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Posts posted by janberan

  1. I have definitely crossed off the paranasal augmentation from my list after seeing so many bad reviews. I saw the results for BonQiuQiu on her blog and honestly, i don't see much of a difference and not only that, her smile looks awkward now.

    So with the concentric malar lift, are the fats pulled up and out wards toward the ears or more so up toward the eyes? I'm more worried about looking wide from the front as I have wide cheekbones than on my 45 degree profile.
    Also, do you mind me asking how much I should be expecting to pay roughly? I think it's time I start savings for my next surgery hahah
  2. Hey K! How are you? Was wondering how old you were when you had the concentric malar lift?
    Would you recommend any other surgeries to rectify sagging upper cheek fat? Or do you think this would be the ideal surgery?

    I was recommended fat grafting to my cheek area but I refused in the case i looked chubbier.. But now that I've had facial liposuction in my jowls area I realise fat moved/added to my frontal cheek area would improve my appearance a lot.
  3. Wow it's been such a long time since I've been on these boards!

    To answer your question I did in fact have my fat placed in the paranasal area.. There was obvious improvement after the surgery but a lot of it was also swelling.. I am now going onto my 8th week post surgery. I have absorbed most of the fat in the area, if not all. I can't tell if the improvement was also due to my power v lift procedure which is essentially facial liposuction.
    Judging from how I look right now, I'd say there is some improvement, but I would definitely need another session or two to completely remove.

    I am however a smoker, and smoking is believed to restrict blood circulation thereby causing some of the fat cells to die much quicker than in non smokers.
  4. WOW!! Your results are amazing! Congrats! I hope mine turn out the way yours has !
  5. @Dreamii I was told Power V is semi permanent.. I will gain the fat back if I gained weight.. However even prior to the surgery I was skinny and still had a chubby face. As for the lifting effect, I will still nevertheless go through the same ageing process as one who hasn't had it done.

    @Fantasyface I was told it would take 3 months to see the final results. please PM me or add me on kakao: janberan for the price I paid
  6. I am at day 3 post FG to forehead, nasolabial and chin.... And I look hideous and terribly swollen. I looking like poppin fresh.
    I know how you feel about the Asian part. I look less asian in an alien-looking way.
    Trust me, it's swelling. I hope mine goes down ASAP as well. I looked pretty good the day after surgery but right now I just want to hide.

    I can barely move my forehead cause it's so heavy. My eyes have gone smaller and swollen up as well.

    Everyone on here seems to lose all their swelling around the 2 week mark so let's pray it is the same for us, if not sooner.
  7. Hey! I'm feeling alright.. I'm just tired.
    Staying in my apartment cause I'm too tired to go out and don't want to show my fat taped up face.
    The only areas that hurt are where my fat was removed (tail bone and outer thighs). Other than that no pain! If I touch the incision areas it just feels a tiny bit sore
  8. Power v and buccal fat removal aren't the same.
    Power v is facial liposuction where the fat is removed through incisions made on the skin. Mine are behind my ear.

    Buccal fat removal is done by teasing the fat out through incisions made inside the mouth.

    So, with buccal fat removal you can only remove fat in the buccal area whereas power v can remove fat on almost any area of the face and neck. I had fat removed along my jawline and lower cheeks between my ear and mouth.
  9. I had a consultation with TLPS.. the translator said the specialist doctor for anti-aging and lifting wasn't willing to do the surgery if it was a hugely discounted price...... So maybe that's why these other surgeries are cheap.
    I ended up consulting with the trainee doctor and not the specialist himself cause he was apparently in a conference.
  10. It went well thank you :biggrin: .. There was a moment yesterday however, just before I was put under that I thought something would go wrong. The nurses couldn't find my vein or muscle for the sleep sedation .. They had to go back and forth my arms so they instead used the gas mask on me.

    I feel normal right now.. Nothing hurts besides my tail bone cause of the fat removal. So every time I lean back to lie down its kinda sore.

    I took off my headband and I can see my face is looking slimmer ! The headband is really uncomfortable cause it's squeezing my face so much. Hopefully there won't be sagging .. Tomorrow I will apparently swell up a lot so not looking forward to that =="
  11. I know right! Ridiculous!
    So from what it seemed, they weren't willing to budge on their pricing unless I were to go for a less experienced doctor.

    I'm glad I didn't do the surgery with them. I went with Dr Jung, YooSuk who also specialises in the Power V lift from The Line. I was told it was The Line who came up with the Power v lift in 2009.. They said If we asked any other clinic they would vouch for them that this is true.
    But im not sure which doctor was the one who designed it... Maybe someone can ask if they were still willing to consult both haha
  12. Ergh had consultation with TLPS before I decided my surgery with The Line. I booked my consultation months and months in advance.. I told them specifically for Power V and FG. Later i just asked for the price of eyelid surgery out of pure curiosity.
    Closer to date I asked for Dr Yung who specialises in these areas and Melissa told me to just remind the receptionists when I get there.

    Anyway when I went to the clinic and was supposed to see the consultant, she wasn't even there! I only saw the translator and the doctor. But it wasn't even Dr Yung I saw. The clinic assumed my main surgery was eyelid but I specifically told them I wanted to see Dr Yung. He was apparently at a conference that day and I ended up seeing his mentee.

    What I don't understand is despite them thinking I was going for an eyelid consultation, why didn't they give me an eyelid specialist but instead Dr Yung's mentee who seemed specialise in the areas I asked for Power V and FG. It was the same moment they realised their mistake that the doctor walked in so it seemed like they had always intended for me to see the mentee.

    When it came to discussing pricing, I didn't even see the consultant. Don't know where she was.. The English translator kept walking out of the room to call her to get a quote. Their initial quotation in the email for Power V was 3.5 million.. They quoted me a whopping 4.4 million and was only willing to drop it to 3.4 million.

    They even told me that Dr Yung didn't want to perform surgery on those who got a big discount but instead will let his mentee do it instead.

    I had high expectations for TLPS .. Although I did like the look of the receptionists. Very natural (not obviously plastic) and pretty I didn't like my experience with them at all.

  13. Hey K couture,

    Did you find the acculift procedure having any lifting effects? One if my main concerns is sagging as that's what I think I have and the volume.

    Do you mind me sending you my pictures privately for your opinion?
  14. Hey K, thanks for your insightful response ! I guess I'll definitely cross the implants off my list.
    I first heard about the concentric malar lift from yourself and the results are exactly what I want! I have a very chubby face but it also looks flat because it seems like gravity has caused my excessive fat to slightly sag and puddle around my lower cheeks. I was wondering would be the lift be an ideal for a young person? I'm only in my early 20s. I was considering the Power V Lift to create a defined jawline and remove fat from my lower cheeks so that my face doesn't look so chubby towards the bottom but I'm afraid it may cause my sagging and a gaunt look when I'm older.
    Please let me know what your thoughts are on my issue
  15. Thanks for the reply guys ! I saw Bongqiuqiu's post on her recent nasolabial implant surgery and I can't tell if it has changed her smile or not.. Some shots she still looks the same but others she looks a bit unnatural. I don't know if that's because she's had other surgeries too.

    I'm just hoping that if I get fat graft it'd last a while and not look like I've done nothing at all to them
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