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Posts posted by lil_tiga

  1. Hi maybe it can go either way. Some people the lateral muscle becomes larger as it compensates for the muscle loss. I think everyone on here had both muscles reduced though
  2. hello they quoted me a maximum of $2500. the reason i chose against muscle resection is because it is a more serious operation, and longer recovery time. honestly i just hope for an inch reduction which is possible with nerve ablation but if you want more than that i think muscle resection is better. hope that helps :smile:
  3. hello :smile: i think calf resection is actually the more dangerous, operations on legs have a way higher chance of blood clots. nerve injury could cause pain if it's damaged but that can be fixed with nerve ablation, other than that i don't think it could be life-risking. Also you should consider the risk of flying, but i think the compression stockings help with blood flow a lot. I guess it is just weighing up your options :/ no other method can match the reduction that resection gives
  4. how are you now? can you walk ok? who did the neurectomy? also how large is the cut behind the knee?
  5. Hello i am thinking of having the radiofrequency that directly burns the muscle not the nerve. I was considering Dr Liu but i think his prices are too much for me :sad: when are you planning on having the surgery?
  6. With radiofrequency i think there is not definitely a reduction. Neurectomy i heard sometimes the nerves repair but i think that is with the old method where they were cut in one place only. I am considering neurectomy as well :smile:
    Could you message me Dr Liu's email address? I emailed the clinic but they didn't reply. How much did he say it would cost? I am concerned about going to America though cos i think South Korea has better quality plastic surgery
  7. Hello, i am really worried about Dr jong now, because of the bad stitches and also on another thread a person mentioned they went to taiwan for calf reduction and now cannot stand for more than 2 hours. Actually i am reconsidering whether to get neurectomy instead of resection. Dr park says he is one of the only PS who does resection because it is a difficult operation, but i think other plastic surgeons are not keen because it is a more risky operation. I emailed Grand clinic in Seoul and they offer muscle resection as well.
  8. oh my god that's horrible!! how long ago did you have it? was it muscle resection with dr jong? i'm so sorry, i really hope somehow it manages to improve. have they agreed to any corrective surgery or compensation?
  9. oh no that's really bad that Dr Jong wouldn't see you :sad: have things improved at all?
  10. hi i'm so sorry you're having a difficult recovery, are you feeling any better now? From past posts it seems most people have a low-point around day 5-7. Aspirin is anti-inflammatory so maybe try taking 2 a day (or whatever the box suggests). For stretches maybe try lowering your heels as much as you can so soon you can walk on flat feet, and also stand a foot away from a wall and lean your stomach towards the wall to stretch the back of your calf. keep us updated on your recovery! How long until you fly home? how long is the flight?
  11. Hi, i think with selective neurectomy sometimes the nerves recover and so the muscle starts regenerating back to the original shape which is why people opt for the resection. what date are you having the surgery?
  12. Hi im planning on going in may or june? and really do not want to go alone!! Originally i was planning on going to dr jong because of price but maybe if we went as a group to dr park we could get a discount on hotel room etc?
  13. hi teenagedirt can u pm me some pics or email? how did u find Dr Jong? does he speak and understand english well? I am torn as not many people have gone to him but i would save so much money!
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