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Posts posted by b-jane

  1. Yes I’d be so grateful if you asked your friend. My concern is that due to explanting, the sagging will make it difficult to fill with fat grafting. Also, did they get both procedures done at once?
  2. Thank you for your response!
    The vain side of me, of course, wants to replace the implants because results are obviously better.
    My pragmatic side is thinking as I get older I want to limit health risks as much as possible and replacing them every several years doesn’t sound appealing to me.
    What is DA and which clinic is Dr Koo from?
  3. Hi all. I have had breast implants since 2012 from Seoul Korea. The result was great and overall a good experience. However, I started noticing ripplings about a month ago. I am now contemplating on whether I should replace the implants and with what kind OR remove the implants and do fat grafting instead. Some of the horror stories of breast implants illness are scaring me so I am leaning towards fat grafting. I hope someone will be able to help me decide! Here are my Qs:

    What was your experience like after removing implants?
    Was it painful?
    Did the skin sag tremendously?
    Did you have to heal before doing fat graft procedure?
    If so, how long did you have to heal?
    Is fat grafting sustainable or did you have to do it several times?
    Please recommend a good clinic for this.

    Thank you in advance!
  4. Hi, I messaged you :smile:
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