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Posts posted by scaredsilly

  1. Hi joo joo 2704
    Thank you so much. That makes sense. Time will certainly tell i guess.
  2. Thanks leela16
    Appreciate positivity and all ur updates to compare. Its really helps. And Thats exactly what im doing... Rest, compress, stretch, elevate, repeat. Water and vitamins etc. healing skin lotion. Im not gonna look at my legs until about three months. I have to keep it moving... Lol. Keep posting ur progress... Helps tremendously.
  3. Hi babyangel11
    To b honest i havent measured at all since surgery. My preop was abiut 34.5. Goal was 32. I have this severe hump on one of my lower calf... Not swelling. Its hard as a rock. My legs look really deformed so i try not to look at them... Just concentrating on compressing and stretching. Its all i can do to keep myself mentally sane. If the hump doesnt resolve not sure what i would do. Currently my legs look way worse than before surgery. I think it takes abiut a year to stabilize the size from what i hear... Which i knew going into this. But the significant disruption from daily living... I did not anticipate. All the positive encouragements from people from this site has been life saving. Ladies u know who u r... Who else can we talk sbout this with right? So keep compressing and stretching... And hope for stabilization by one year. At least u dont have to aspirate any more right? Lol.
  4. Hi. My recovery has been slow and difficult. Jury is still out on whether i did the right thing. But i dont want to discourage anyone cuz most people do really well it seems.
  5. Yes swollen thighs can happen along with bruising. Try to walk about a couple of hours aday. Should help. Hope u cont healing smoothly.
  6. Hi babz
    Thanks for reply
  7. Hello everyone. Im day 3 surgery with dr park. Im having a major breakdown and i need some feedback from those of you who already had the surgery done. My right leg is much thinner than my left. My right leg has a huge gap... Area where muscle was removed. The skin is hanging loose like on my grandmother's. Almost like he took out way too much. Omg. It looks so deformed compared to the left. Anyone else have similar experience? Is this where i have to wait a year and have him correct it? But how? You can't put muscle back. Im freaking out. Pain is no joke!
  8. Thanks. U r so knowledgeable about various skin conditions. Finding a good doc is the problem. There r so many to choose from. Seoul is the Mecca for vanity... Lol
  9. Hi skinology
    Ur posts have given me hope. I ran into this forum by sheer coincidence and i cant believe how much i am learning. I have been suffering with bad skin... Mainly dark sun spots and melasma for years... I am planning to visit seoul in the future... Maybe your doctor can finally help me. Can you please send me his info? Do you have kakao? Please send info to " notech." I can give you my email if better for you. Thank you.
  10. Thanks... Wow. It really is a long recovery process. Btw i got the calf stretcher you recommended. Love it already. Im sure will be most helpful after the surgery.
  11. Thank you for the info. Helps a lot.
  12. Lol. Thanks joo joo for the tidbit. Anything helps at this point. How r u? Happy with results? Im scared to death about this procedure.
  13. Hi pcc1
    I am thinking about calf reduction surgery with dr. Park in s. Korea. Your update is very helpful... Who did your surgery? Are you feeling better? Did you ever figure out the cause of such pain/complication? I pray that you are all better now.

    P.s. This is my second post. Somehow first got lost...
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