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Posts posted by vanillabeans

  1. I did primary rhino at April31 4 years ago and all has been good so far. Could it be because you’re not used to your new look? It took some time for me to get used to my new look and my eyes are definitely a little closer now that my nose bridge is higher. If you could share some pictures, it would be good.
  2. I was looking into doing liposuction in Seoul but couldn’t find much information here so thought I’d share my experience. I had fat accumulate around my arms, back, love handles, abdomen, flanks post-partum that was resistant to exercise and diet. My BMI is about 21-22 so was looking into a complete upper body liposuction procedure.

    I was going to Seoul for a work trip for a week and had extended my stay for about 8 days to do the surgery. I reached out to the more well known clinics for quotes - Evita, LaPrin, Pretty body, 365mc. Evita and LaPrin came back with pretty reasonable pricing whereas the other 3 clinics had a higher markup on their pricing for foreigners. I couldn’t bring myself to pay that much knowing how their local pricing is like. If you’re interested to look at B/A photos and actual pricing that Koreans are paying for any kind of surgery, you can download apps like 바비톡 or 강남언니. You need to know Korean to use these apps. There are a lot of other clinics that do liposuction such as Rovl Avenue, Sangsang (just to name a few) just that I’m not sure if they cater to foreigners. (If you have your own translator it might not be an issue here. I’ve friends and relatives in Korea but didn’t want to trouble them for my personal business.)

    Evita never got back to me when I requested for a consultation at their office which was a shame and since I didn’t have the luxury of time to visit different clinics, I went with LaPrin. My translator/consultant was Duyen Nguyen and she was a very nice and helpful lady that got back to me quickly whenever I texted her. She answered my queries regarding the procedure and we did a fat composition analysis test as well as a blood test prior to the surgery. I also met with the head doctor, Dr Park who would be doing the procedure for me.

    On the day of the surgery, there will be a lady come in to to take your body measurements for a compression garment. I had about 1800cc of fats/blood removed. They do Vaser Lipo which is supposed to remove less blood as as compared to the traditional method and should also reduce the appearance of bumps on your skin. I was actually hoping for more fats to be extracted but will see how the final results look a couple of months from now. LaPrin offers a 2 year guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the results. Duyen helped get my medication and also assisted while I attended their after care services which included oxygen therapy and a compression massage which is supposed to help with deswelling.

    It has been 4 days since my surgery and I’m enjoying the thorough after care services LaPrin offers. I’ve 10 incision points on my upper body and the nurses help to change the dressing daily. You are supposed to wear the compression garment 24/7 so for those who are thinking of doing Lipo, winter might be a better choice as summer in Korea is pretty brutal. Fortunately, I brought along clothes with buttons/zips all the way down as it was difficult to raise my arms after the surgery. I’m still swelling a little on my back and abdomen but my arms are looking good right now.
  3. I did the primary rhinoplasty with them more than a year ago, recovered really fast within 1 week, no bruising at all on my face but think I had some swelling on my face after looking at my post-op pics recently. My nose tip is still a little hard (I think this might be the same anywhere else) and I still can't do a piggy nose. On the overall, I'm quite satisfied as I got the tip and height definition I wanted. My friends think it looks really natural, and those that I didn't tell this to could definitely notice a difference about me, but can't pinpoint it to my nose. They just thought I lost some weight.
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