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Posts posted by joo_joo2704

  2. Hi there!

    I haven't seen your pics but I wanna share some info so you may find it useful:
    I strongly believe that you will get an even leg with time! Since Dr.Park removes the muscle from the middle part so the muscle near the knees as well as the muscle on the lower calf remain as before. After this surgery, since the muscle is kinda paralyzed, it gets atrophied and in turn it tends to shrink a lot. For this reason u can see that denty muscle and it has to be hard since it's your original muscle that is kept untouched! I would intuitively say the smaller natural calves you have, the more visible the remaining bulged muscle is. So since you have started with the smaller size like 34, it makes sense that you have the lower bulged muscle more denty. Mine is also more obvious on one of my legs that was naturally smaller for 0.5 cm. I would say it will be way more even once your muscles start to come out from the atrophy phase and get filled in that happens usually in month 4 or 5.
  3. Hi ffxlulu,

    I went through your posts and I found your smallest sizing in month 3. So hope I get smaller by then and my final size after regrowing stays something around my current size although I am now 1 cm less than my last size reported! Keeping up with wrapping for a long time will definitely affect the final results though as Dr.Park recommended.
    Do anyone of you guys have any idea where I can find the bandages which Dr.Park uses?! Actually I didn't find the same bandages in any pharmacies and had to buy thicker ones that work well but the only thing that I don't like is that I have to use longer tapes to fix them on place so my tapes run out so quickly:sad:( I looked for them in Amazon as well as eBay but they are apparently of the same type that I'm currently using or the self adhesive ones that are not suitable to keep them wrapped on bare legs for a long time! The good thing is that they make my legs super skinny:biggrin:
  4. Hello everyone,

    Could those who have already passed at least 6 months post op describe their muscle growth after the 4th month? CZ in one of the posts, a girl had shared an email from Dr.Park saying that after month 4, the muscle starts to get more defined and may grow a bit bigger but again it can shrink a bit...So I really appreciate to give me more idea how it goes...I am in 2 month post op and so satisfied with my current shape and size although I feel they get swollen once I keep them unwrapped for more than two hours( the only thing that I don't like is that the legs look just a little uneven that I know they are supposed to be even once the muscle starts to grow). I hope the muscle does not grow more than the necessary amount for feeling the gap!
  5. Yes, I completely agree with you babyangel! It is a long time that I've been considering the other girls legs and even I would say most of the girls have skinny legs no matter how fat they are. I have seen a lot of girls who are not slim with big thighs, bellies which are full of fat but they got thin calves! A lot of my friends have never been slim in their life but they do have thin legs!
    If those who have bulky legs loose weight, they might get smaller sized legs but the bulkiness won't get removed and bulkiness is basically what made us hate our legs!
    So bulky legs can be either caused by genetics or physical activities that involve legs much.
  6. Hi guys!
    I want to explain about something in this post that I've never seen the others talk about before ( there might be some posts about it but I didn't see any). You guys might find it embarrassing but it is a point that might help you to have less discomfort in your post_op.
    Anyways, it is about the first time you have to pee after the surgery!:smile:) You will really want to pee but probably you can't! I don't know how to explain but it is a bad feeling...just want to let you know that it has nothing to do with the numbness by the anesthesia...so don't get scared! So, have a plastic bottle with yourself and ask the nurse to fill it with pretty warm water ( not so hot that burns :smile:) ) and pour it on yourself slowly ( you guys know where I exactly mean:smile:) ) while sitting on the toilet bowl. It stimulates the nerves in charge and in turn the reflection system so you can pee very easily!;)
    Really hope that it helps! Again sorry if I wrote about it this way!:smile:
  7. Hi there!

    Your legs look super good!!!!! I can't believe it! So natural n well shaped n thin! I am so happy for you:smile:
    Also thanks for sharing the detailed info about the cream n message! I found your posts ( from the beginning once you were writing about your first post-op days) very helpful n organized and hope you post your new experiences. I am always comparing my recovery with yours:smile:
    Thanks again
  8. Hi there!

    Happy that you came back to the forum as you were not posting for a while.
    As I remember, you used to complain about the knee pain and I'm wondering if it is gone thoroughly. Also wanna confirm that the post op posture that you complained about is just a habit that you got due to the post op discomfort and now, you can fix it ( walk pretty straight as you mentioned) with no trouble once you notice that you are unconsciously in a bad posture.
    My final question is about your heel pain after walking for a long time and the numbness:cool: In your previous posts, you mentioned that you feel numbness on your feet and in a recent one, you said that you still feel numb on your right foot. So does it mean that your left leg is already recovered in the sense of numbness? Also, do you feel that the numb area of the right leg is getting smaller with time? If so, we can be hopeful that the remaining numb area is gonna fade gradually. How about your heel pain? Can you walk longer than before with no heel pain?
    Sorry for my long detailed questions:smile:
  9. Hi everyone,

    I have been off from the forum for a while and came back again and saw that it is getting more active these days!
    I am going to do the surgery with Dr.Park in May ( I was planning to have it done earlier as I mentioned in my previous posts but I couldn't because of some reasons) and wondering if there's any of you guys who wants to do it with him at the same time! You can email me at [email protected].
  10. Thank you very much pcc1 for sharing your experience! I hope you can fix it so you can get rid of the tightness ASAP.
    I just have some questions:
    First, would you let us know with whom you did this surgery? And what did he say when you let him know about your tightness or the other problems in your leg?
    Secondly, I am wondering if this scar tissue can be due to a bad or insufficient aspiration?
    An important question: When did you first feel that something is going wrong with this leg in compared with the other leg?
    Finally, if we assume that even after their para-clinic investigation, they confirm that the problem is caused by the scar tissue, is it correctable ( I wish again that they can correct it )?
    would you let us know how your treatment goes on once you see something progressive?
  11. Hi again!
    I just got that you have already shared your email address!
  12. Hi sszz!

    Did You email me?! If so, I replied that was so late! I wanted to send you a PM but you don't have the option of PM yet!
  13. Hi Nikisha!

    I am also planning to go to OZ at the same time! But my plan is not fixed yet! So I'm gonna join...cz you are a new member, I can't send you a private massage...So how can I contact you if my plan gets fixed for the beginning of December?! You can find my email address on page 133 of this forum.
  14. Hi sszz!

    I really like to go there with another girl ( much better that taking my husband that will get more expensive to buy a ticket, hotel...plus he works full time) but my plant is not fixed yet!
    I preferred to go in January but I had forgotten the ticket price drops in February! You can contact me at
    [email protected] if you want.
  15. gondolarez! Thank you so much for sharing your photos. The muscular part of my lower legs is pretty bulged up! But the fact is that basically my muscles are very potential to develop! So do you think I will regain muscle by even zumba, aerobics...after the op?
    By the way, I know that Dr.Park does not do TOTAL resection of the gastro muscle (in the method of calf resection surgery) cause the other muscles will compensate for it so I couldn't get you when you said he couldn't excise all of the gastro muscle!
  16. I'm wondering which type of sports you did after the surgery? Did you use your legs a lot in those? I have been also active for a long time(that's why my calves are muscular) but I am gonna just do aero dance, zumba, aerobics after the op!
  17. Hi gondolarez!

    It is so bad to hear that you are not satisfied with your surgery result but would you let us know why you are not satisfied with it if you don't mind?:smile:
  18. OMG! I had never seen it (partial muscle resection) before among the options given by Dr.Liu! Please let us know if Dr.Liu does that whenever you receive his answer back! Thanks!
  19. Hi ffxlulu!

    I am soooooo happy to hear that your recovery is going on very well. Take care of yourself so you can regain your normal status very soon.
  20. Hi creativeflower!

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I was really wondering if the results of selective neurectomy would be permanent for all the patients cz as I got from Dr.Liu's website, there is a chance that the muscle regrows and I couldn't find the other patients who have it done before...until you posted your experience:smile:
    Yes, as you said, it might be effective for many girls. I hope that you also find your way to get your ideal legs very soon. Thanks again.:smile:
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