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Posts posted by lovergirly

  1. who was the doctor @ designerps?? he did a good job :smile:
  2. you had magic epi twice??? was the revision done by dr. kwon?? or was the primary done by dr. kwon??

    oh wow - 9 months to fully disappear??? that is a long time- was she able to cover it up with concealer before it fully disappeared?

    ...and does your sister regret her magic epi with dr kwon?? or is she happy with her results?
  3. alex229,
    thank you so much for your honest reply!! at first, i thought i didn't need ptosis correction but i sent out my pictures to some PS and some said ptosis correction would make my eyes look better - they said my pupils don't show 100% ><

    about the magic epi...i understand it can really change ones impression~ i actually wanted a very subtle epi...(honestly, i just really want to change the shape of my upper fold towards the inner corners to make my overall eyes look more like a semi-circle shape)
    and well, when i look at dr kwons work, i see that he is able to do that with some patients

    once again, thank you for being honest :smile:
  4. yea....i, too, would wait a little longer tbh
  5. thanks ...one of the reasons why i went to teuim for consultation was because of this...he is known for it - the magic epi is registered under teuim lol
  6. hello deepeyes,
    first of all, thank you for taking the time to write this for me..
    i am unsure whether or not i want ptosis correction OR magic epi... i have to choose either one (b/c i cannot pay for both at the moment) therefore, i want to first do the surgery that would be more beneficial to me..

    yes, i read that dr kwon "invented" the magic epi ... when you say he focuses on upward cut, does that mean he is able to somewhat change the shape of my eye on the upper fold part (to make it more into a semi-circle/half moon shape)??

    and ...i would not blame you guys since surgery is ultimately my decision ...i know u guys are here to help -for advice and suggestions :smile:

    also, i know i posted a pic while back and asked for opinions ...before i decide on anything, i need your opinions again
    this time, i took pictures from different angles and one of the picture, i am wearing a little bit of eyeliner

    can you guys please take a look and tell me which surgery would help me in getting pretty eyes?? i cannot decide between MAGIC EPI vs. PTOSIS CORRECTION (please help)

  7. hey~~
    it's alright ^^ i understand -i would get annoyed if people did that to me and thank you so much for giving me the details about the girl's surgery...
  8. hey~
    actually, i'm not 100% sure now if I'll do it with them, that's why I'm asking you bc this is only the 2nd bad review I've heard about Dr Kwon...

    I only paid a deposit and I don't mind losing it... Knowing how her epi got messed up would actually be helpful b/c everybody has different eye shapes to begin with... So, can you please tell me how her magic epi was botched??

    As for my surgery, I am not going in for revision - it is for MAGIC EPI and maybe PTOSIS CORRECTION..(therefore, i'm not going to really mess with my fold)

    I've heard good things about IOU on this forum but mostly for REVISION and that's not what i need

    so, please...can you give me details of how the epi was messed up?? (Scarring? Eyes too close together?) you can private message if you feel more comfortable (i tried PMing you but ur inbox is full T.T)
  9. hehe, thanks goldfishintown... actually, i was asking her what surgery the girl got...
    are you still going to teuim after reading her post about the girl's botched eye surgery? O_o just wondering
  10. thanks for the reply, itsumobaby~ really appreciate it ..

    yea, i've noticed that a lot of plastic surgeons recommend additional surgery that sometimes is unnecessary..

    so... he messed up the girl's magic epi. surgery? how was it messed up?? scarring? i just wonder how he messed magic epi. bc he is the one who invented it?

    ...and i did NOT pay for surgery yet, thankfully :smile:
  11. *sigh* how unfortunate T.T
    i'm truly worried

    can you please tell me what kind of eye surgery she got??

    was it the 'ptosis' ?? the 'epicantho'?? revisional double eyelids??
    this would help me a lot ~~~ thanks sooo much itsumobaby

  12. hi... thanks for the offer but, i have already booked my surgery :smile:
  13. oh yea..that's what i meant ..mild sedation not general anesthesia ...
    thank u, kianpark ^_^
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