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Posts posted by ahrieru

  1. I am planning on it, as I've read about good results on an acne board (although a lot of them decided to do it themselves rather than going to the dermatologist). The TCA is best of ice pick scars, and boxcar scars I think. So that's also something to take into consideration when asking your dermatologist about it.

    I'm trying to visit another dermatologist in Daejeon, but that plan might fall through and I might just go with the TCA. I'll definitely keep you updated.
  2. Hi everyone, I thought I'd share my first experience at the dermatologist in Korea with you. I went to ask a bit about acne and acne scarring treatments.

    I live in a smaller town, so the the clinic I went to is part of a chain across Korea (Oracle), the dermatologist didn't speak much English (mostly just scientific terms). I've been breaking out slightly (not as bad as when I first arrived though, I'm pretty sure it's just some wild after period hormones) so I decided to visit the dermatologist with both my acne concerns and other questions about various procedures for acne scarring. For the acne, I was recommended what I think was scaling (basically extractions and a peel). I declined and just went for the extractions as a baby step since my breakout it pretty small, and everything is currently at a head (assuming nothing new pops up). The reasons I chose to just do the extractions was because I didn't know what type of peel they were using, and originally thought it was TCA since we switched from talking about scarring treatment to acne treatment. (I'm pretty sure it isn't TCA used for scaling, as he specifically said TCA was for scarring, and just used "peel" to describe the scaling). He also said scaling is good for hyperpigmentation.

    The extractions were quick, and fairly painless, the worst being a couple of blackheads extracted from my nose. What was interesting was that for my actual pimples, they used a needle syringe (they asked if I was okay with this first). So basically, they suck all the pus out. Again, it was painless, just a slight twinge where they insert the needle. This cost 22,000 won (about $20 usd). The full scaling is 77,000 won, and I'll probably get that next month when my hormones act up, just to experience it.

    For acne scarring, surprisingly I wasn't recommended fraxel. This might be because the majority of my scarring is pretty shallow. The dermatologist told me I'd need to do it many times, and it'd be expensive (about 100-200k won). Instead, I was recommended TCA peels for the individual scars (the dermatologist recommended this specifically for larger scars like the one from chickenpox I have, or icepick scars from acne). It would be faster and cheaper.

    I thought I'd mention all this as I know some of you buy peels from MUAC, and thought, hey, maybe you'd be interested. That, and because we don't generally think of Korean skincare as being heavy on acids, but it seems like they do use them often in dermatologist's procedure (and maybe that's how the stars have flawless skin?).
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