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Posts posted by bobbycat

  1. Under the muscle, crease incision. The pain is the same whether it be through the armpit or belly button. Let me guess you were able to drive right after your surgery? XD Heavy lifting on the first day too? Anyway, two of my friends got theirs done as well, it was a tough recovery for them too. And according to forums dedicated to b.a. no one is exclaiming how easy recovery is on the contrary.
    Please for girls considering breast augmentation make sure you have someone with you the first few days, going alone abroad to get it done is not smart. It is not like facial plastic surgery. Also join a breast implant forum.
  2. Hi,

    Did you get yours done in Korea? Yeah most doctors won't give you more than 6mm. I'm just afraid 6mm won't be enough for me and I have thick skin too. I won't push for more though..
  3. Lol, where did you hear that? Korea is the number 1 spot in terms of plastic surgery for nose, eyes and other such facial augmentation (for Asians) I would say. A simple Google search will confirm this. Yeah I know being ranked number 1 (or in the top 5) for country with the most plastic surgery done and having hundreds upon hundreds of clinics in its capital doesn't necessarily correlate to best country for plastic surgery, but you've seen the photos (of regular people), Korean idols, actresses etc and finally a lot of people on this forum wanting to go to Korea for cosmetic surgery. We didn't decide to go randomly, there's a reason. Where as for Japan I haven't seen much or anything at all for that matter.
  4. Lol, you should DEFINITELY get into contact with the doctors before purchasing your ticket, that way they know you're coming and will make room for you if necessary. I'm fortunate enough to have friends in Korea, but many other things I have to plan out.
  5. At least with small clinics you know the doctor you talk to will be the same doctor operating on you! I would hope.
  6. Oh I misread. This is with alar reduction. You can get the price down to 3.5mkrw, but you would have to do this in person with them. Keep shopping around.
  7. First off 4mkrw for bridge aug and tip work (basic nose job) is not reasonable, you can definitely find a better price for the same exact thing. Do your research, there is probably at least close to 100 or more clinics.

    And broken, you should keep emailing clinics to see what different places suggest. Maybe the photos you sent in weren't reflective of how your nose really is (lighting, bad quality etc). Don't be afraid of silicone, I'll most likely use silicone myself =). My tip is bulbous too, but I assumed that would be fixed when they are correcting the tip and not as a $eparate extra. They certainly made no mention of it being the case when I was doing my round of emails.
  8. Gosh they are ripping you off..can you describe your nose?
    Remember the more expensive isn't always better. I got a procedure done locally for 7.4k where there were others charging up to 10-11k..my results are great, aftercare is excellent too.

    Anyway implant and tip work range from 1.5-3mkrw (I emailed a bunch of places last summer) anything extra should be 500 000-1mkrw. And if you pay in local currency some of these places will exempt the 10% tax if not keep haggling for a better price.
  9. Yeah I don't think they do..my best bet is that one of the staff members knows at least some basic English (unless you're planning to get your surgery at a place like grand or jw xD). Minimal to basic English isn't going to suffice..you'll need an interpreter or better yet a friend that's a local.

    I know I'm not taking that risk and will have my friend accompany me. I also don't want to get ripped off.
  10. I'll ask her again! Last year around when I was emailing for quotes I got 2.5-3mil krw at most places for implant and tip work. Also got back some ridiculous prices like 6mil krw for the same procedure. I wonder how much prices have increased..
  11. My friend lives in Korea, I will ask her to come to the consultations with me. My budget for implant and tip work using ear/septal cartilage is 4k max, although I'm sure the average cost of this procedure is less than 4k at most clinics (excluding rib rhino or extra stuff done to your nose). If worse comes to worst I will go to the clinic my friend had hers done, at least I will get a good price and I'm sure they'll be able to deliver on results as my friend's results are pretty dramatic and she only did the basic implant and tip work.

    Accommodations, food and flight are separate expenses.
  12. I'm sure you'll get a discount too. What's your budget for each procedure?
  13. Aww it must suck not to have done all that on your first go! Yes I'm looking to get bridge augmentation and tip work done and hopefully nothing else as I don't think I need alar reduction or an osteotomy (but I've seen cases where people with low thin nasal bridges still get one..meant for wide bones or if there is a bump). I'm still in my research phase, not going to one of those many "factories."
  14. Not sure yet! The new year or April when I graduate. Hmm I looked at Jung and Item, Jung was never an option and crossed off Item early on.
  15. Oh my..unless you have a friend or your mom going with you, you def don't want to get your breasts done non-locally. Without my mom I would've literally died, you'll need someone to feed you, yes you read right feed you, bathe you, give you your medicine, change your clothing, help you get out of and into bed, take you to the washroom etc. The first few days are absolute hell! I was lucky the meds didn't make me nauseous, but it does to a lot of girls which means puking while you're already in excruciating pain. Only after a week you'll start to feel better, but I mean you'll still be on your pain meds I can guarantee you that and you can't carry heavy stuff such as your suitcase..
  16. Hey anyone from Canada planning to go to Korea to get their nose done? =)

    I got one procedure done locally, now I am looking to go to Korea for my nose job. I know it's best to go to clinics that are popular with locals and celebrities, meaning these places aren't heavily advertised (to foreigners and locals alike) or at all for that matter(?), otherwise they'd be bombarded with stalkers.
    Anyway just wondering if anyone knows of these clinics and if you care to share =). Seems like the majority go to places that are heavily advertised to us outsiders..I rather go to the clinics not advertised at all to foreigners.
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