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Posts posted by lexethan

  1. I think the cheapest approach would be to heighten your nose bridge to bring out the mid portion of your face to create a more harmonious look; not too flat or sunken as it is now. The nose bridge between your eyes seem very low making it look sunken in. I think you would also need paranasal implants and bone graft to lift the base of the nose out. Best bet would be to go to your local plastic surgeon to get 3D rendering of both options then decide for yourself. You don't need to commit to having surgeries with them but to get an idea. Most places will give you free consultations, well, if you live in the US.

    Good luck.

  2. If you don't have heavy periods where you become anemic (low red blood count) you should be fine. You should know by your history. As with any surgery, there will be some blood loss, which will make it worse where you'll have some symptoms ie., easily short of breath with exertion, etc. I wouldn't worry about it if your clinic check preoperative lab work and monitor after if that's a concern. Let your clinic know. There are ways to remedy this. If you want details you can PM me. Good luck with your surgeries! Don't worry too much about it.
  3. Did you mean W360,000 or 3,600,000? $360 US dollars is a steal. If it's the latter, $3,600... I'm not sure as I haven't had those done, yet. I'm sure someone will chime in.
  4. Hi. I'm a guy as well. I'm not planning to go around that time. However, keep us updated on the forehead fat graft. I'm interested in doing that myself. Good luck!

  5. It's due to the scarring/tightness and you know how when you smile or move your upper lip, the upper part of your mouth/base of nose moves up a bit? Well, rib surgery pretty much fuses that area so no upward movement at the base of the nose. Make sure you exercise that area by forceful smile regularly but don't do it until after 3 months or so to let things set before you do it. You may accidentally move the strut.
  6. The most pain is the first week after surgery. It was only bothersome when trying to get out of bed as you need to use your abdominal muscles to pull yourself up. That will pull on you ribs as well. However, after the first week it was nothing. Don't worry about the pain; no pain no gain. It's not bad!
  7. I had it done with VIP just a little over a year ago. I can tell you I don't notice the scar. It took about a year for the tightness around scar to become much less noticeable. It still feels tight with certain movements and at times I have to concentrate on pronouncing certain English words. I don't feel the implant though.
  8. Hi Kain! Long time no see. How have you been? How's your tip? Has it stop its descent? :biggrin:
  9. Go with what your heart/instinct tell you. If you're not 100% comfortable either postpone the surgery until your questions are answered or go with someone else. Good luck.
  10. From their description it doesn't seem like they're using a bone cement but rather a preformed structure. Whether it's bone cement or something else, tightness is unavoidable as it'll stretch the skin/scalp; just a matter of how tight... and that depends on how much material was placed.
  11. Good luck on your recovery. Fellow VIPpatient here. :smile:

  12. That's nice of them to offer revision for you after 3 years. Those girls at the front desk are the best. I'd be interested to hear about Dr. Song as well. I've met him twice; nice but quiet guy. He doesn't say much; maybe English limitation. Good luck your second time around!

  13. Keep us updated on your double eyelid surgery if you end up having it done at Teuim! :lol: I have natural double eyelids, I'm looking for more of a ptosis correction.
  14. Hi. I also got mine done with VIP. I like the result but wish it could be taller and a bit longer of a tip. My nose is smooth but I could feel a slight ridge on the right upper portion. If I decide on revision, I'd probably go back to Dr. Lee and be more specific. I agree with K Courture, don't ask for natural height, you'll want higher later. If it looks too high the first several months, just wait, when the swelling goes down it will look good hopefully not low. I know. :lol:

  15. I think this is a great idea. However, a few things has to be determined first:

    1. There need to be a committee to decide who get the PS fund not just one person. Conflict of interested.
    2. Who hold the funds (if the fund sit in an account, who's name is it under?).
    3. How do you raise money? Advertisement? Website? Etc.
    4. Need to establish trust with a well known organization already. People aren't willing to just donate their hard earned money to just anyone.

    Again, good idea but need more details.
  16. Sorry to hear it didn't go well. When did you have your surgery?

    Just an fyi, your nose bridge can look high, even if it's not to others, for the first 3-6 months because you're not used to it. Be patient, wait it out see if when the swelling and what little absorption take place, if you'll like the height. Does Dr. Jung offer free revision?

    I can attest to the paranasal implants altering your smile. I'm 6 months out now. I think my smile isn't back to normal; not even close. It still feels tight where the collumella meet the upper lip. My upper lip doesn't elevate as high when I smile as before. This wont change much because the rib they used for the septum wont move like your own cartilage.

    Best of luck,

  17. JANUARY 2014
    doudouattsu : 8 January - ?
    trishul : mid Jan 2014 (12th or 18th for 2 weeks) kakaoID :ladyboss
    shuong: 14 Jan - 27 Jan ( trip confirmed)
    keching: 15 January - 27 January 2014 (trip confirmed)
    sundaeloveCinderella123: Jan 16th - 28th (trip confirmed)
    Penguin23: Jan 19-30
    Cumicumi: 25 jan - 5 feb

    FEBRUARY 2014
    Makeover: February 4th - March 10th
    ThuyTrang: February 4th - February 12th
    pinkjade316: February 10 - 23 Kakao: pinkjade316 (trip confirmed)
    CocoApple: February 13-20 Kakao: kirika88 (trip confirmed)
    Mizubunnie: February 17 - ?
    AnnaCrush2506: February 27 - 9 March Kakao: AnnaC2506 (trip confirmed)

    MARCH 2014

    APRIL 2014
    April - May 2014
    chicbunbun: April 21 - May 15 Kakao: chicbunbunt
    seoulparisienne: April 9-20, (trip confirmed) PM me for my Kakao!

    MAY 2014
    hoebee May 11 - 25cinch87 May 15 - 25

    JUNE 2014 - Moonsoon (rain) season starts latter half of the month, fyi.

    JULY 2014
  18. It's okay. You don't have to prove you have a measly master degree. You had to do something because doctorate didn't work out. Peace.

  19. As you said above, Dr. Mendelson is a western surgeon. By what you said, it should be westernized right? So you did use the term, no?
  20. In terms of geography, the US is more East of you than West so yeah your geographical knowledge is limited as well. And "cultural affiliation"? Huh? What the heck are you talking about? Do tell, do you have a college degree?
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