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Posts posted by icecoffee

  1. He did provided me with I think 3 tablets. I just brought some along just incase. I took all the 3 tablets he gave me and also 2 tablets from my own. So in total I only took 5 tablets for first 5 days. I didn't want to only take painkillers after I feel the pain so I took it even I don't have pain. That's why I didn't suffer much beside tightness and weakness on the legs.

    I'm pretty sure you can get painkillers. Just tell the pharmacist you will have surgery soon. If u really can't, can always ask more from Dr Park.

  2. Hi Kiki, I'm not sure if I'm completely heal or not. For me it is healed but whenever I compressed it, I get swollen feet. That's all.

    I haven't start exercise but I'm planning to start this week. I can run (not very fast) and jump now and I'm 2 and half months post op. I have pretty normal life after 3 weeks. My recovery is fast and the only troublesome thing is compression and scars. I stop stretching since week 7 but whenever I remember I will do it for 1 min. Very rare tho.

  3. Yes I can walk down stairs since 7 days post op without pain but little discomfort. I guess that's because I forced myself to walked down stairs at subway since one day post op. I was in so much pain and sweat like crazy. I did that every couple days. To be honest, I don't know how I did it.

  4. Interesting. I will try when I get home to see if I can kneel down and I will let you know later.
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