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Posts posted by alyalya

  1. Hi jjsea, what's your decision? Have you done it in dr. Yappy clinic or another clinic?
  2. Hi Chloe! I'm thinking of getting my nose revision in the beginning of 2019 too!
    Currently, I'm considering dr. Rino Lorenzo. Have you heard of him?
    Seeing dr. Yappy instagram is very tempting, his result is very amazing especially his nose jobs, most of them who have done it, turned from Asian to Caucasian-ish just from a nose job :nuts:
  3. Dreamii :
    Yeah! I want to do a revision cuz my tip nose is fat so my nose looks kinda big and alarplasty.

    I have both (for rhino & sq jaw) Regen and DAPRS for both this surgery.

    I have Banobagi for my jaw reduction, I've read somewhere in this forum too, I believe. Banobagi is just OKAY for rhinoplasty.
    So I wouldn't put any risk for my nose especially it's a 2nd time to go for an OKAY nose. I want it to be great.

    Anyway, the first qiuqiu's ps was only nose & fat graft but I think her nose is a bit crooked....
  4. Hello!
    May I know what's the issues so u need to do a revision?
    Can't wait to hear from your review about those 2 clinic.
    I've been searching for facial contouring too and these 2 are on my top list for mandible surgery. Would be nice if i could get a rhinoplasty revision at the same time too but it looks like gonna sort of more uncomfortable & painful

  5. No of course, rhino isn't a part of facial contouring.

    All in one surgery for my case is only jaw reduction and muscle fat remove.

    Every case could be diff depends on your case, zygoma,jaw and chin is include 'all in one' surgery.
  6. hello! i wanted a revision for my nose.
    i did a rhinoplasty half year ago and it was just put an implant and done. although the doctor told me he would do the alar but eventually it was just the implant because he said my face is wide and if my nose is too small it would be sort of weird.
    now, my case is my tip is too fat and my alar is wide so i want to make my tip nose slimmer
    does it possible? and where's in korea is specialities with this kind of revision?

    thank you! :smile:
  7. yes it's true but i've read so many good reviews about this clinic! the thing is they dont have an in-house english translator.

    anyway, just fyi got quoted 8-9.5 mil from banobagi to do an all in one facial contouring. i've bargain but they havent replied me back :sad:

  8. Hello, I'll quote the email from them

    "mandible angle resection, remove isthmic fat for you."

    And shoot the price range is 8-9.5 mil. Just checked it back, I got confused with the price quoted by drOZ and Banobagi. So Banobagi quoted me 8 - 9.5 mil.

    Anyway, does anyone know what's isthmic fat?

  9. Yes, that's my issue with them too.
    Do they hire a rented in-house translator?
    Like I've read before here there's some clinics who rent their in-house translator to come to their clinics if there's a foreigners patients. But we have to tell them so they can book it for you.

  10. Hi marenbraga, do you mean facial feminization is facial contouring?
    If yes, then these clinics is specialized in facial contouring. Here's my list :
    -TL Ps (still searching though)

    Hope this help.
    I also want to get my square reduction done and still searching on it

  11. Thanks for your info! ;)
    Sure will check TL PS. If it suits my budget would look forward to consult with them.
    I just want a facial contouring though, especially square jaw reduction.
    Do you know how much it is in TLps?
  12. Dreamii:
    Based on my research on the forum both cozycot and purse many said that you should have a facial contouring before the rhinoplasty.
    Your facial shape will change hence the doctor will know what's the best shape for your nose.
    When I emailed dr Park from drOZ he also stated the same way and he suggest me to do the rhino at least 3 weeks after the mandible surgery.

    But if you really want to get it done at the same time, i think it's alright. It probably rough for the first 3-4 days though.

  13. Yes! Forgot to mention felix77! Thanks :smile:

    Anyway, i just wanna get a jaw reduction which is mandible surgery or facial contouring...what else do they call it again? Hehe.
    I wanna done it at EverM or Daprs but EverM doesnt have in house translator :sad:
  14. Does the v-line in everM has include with the mandible surgery or the v-line alone?
    But its not the final price, right? We still can bargain at least 20% off. Or it's already a fixed price?
  15. i want to get a rhinoplasty too but i've read in this forum too or cozycot i forgot.. many stated that u should get a facial contouring first and then after 4-6months u can do the rhinoplasty...it's so the doctor will know what's the best proportional size for your nose based on your facial shape..

    and yes...i keen to everm but the only problem here is the language. I neither speak korean nor chinese, i know they can reply to your email in english but do they have in-house translator or do i need hire one?
  16. Hi... i emailed banobagi along with my photos to get a facial contouring but i hear nothing from them til now. Been a month!
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