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Posts posted by kimibon

  1. I am talking about iou Korea. Dr kang. Because usee there are many Dr kang out there. Before I decide on iou. I have considered ive, mvp, namu, banobagi (I have a friend who did there and it turned out really great, but I didn't choose there also because of high failure rates I see).. I think ps is really a hit or miss. If anyone have same experience, can pm me please. Thanks...
  2. Hi ladies, so I had my surgery done late last year Nov 2018. It has been at least 8 months and I realise the asymmetrical issue of my eyes is getting worst. I have emailed and kakao Dr kang a few times and their respond has not been helpful. They keep telling me it will turn out okay and I need to take singulare for 2 months.

    I could still try to understand and suck it up if it is 4 to 5 months mark. But it's 8months and going to 9th month now. I could tell the cut at one of my inner eye corner is not done well, and the scarring has interfered w the crease, making it higher, and therefore assymetrical than it alrdy is. I can accept slight assymetrical, but my current state is not acceptable. I am currently asking Dr kang for a revision but he seems like he's not keen. He did promised a 1 year return of free surgery if it did not went well. My guess is, they probably have too many patients going back for revision, that's why they don't dare to accept it so quickly.

    So far, I know 2 other ladies who did revision with Dr kang. Among the 3 of us, 2 of us have assymetrical results. The other one who had high crease issue has plans to get it re-do already.

    I do not have high crease. My issue here is assymetrical eyes. Rather depress now.
  3. Hi..
    My first non-incisional des was with Dr Andrew Tay at 10 Sinaran Dr, Singapore 307506. I went to him after reading a review from a blogger. It was foolish of me to believe a mere influencer and I think he did not do a good job. The stitches came undone in 1.5 years. In my opinion, I think the stitches came out so quickly because of his lack of skill. I picked out a tiny blue thread on one of my eyelid in the first or second week after it was done, thinking it was some dirt. When i questioned him about the thread, he appeared surprise and told me he did not use blue threads. I did not ask further as I had no proof. But in my heart, I sorta knew it was a thread and not some dirt. The eyelid which came undone was also the same eye that i had the the thread issues with.

    Years later, I verified at IOU Korea that the stitches used by Dr Andrew Tay was indeed blue. It was just a lacked of skill. I am no longer angry but I thought he could be more honest. I will never consider a surgeon with ethics/honesty issue.

    I am 1.5 months post opt at IOU korea and i think they are still recovering. I did ptosis + epi + incisional des.

    I think it is fairer to review on the 4-5 months mark. As of now, both my eyes are not symmetrical and I'm not 100% satisfied. It looks perfectly fine in real life and no one could tell if i had anything done. My scarring healed very well but i think healing varied from individual. Nonetheless, I am bothered by how asymmetrical it looks even though it looks fine in person with make up. Personally, I think the asymmetrical looks more obvious when your photo is taken and it bothers me.

    If you are heading to korea, I suggest you do your homework. I consulted a few clinics before deciding on IOU. Getting under the knife is not the toughest, it is the recovery phase that is the mental churning one.

    I think with all surgeries, you need a bit of luck. I see a few hits and plenty misses. The overall experience at IOU was great for me as of now, except I am not 100% happy with my des. I might go back for a revision again if it's not ideal after the 4-5 months mark.

    Good luck!
  4. I'm looking to go end oct/ early nov 2018. please PM me if anyone is interested to do together.
  5. Hi all,
    I did eyelid surgery non incisional method in sg with Andrew Tay about 1.8yrs ago. The left eye stitches have collapse and it's back to mono lid... I am really depressed and I'm looking to do an incisional method either in Korea or Taiwan.

    I think I need to remove fats from my lid for incisional method as it's quite fat. I need to consider the stitches to be removed as well. On top of these... I really want to lower the crease. Have anyone experience this before? Please email me your experience at [email protected]. Your email will be appreciated!

    Also, please pm me if you are looking to go oversea for surgery in July. I want to go when the weather is turning colder... Thanks...
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