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Posts posted by unhappy

  1. they had cameras but only to protect themselves. They filmed my operation but at the end of it the doctor pushed the camera away. He knew he made a mistake. When I asked him to show me the video he would not. When I asked him if he performed the whole surgery he did not say anything.He said I was ugly before and that I photoshopped the before pictures I had of myself. They took a bad before photo of me, but the after photos they took of me you can see they made it worse. He is like a god there and they just believed all the crazy things he told them. Some of the other doctors there felt sorry for me, but he just told them to shutup. But most of his staff just believed his crazy lies.
  2. I am still suffering everyday. Dr. In Chang Cho from Bandoeyes or BIO in Gangnam
    did doctor switching and messed up my eyes so no one can fix them. He treated me like crap and yelled at me instead of apologizing or trying to fix it. I paid 8 million won for this botched up surgery. He did nothing that he said he would do. I have emails from his office proving this.
    They were very abusive and denied the whole thing. He ruined my life. I was much more normal looking before. I don't want to post pictures but there is scars, bad shape from top and bottom and side. It is the worse anyone has ever seen.
  3. His secretaries name is Rang Yang not Rang Ahn or something like that . It's not her fault I had to deal with just her but she was not helpful, but I think she helped me get a refund just to get rid of me (after many weeks) because he would have left me with no money. He acted like I was cheating him! Like he was being too nice to me by giving me some money back. I needed the money to get it fixed but I already spent all of it to reverse what I could but it is impossible. It will take many more surgeries and it will not be as good as before his surgery. It is not fixable.

    It's hard to sue foreign doctors. I heard a lady tried to sue another clinic and she lost. She was rich and I am not. I was lucky to get half my money but that was hard to get. I even told him I would not say anything if he gave all my money back but he did not care. I feel so abused.
  4. Dr. Kang from IOU is whose surgery I was trying to fix. He lied about everything he could do to help me. He was not experienced enough and created permanent problems. But Dr. Cho from BIO made it so much worse when he said he could fix it. But he let some young surgeon who did not bother to get better instructions do the wrong surgeries on me because Dr. Cho did not write good enough notes. I heard them when I was coming off of anesthesia when Dr, Cho was coming off of his break.
  7. I had problem with Dr. Kang fron IOU. He botched up my surgery and I had to get it fixed. He also refused he did anything wrong saying the problem will go away. Later he changed my medical records saying I had the problem before.

    I tried to get my eyes revised with Dr. In Chang Cho from BIO formerly Bandoeyes and he did doctor switching on me. My surgery is much worse than before and I have medical complications now. They are two different shapes and sizes and I have jagged scars. My eyes look worse than anyone's picture on this forum. I went to several doctors but no one can fix it. I feel like killing myself. Dr. Cho treated me so badly. I was allowed to see him only once after surgery and then had to go through his secretary who was difficult to talk to. They lied about the whole thing and it was a nightmare. I spent 8 million won and the normal price is 6 million for basic revision surgery by this doctor. When I woke up a young doctor was doing my eyes and was arguing with Dr. Cho about what surgeries he did. After surgery Dr. Cho told me the past is the past so I should not be angry. Instead he got mad at me because he thought I was not speaking to him respectfully. After weeks of harassing their office Dr. Cho said he would revise some of it, but it would be not like before. After 6 months they decided not to help me, and I was only able to receive half my money after weeks of arguing with them. He seemed to think just because they did surgery they get money either way. I heard from other doctors that Dr. Cho never gives refunds, and they could not believe what Dr. Cho did to my eyes, and cannot understand why anyone would do such surgeries.
  8. The problem I had with Dr. Cho at BIO was I accidentally saw Dr. Hong another doctor at his clinic. This caused Dr. Hong to get upset when I did not choose him. Dr. Cho made a big deal over this. WHen Dr. Cho did the wrong surgery on my eyes, he did not apologize. HE was very domineering and tried to bully me. He told me to shut up and that I was a liar even though I had before pictures he said they were photo shopped. IF they think you are poor they will treat you badly when something goes wrong evethough I paid 8 million won cash which is almost 8 thousand dollars US. These bad surgeries do happen in Korea.
  9. IOU Dr. Kang and BIO Dr. Cho ruined my eyes. They are very immoral and when they make mistakes they just lie to you and blame you. They called me ugly after they ruined my face.
  10. Dr. Kang did a bad job. I had so many doctors lie to me to get my business. But, I still have permanent damage from him. He offered to fix some things later, and I believed his lies. But, he did not keep up on his promise. I was cheated by many doctors. They all tried to make money off of me. He took out too much skin. It is a big problem and I am suffering daily.
  11. No I did not go to Teuim or BIO to fix my epi, That was before, I had many operations. You go see them, They are okay, but they also mess up. Bio did not even do my eyes. He let his young doctor there do it in bait and switch doctor. Teuim did my epi awhile ago. It was okay but I did not need it.
    No my last doctor for epi had to fix an epi I got done at BIO who messed up. I will not give his name yet, but it was not the best job especially for the price.
  12. I got it fixed from another doctor. Bio said he would fix it but I would have to sign a waiver because he would not admit there was a problem. But I could not sign it because he mad so many mistakes before. I should have because the next doctor was not much better.

    I don't want to give his name out because he said he would revise it . He's nice but the work is not as good as his photos. I already paid him a lot of money. He was afraid to do to drastic surgery which is what I needed so he did a surgery he could undo. So it does not look as good as a surgery that would have cleaner incision lines. I got so mad at him because I think since I had such bad luck with good doctors people are afraid of me. Also I saw these doctors for more than one consultation so they think I am difficult.
    I am so upset because I could have paid anyone to fix it but now I am out of money. One member on this forum blames me and not the doctors I saw. Some of these doctors I saw have good reputations but they also make mistakes. Why would I pay so much money if I wanted bad surgery. I also did wait appropriate time in between surgeries. I can write longer reviews but it would only make the doctors look bad.
  13. I just got my epi fixed, it looks bad. Dr. Cho BIO messed up my eyes bad. You have to watch out he cannot do so many surgeries so he gets other doctors to do it for him. That is why mine looks so bad. When I woke up there were three doctors there. I am sure the youngest doctor there did my eyes because I could hear them talking.

    I need to get my epi fixed. Dr. Cho ruined my whole eyes. He only gave me half refund which is not enough to fix even half of it!!

    Who is the best for epi revision? I already went to Teuim so I can't go again, and another doctor but he did not do a good job.

    Can anyone help me?
  14. Horror Story

    I had 3 eye surgeries in Korea

    1. IOU with Dr. Kang, did eye revision, promised scar free, epicanthal lifting, and lid lowering. He only did lid lowering and cut out too much skin resulted in eyes not closing, permanent damage. Blamed me for eyes not closing and falsified medical records. He says he told me he would make my eyes not shut “before” surgery which was under anesthesia, after they put shots in my eyes, and I thought they were already operating on me. That was his notifying me of the problem. Paid 4.9 million won

    2. Teuim with Dr. Kwon, encouraged me to do epicanthal surgery immediately afterwards. Looked worse afterwards, and people said I should not have got it done. He was angry because I chose IOU over him and told me I looked terrible. He was nice afterwards but just like the rest said I begged him to work on me which I did not. He encouraged me by criticizing the work IOU did and said he could make it a lot better, when nothing really changed. It looked better before, but only a little worse after. Paid 3 million won.

    3. Bando Eye or BIO with Dr. Cho, I wanted to undo Teium surgery and Dr. Cho said I should do scar revision, and he would help eyes close better. I was afraid I did not have enough skin. He did the WRONG surgeries. He sewed my epicanthal too small. They are different sizes! and my eyes are half the width of normal eyes. He cut out more skin, lowered my eyeline, and changed the shape!! NOTHING was what I wanted. Paid 8 million won!! He gave me 4 million refund 6 months later because he did not want to revise it. This is after I went to his office for several weeks, called him, and emailed him everyday. His staff pretended not to know english. They were all unprofessional and came in and out of the office just to watch and gossip. They just stood and stared at me. Some of them went through my photos. He only saw me once after surgery and refused to see me again. He blamed doing the wrong surgeries on me!! I have several photos, emails, and tape recordings, but I would have to sue them which I do not want to do. I did not ask for this surgery at all. I don't know how anyone could mess up so badly. I have uneven scars on my entire eye now. Before my eyes looked 100% better than they do now. He and his practice are the most unethical I have ever seen. When they make mistakes they just cover it up and only offer to fix some of it, and not even as good as the original. I could have fixed some of it right after surgery, but the chinese english secretary Yang Rahn was not helpful and told me he was too busy. They made me wait too long at it was harder to fix. The same secretary gives wrong information and does not know anything. She lies to me constantly and does not want to answer phone calls, and emails, and says Dr. Cho has vacation when he does not. They told me to come after business hours one time because they thought it was funny. She told me to wait, while they helped other patients, and threated to call the cops when I came back for my revision that they did not want to do. No one can fix what Dr. Cho did to my eyes!! He is the most nasty and arrogant doctor of them all. Also he is a cheat! They stole money from me and did the wrong surgeries.
  15. I had a problem with Dr. Kang IOU too. I had a lot more problems with my eyes after surgery with him. He over promises what he can do. If other doctors say that can't do something and Dr. Kang says he can, he is probably lying.
  16. I think it is easier to call sometimes. I've been noticing they don't really respond to emails. The secretary can quote you some prices but there english is minimum. I know they are less expensive than other big name clinics. If you call from the US the country code is 011+82+02-546-1613. If the area of your laser treatment is small sometimes they will give you less than quoted price but I can't guarantee. I just know he is very good at what he does. Usually laser is a month in between treatments, and your skin will continue to improve after treatment.
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