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Posts posted by cik

  1. Surely if the Korean government won't do it's job, then someone else might do.
    This is a civilised would , justice has to be done !
  2. Hi Vian

    thats very kind of you.
    I'd loke to think positively. however, my double eyelids' cutting lines were not even, plus very bad stitching.
    they are asymmentry obviously, everybody tells me that, and they all ahve second thought of having operation in seoul now. they supposed to go seoul next year.
    If the asymmetry were never gone, what should I do? I don't have the money to do revision.
    I am really depressed.

    photo 2 (6).jpg
  3. Hi dear

    how are you lately ? has things improved with you?
    I totally understand your feelings and i am exactly in the same situation.

    I had upper eyelid , lower eyelid ,epic and cheekbone reduction in REX seoul which was recommended by translator Anita's team.

    after 3 weeks, my upper eyelids were uneven, asymmentry and very bad stitches on the corner of right eye.
    my cheekbone looks like the same from my B&A x-rays but with two broken arches. on top of that, my right eyebrow connot raised as the left eyebrow.

    I wouldnt mind to share some post-op photos after i figure out how to insert picture with the text.

    take care

  4. hi dear

    as you have more posts on here, i assume that you have more experience with regards plastic sergury.

    I had my double eyelid and cheekbone reduction in REX which recommended by Translator Anita's team.

    as a result after 3 weeks, My eyes are uneven and asymmtry. my cheekbones appear the same comparing the B&A X-ray. even worse, my right eyebrow connot raised as the left one.

    Has anyone had the similar experience ?
  5. Hi
    I have visited face line many times when I was in seoul . It seems
    quite good as there are always busy , lots of local customers.

    However I had listened to translator Anita's employee and had my
    surgery done in REX finally .

    This is the third week after my surgery, my eyelids look uneven,
    asymmetry . from the x rays I took B&A, my cheekbone
    Hasn't been reduced but left two broken cheekbone arches.

    has anyone had the same experience ? have your eyelids turned
    normal eventually? any ideas about the broken cheekbone arches?
    Many thanks
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