will make everything swell up...

    i'm looking for the natural look... i guess my ideal beauty is song hye gyo.. she doesn't lhave that really NARROW jaw.. but nicely curved./oval. and to be honest i hate those ullzang pointed chins anyways.. they don't look natural to me ( no offence to people who do, it;s all down to preference)
    and i also don't want extra round forehead.. i just wanted it to look less bony.. (if that makes sense)

    right now i have 3 clinics in mind.. i'm confident with these 3 clinics.. and any one of them would be ok...... i've narrowed it down so much... i did my homework reading all those posts... especially about blacklisted clinics/botch jobs... and which doctor is good at what.surgery....... so PRICE will most likely be the determining factor of which clinics i will pick because i'm bringing only a certain amount of money... (i bring cash /usd) and if they don't accept my offer.. i guess i will be fine with not doing any surgery and just walking around seoul ...

    to be honest.. i've been losing so much sleep.. and i worry about this and that.. like.. what if i get infection/ i look worse than before..what if i'm unhappier after the surgery? what if i miss my old face that i grew up with... seriously i feel so depressed thinking about these things... i spend hours reading the posts which has been very helpful... that's why i promise myself.. if i do surgery... i WILL DEFINITELY post a review as a payback to all of those helpful tips that people have posted here so that it might help future users....

    sorry for writing so much.. it's like a mini blog almost.. it's just that i feel like i can't really share much with people at where i live because plastic surgery is still considered taboo.. (except surgery to make eye folds maybe) i just needed to vent my frustration , fear and anxiety...

    ok honestly i feel much better after i wrote this.. i really really REALLY need the mental support .. :sad:
  7. hi.. anyone had any experience regarding jaw reduction in jw beauty?? heard any reviews?

    booked my ticket to korea ... 16-26th of june. super anxious.. can't sleep.. borderline losing my mind trying to narrow down clinics to visit...

    my main priority is jaw reduction...but i'm also going to do tipplasty... i was going to add fat graft too but i don't think it's wise to do 3 surgeries at once..... i was thinking to visit regen and banobagi(has a promotion on jaw right now) as well since i heard great reviews.. but does anyone have any recommendations?i know everM is highly recommended but i just don't want to spend extra money hiring a translator.. plus i'm not doing anything complicated like 2 jaw surgery

    thank you in advance!
  8. wow that's great.... i think i'm going to check out banobagi... definitely way cheaper than jw...
  9. hi.. anyone had any experience regarding jaw reduction in jw beauty??

    booked my ticket to korea ... 16-26th of june... going to visit a few clinic.. and my main priority is jaw reduction...but i'm also going to do tipplasty... i was going to add fat graft too but i don't think it's wise to do 3 surgeries at once..... i was thinking to visit regen and banobagi as well since i heard great reviews.. but does anyone have any recommendations?

    thank you in advance!
  10. thanks..!! have u chosen a clinic yet?
  11. hi. just wondering what price did pitangui quote you for fat graft?

    so they won't budge their price at all even if you do 2 surgeries or more?

  12. looking forward to hear your consultation at jw :P
  13. i think regen does good fat graft.. do they offer free touch up after 3 months?

    because pitangui does. ..(offer free touchup) and that's a big factor in deciding which clinic i go to..
  14. hi vita.. i contacted pitangui too..actually nicole's response is really good.. i asked her lots of questions (maybe we reply back and forth 10 x) and i watched pitangui's video too.. but i don't know... i need to speak to the doctor first... rhino is quite scary because it can look fake easily...

    i heard JW is really natural and they like the "natural" look hence they like using autologous tissue... but they haven't replied my email...
    when are you going to korea if i may ask?? and r u indonesian? (just curious hehee)
  15. yes i'm indonesian.. hehehe.. indonesian chinese actually.. i have the typical flat bridge .big bulbous nose.. *sigh* .. i saw pitangui's video on stephanie.. and her surgeries..is that her?? hehehe

    yes pleaseee send me pics!!!! hehehe
    i do want the natural rhinoplasty look.. u know.. not those fake high stiff noses.... i also want no silicone (i prefer cartilage or dermal graft) because my aunt did silicone noses years ago.. and she said it's horrible.. she hit her nose on a door once and the silicone moved!!!
    could u also ask her how she negotiate the price?? and how much lower can it go?

    i'm a new mom and jobless... so i've been tightening my purse strings to do this surgery.... TT

    my email is [email protected] .... thank you so much !! :smile:
  16. thank you for the wise advice lol ! i guess i was overexcited...i'm going march next year to korea
    (i'm a plastic surgery virgin) .. parents never allowed me to have surgery.. but once i got married.. im off the hook.. YAYY>
    hongkongphooey i was wondering if you could help me.... how could i negotiate the price if i do 2 surgeries at once? (i want to do fat graft and rhinoplasty)
    pitangui quote me 3.8 mil(nose)+ 3.3 mill won(fat graft)
    regen quote me 3.5 mil(fat graft) + 4.5-6 mil won(nose)

    i'l be paying cash.. how much lower can the price go?(as in percentage)??
    much appreciated!
  17. can you be more specific? what does "closed rhinoplasty " mean?

    i'm very interested!! thanks :P
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