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Posts posted by popcorndreams

  1. Can you share your photos? I know he's not the best for parallel creases so I would like to see how yours came out before I do my revision!
  2. Can you share which clinic you went to ? My eyes are also uneven and need revision but I don't think I'm going back to the same DR.
  3. I heard of this too and avoided jewelry.
    Can you share photos of your eyes if you don't mind meemeepeenay? You can PM me too.
  4. What did Dream say about your fat injection disappearing/your nose looking the same? Do you have any b&a photos to share?
    My friend is going back to dream for her nose revision because she was unhappy with her nose and I wanted to get my nose done there also. I'll be going with her in Sept.
  5. When I did my surgery at Teuim I was only awake for the second half. They sedated me for the first half and then woke me up.
  6. Well thats what the doctor at Dream told me to do. I would prefer that anyway because it's less invasive than silicone injection into my bridge
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