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Posts posted by michelleantonia

  1. ^yeah, it doesn't help shrink them that's for sure :sad:

    i think besides surgery, they only thing that works is muscle atrophy. which is very dangerous and would require muscle loss all over the body. in that way, losing muscle from starvation is a lot like losing fat from starvation- you can't lose it from one spot.

    i can't say i don't look at girls with "normal" legs and get a twinge of jealousy. sure, at my best i can fit into small clothes and pants... i'm 5'3'' and on the slight side... how come i had to get calves of a 5'11'' track and field star? :crybaby:

    ok, whining officially OVER lol
  2. it's a myth that big calves come from exercise. sure, they can. but not the type of exercise any of us are doing. it would require a VERY heavy weight lifting routine that targeted the calves specifically, in combination with a very specific diet. all over quite a bit of time.

    i have big calves too. and ya know what-- they're genetic. there's nothing i can do about it. i wouldn't dare compromise any muscle i have because that's metabolic tissue (what determines how fast your metabolism is!), and it would endanger strength.

    if that girl in the before and after photos supposedly had "big" calves... well, mine are huge :roflmfao:. i'd love to have ones that small! :P
  3. i feel all your pain:crybaby:i too have the same problem, pretty severly i might add because im very small everywhere else, not to mention pretty dam short. even my thighs look disproportionate to my calves! i HATE it! i cant wear boots that are even the littlest bit taller because of this, it sucks so bad.

    i used to think it was all my years of figure skating, dancing, swimming, soccer and later running, stairstepping, weight training etc. any kind of physical activity/sports/exercise, you name it i did it. i want to blame that just to feel like its not genetic and *maybe* i can do something about it,but i have a feeling its genetic. ppl who have participated in as much sports and exercise like me, ppl who are lifelong athletes like me....not all of them have this problem. so it CANT be all the sports....

    i should double up on the stretching and pilates and see what happens. i had really given up years ago, .but it still bothers the **** outta me...:yucky:
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