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Posts posted by iaan

  1. Maybe you can get your friend to help me get a response? I have emailed them 3 months ago and recently on July 25th. There's no time in world that will heal this up either. Need I not call again.

    And Yes. Its disgusting...I most definitely will be fixing it. I will be spending twice as much in correcting what ID did.

    It's more than just the contouring, it don't function.
  2. People post here because they like to complain? How would you know of any good reliable clinics if they didn't.

    Lucky you that your id team friend took good care of you. What a bargain, Awesome!!! 👍🔫

    Personally I wouldn't go back if they offered me a free revision. Wish I was one of the lucky ones like you.
  3. I wish this thread was posted a week earlier, I regret ever going to Korea. My surgery date was November 12th 2012 at ID Hospital. I undergone a 2 jaw, zygoma and V-line. I ended with more than I asked for and they all failed terribly as well. As time progresses in healing the botched surgeries are surfacing. My face is left disfigured and asymmetrically bent weird.

    All I wanted was to even out my right cheek to match my left cheek as well as correct my gummy smile and bite. Now both sides still remains uneven. I have lost my high prominent cheek bones and now my right side is disfigured.
    As for my 2 Jaw, my mouth is impacted and set back way too much leaving me with a compressed mouth (collaspe of lower face/loss of lip support) and un-proportional face to the rest of my body. My septum is severely deviated from the impaction of the 2 jaw leaving me with breathing difficulties both side of my nostril. My bite does not make any contact. Jaw joint is popping frequently and locks when open my mouth up to 3 fingers.

    I came to ID because what I heard and thought on this forum was that Dr. Park Soon was conservative and one of the best. He was the total opposite of what my faith and trust had believe him to be. When I was unhappy with the contouring and questioned on the proportion structure of my face. He had a different side of him the nurses didn't find my questioning appropriate. The rooms atmosphere totally changed all I felt was that they wanted me to leave.

    Looking at my post X-rays there were operations done that he was unaware of which i found peculiar but I didn't think much of it at the time. Reading itsumobaby threads has made it all clear and verified all the rumors to be true.

  4. Yea well hope they see this -------
    <-------- My Profile Picture)

    Zygoma Disaster. The REALNESS happens here. I'll save my face debut for the final finale.
  5. She hasn't yet replied, I doubt she ever will. Currently I'm living in Thailand I'm thinking to consult with the doctors here for an option to restore my jaw with out having another 2 jaw.

    Turningpoint I appreciate your help in finding ways to help me. But this is more than just looks too. I'm going over the old post to find the reconstructive Doctor you mentioned.

    I haven't yet contacted ID Hospital. I was hoping to get intouch with Zoe first. Plus I don't know if my jaw is strong enough yet for another 2jaw surgery at the moment. It clicks when I chew and I can't eat hard gummy foods. I get these sharp pain on the left side of my lower jaw.
  6. I took a picture of the post X-ray. That is not that important. You want the original x-rays. A medical certificate is a letter by the hospital that states what type of augmentation/procedures they have performed on the patient.

    Yes I held myself together also because I didn't want to leave on a bad term I had already planned on returning for a revision.

    I did agree with Dr. Park after my next visit that I had to give it time. I was hoping for a miracle that my face will grow. It just got smaller and smaller.
  7. Did you mean asymmetrical? I understand how frustrating it is and the pain your going through. But when it comes to facial measurement it can look like a lot. I do believe that they over did it. Because I can actually press a ruler against my zygoma and measure the distance where it use to be. And it's more than just a little millimeters.

    He did not convince me. I had no idea I gotten a genio and mandible angular reduction until I saw the xray and asked for a medical certificate the day I left Korea. I use the certificate to travel.

    I also have a copy of the Data Analysis Sheet as well as the X-rays. I learned to control myself and put on a fake smile at the end in order to get these things.
  8. I got 2 jaw, mandible, v-line, genio and zygoma. Dr. Park did gave me a grin when I was not happy. He tried to reassure me by saying "we did the best that we can". He told me to give it some time and the nurse gotten upset at me when I started questioning him. He asked me if I was concern about the contouring. I just picked up my head and looked dead right at him. He than left the room with a laugh.

    I didn't need time to tell because I didn't want a small face. So just imagine how small is it now. If it was small when swollen.

    As for having zygoma I wanted my right side to be even with the left. They decided to cut both sides. :sad: I had high cheek bones. Because they shifted my cheeks so far now I have a indent running along side of my face.

    As for the 2 jaw they decided to set me back 5mm. After we agreed on 4mm which i thought was alot. If you don't know that is a huge distance when it comes to facial measurements. My chin is compressed to my Adam's apple. It's f^ck'd up looking. It's like neck to chin. No jaw.

    Pm your email. It's easier to show you than explaining it. The only goal in my life right now is to pull my jaws back out and fix this dent on my face.
  9. I appreciate your support in helping me to stay positive. I remember you Turningpoint. I don't know anything about a temporary fix with fat graft but interested, I will look into it.

    Those whom I thought where my friends that suggested this clinic suddenly disappeared. They gotten free revisions but their procedure was not invasive. It's easier to take out an implant.

    Some got burned and scared from accu-lift by ID. I find it ironic that they were the ones who recommended ID ended up needing revisions and left scared. I don't know if they were just influence by this forum.
  10. I was thinking on going back to get a revision. I am quite piss off that Dr. Park might not have been the one that did my surgery after reading this.
    Looking back he told me that he did not touch my chin during my check ups.

    However he showed me the post x-rays and I said " is that a genioplasty?" I remember now that he did looked surprised. He replied yup we gave you a genioplasty like you wanted.
    I did consulted if one be best for me. At that time I thought it would be good. But he told me no that my chin is fine.

    I thought I was getting a real good deal. But truthfully now i think, his apprentices were just using my face to get some experience.

    This was the worst mistake of my life going to Korea. It's been over 8months now. My face is totally asymmetrical. My cheeks are f'd up. The right side of my cheek has a indent crease. I can feel the bone from where it use to be. It's been shifted downwards about a 1/4 of an inch.

    My jaw is very compress. I speak with a lisp now. And my chin is very small and jaw line very narrow. I look like an alien at certain angles. Because my head is still the normal size.

    I tried emailing the translator I used telling her about my conditions but no reply yet. (2nd day).

    My face looks deformed and I'm afraid of going back to ID Hospital even if they offered me a free revision. I can't afford it get it fixed either at the moment.

    Just like to give a big thank to Dr. Park for messing me up and his crew. The excuse I use when my friends ask me about my face is that I got jumped and gotten my face kicked in.

    ID Hospital is NO GOOD. I have the B&A's to prove it. And f@ck all of you that I sent my B&A's to months back telling me it was fine and blaming me for forum members trashing Zoe. What ever she did with them has nothing to do with me.

    Ps. I still believe to this day that some of the pills given to me were psychiatric med's.
  11. Yo yo what up?! How you do? Did you really read the post before I deleted. Cool!Haha! I thought I was forgotten and everyone had moved on. I'm glad to see you are still active. For the past year so many ppl have come and gone.

    I am still alive and well. All that excess skin I spoke about from zygoma has disappeared. But if I pinch me skin I can pull n stretch it quite far. Probably not a good idea as it is still healing to my jaw muscles.

    Yes the main thing was my mouth I wanted to correct but my face is up there as well. Half of the human face is consist of the upper and lower jaws. I do smile a lot now which is weird becoz I never did. :smile:

    How is your V-line healing up?

    Happy holidays to you n your fams.
  12. Hi Karime...I am back in New York. I was unable to get orthodontist treatment in Thailand due to various reasons. I have a facial bone/orthodontist doctor in new york that will perform the final stage of orthodontist treatment.

    Being back in New York is tough. I was feeling so much better in Thailand. Family and relatives had a lot to say about my new face. My sister in law said my face looked compressed. My cousin said I looked weird and fake but not bad. My mom I over heard said I looked like a cat to my uncle which said I looked better.

    So far I have shut off my phone because I'm embarrass to see my friends. But being born and rise in NYC has made my skin thick...New Yorkers we just say how it is. I respect the honesty thou.

    The doctor in NY thought I looked good he was very supportive and is personally helping me thru orthodontist treatment to widen my face. He said it with take 12-18months and will only be a little bit of change. Right now he promise he will help give me a tight bite.

    I am about 6 weeks post now. I still think my jaw was pushed in too far and face augmented way too small. The doctor in NY told me to get use to my new look.

    I think Dr. Park have done an excellent job but it just wasn't done on the right candidate. I feel it definitely a communication error.

    I am happy with my doctor in New York he is taking the time to talk to me. I just realize from the frontal x-rays yesterday that Dr. Park has given me a split genio ( T-shape cut )to narrow my chin/jaw line. I really wish he explained what he will do before surgery or at least inform what he did after. I just don't think it's fair to the patient.

    I am doing fine...I have lost 20lbs and maintaining a weight of 168lbs@72inches. I'm quite lean and thin from running 2-3 miles every day in Thailand. I am starting to like the shape of my head. I love my teeth and smile. I am very happy my mouth is no longer crooked. Dr. Park perfectly canted(rotated) my jaw dead center.
  13. My overall experience isn't so good. As for pain, it is tolerable. You are given painkiller in your IV and a second thumb trigger for extra back up. I'm a quicker healer so my swelling subsided in about 14 days. I didn't really swell until the 4th day. I had a compression bandage to keep the swelling down.

    "For me" my jaw line is horrible. It doesn't look normal. My face is short and chin is pushed in too much. I found one angle where I can hide my awkward shaped jaw line. It is obvious that I had PS done as you can see the plasticky and especially when I smile. I also have a little bit of extra skin underneath my jaw which I never had.

    You may have a better result than me. Good luck!

    ID Hospital ( 2 Jaw, Genioplasty, Zygoma, Mandible Reduction and V-Line )
  14. If you get a 2 jaw after your rhinoplasty, the shape of your nose may change. I wanted rhinoplasty in the beginning but hated my mouth more. So I chose to opt for a 2 jaw first.

    You should consult with a doctor about rhinoplasty / 2 jaw. I wanted to do both at the same time but doctors did not permit it. Due to breathing problems and also nose shifting. It will be very difficult to breath just alone on a 2 jaw.

    FYI: A rhinoplasty can camouflage the mouth.

    Good luck!
  15. Yup! I know what the mandible is. And yes they did push up my mouth 3mm. It's called an impaction. The only way your mouth goes up is to trim the bone. They usually trim right below the nostrils to shorten the face, in my case I had the gummies.

    You can YouTube a 2 jaw to see an animated procedure or the real thing.
  16. It's not a total fail but it def not what I expected. My lower jaw is a bit narrow and looks wierd plasticky. It dosent match my forehead/upper skull. I am just 3.5 weeks now. My chin is still changing but the length of my face is still the same since day 1. I want to give it 6 weeks before I do B&a's. I can't give a real legit update until than.

    I can email you a B&a. If you pm your addy.
  17. No I received a 3mm impaction. This is the length of my face where they trim the maxilla. The mandible is the jaw line right below your ears.

    They gave me a 5mm set back. Moving my mouth back. This was a huge amount in facial measurement. This will drastically change your profile.

    I believe the 3mm was for the gummy. I wish he had explained more information to me before the surgery. But I believe they leave out details incase the patient backs out of the procedure.
  18. Because they took 3mm off the length for the gummy smile? I'm not sure...the doctor never told me. I found this out on my medical certificate because I was afraid to be un-recognized passing thru immigration.

    But I do know that if your face is shorten or set back in any length. They will need to give a v-line to restore your original shape or a genioplasty.

    I am spending time with family relative here. I will be going to Thailand tomorrow for my orthodontist treatment.
  19. Hi, I am feeling better but unhappy with my result. Now that my swelling has subsided. My face has dramatically shorten and is extremely small. My head does not fit my body frame.

    I still wear a face mask to hide my face. I get depress when I look in the mirror.

    Still regretting that I ever had 2 jaw...I recently found out that I gotten a mandible reduction. This explains my jaw line...i was unaware. Seems like the doctor gave me a feminine jaw line. I am very upset about this.

    I didn't want to post publicly yet about myself because of the timing. So I left my last update on a positive note.

    The best thing now, I'm finally chewing and eating real food.

    Thanks by the way, I am in Hong Kong now.
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