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Posts posted by skinology

  1. I do ask his opinion everytime someone pm me (that is when I have the time to login) so I do not make any decisions for him.
    He's already busy with local patients; I did give his contact to several who pm-ed me only to be told (via this forum) that he didn't reply them.
  2. I received a lot of pms for the name of my skin clinic after my post here.
    Sorry if I did not reply to you but my doctor is kinda picky too, he may sometimes not reply to patients he does not want to treat.

    I went to him again this year for fillers and it hurts like a b!tch although numbing cream was used.
    He's busy as usual but he didnt make me feel rushed during consultation, he made sure to explain properly what he's going to do and took time off to ask how am I etc.
    That's why I trust him completely as I see him more as a friend than doctor.

    He's a one-man show although he has a lot of nurses helping him, that‘s why he cares more about quality than quantity.
    There are too many clinics which started out good but after becoming popular, they started to hire more people and expand too fast.
    Many will sponsor popular bloggers in the bloggers' countries and though the bloggers claimed they are not paid for the post, if someone gives you something for free, wont you feel obliged to at least say something nice about it? It's human nature and I don't blame them which is why I take what they said with a grain of salt.
  3. You won't see obvious results in just one treatment for acne.
    I'd consulted many dermatologists regarding this on behalf of my friend and none can promise a marked improvement in just one treatment.
  4. I had Excel-V and Legato (some kind of fractional laser) but what is Affinite?
    Treatment 2 times a week for 4 weeks means a total of 8 treatments.
    $250 per treatment...is that expensive for you? (It's a genuine question, not trying to be condescending).

    There are many dermatologists in Seoul but most only speak Korean.
    If they have a translator there, they may be paid commission per patient and in the case of Maylin, they may as well be committing robbery.

    Do you trust the doctor, did he make you feel comfortable?
    These are personal questions that I can't answer for you...but in my case, I trust him and entrusted my face to him :smile:

    After fractional laser, my face was very red, raw and had tiny scabs on the second day.
    Now, my face is smoother, brighter and all the scabs are gone.
  5. It's absolutely NOT normal to be on GA for simple aesthetic treatments!
    Although extremely rare, GA can result in death and I don't know what kind of doctor will actually recommend that to his patients.

    Even local anesthesia is not recommended...numbing cream will suffice for most.
  6. I agree with you that clinics should have a price list so that people will have a rough guide of the prices but you will find that almost all clinics don't state prices of the services they offer.

    When I asked my doctor for the reason, he said patients may not know what's best for their skin but will come in demanding to have so and so treatment because of the price although it may not be what's suitable or recommended for their skin.

    But me feels that most clinics do this so that consumers cannot compare prices.
    Anyway, not all famous and popular clinics are good and vice versa.
  7. Susaki, the doctor wanted me to go to his clinic everyday so that he can check on my progress and spread out his treatment.
    Initially, I was to go once every 2 days but everytime before I leave his clinic, he would say "Please come tomorrow okay?"
    I'd paid for everything upfront so it's not as if he gets to earn more by asking me to visit his clinic everyday.
    Downtime for the laser treatment? Well, your face will be tender and red but other than that, you can still do whatever you want.
  8. Sorry for my lack of updates...too busy and tired.
    Will list down a summary of the things I did each day below.

    6.12 Excel-V with 2 modes, Microdermabrasion, laser toning, skin care
    6.14 Laser toning for dark circle
    6.16 Collagen stimulator filler injection(2 syringes)
    6.17 Omnilux irradiation
    6.18 Toning, Filler retouch, dural fractional laser including legato, PRP, cryocell
    6.19 Omnilux, Cryocell

    I am now red like a lobster but better now than earlier as I had to meet a lot of friends/family.
  9. Msahpui, you're welcome and thanks for sharing your experience.
    After countless emails and phone calls, we (my non Korean friend and me) finally decided on a clinic.
    Actually, she was the one who found the clinic and contacted the doctor and persuaded me to go.

    The clinic was located in cheongdam area but the prices are reasonable as they don't try to rip people off.
    As an experiment, I had to pretend not to understand Korean so that I can experience everything through the eyes of someone who can only speak English.

    Clinic was owned by the doctor himself and he speaks fluent English as he studied in the states before. There's also a Korean translator for the Japanese and Chinese patients.

    During the consultation, the doctor said that I don't need Ultherapy and that he will recommend a series of other lasers for me even though they are cheaper than Ultherapy.
    So in the end, we decided on fillers, laser for pigmentation and pores and also skincare for maintenance.

    I am a little hesistant about revealing the clinic's name as I don't want him to be inundated with people which may make it difficult for me to secure an appointment with him next time...lol

    Will write about my experiences with him in more details in my next post.
  10. Leader Clinic (http://www.beautyleader.co.kr/index.php) replied to my email and their reply was really long...:oh:

    Long story short, Ulthera (something like Thermage but uses ultrasound instead of radio-frequency to firm and tighten skin) costs 2.2 million for 300 shots, 2.75 million for 400 shots and 2.97 million for 450 shots.
    Laser toning - 165,000 per session.
    CPR - like PRP injection is 330,000 per session and best combined with laser treatment.

    Overall, I think leader is a little pricey as they mainly cater to foreigners.
  11. I called Emagic today and specifically asked for below treatments (which was mentioned by one poster)

    Matrix IR
    Paroxetine Fractional CO2
    Growth Factor Therapy
    Nose Fiji/Sebum Management

    And they told me they only have 2 kinds of laser - VRX and Spectra.
    Spectra laser, E-toning, Ulthera, PDT, VRX, hair cell, IPL, Ploracel and hair removal all are the laser treatments they have, so which do I want?

    So I told them I want Ulthera (something I have some knowledge of) and the price is 1.2 million won.

    The clinic doesn't have treatments with above names so I asked for PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) injection and some kind of treatment to reduce sebum production on the nose.

    Nose treatment with PRP is 520,000 won (3 times) or 200,000 won if you just want the PRP treatment.

    I wonder how did the earlier poster derive all the names for the treatments when the clinic don't have them at all.

    Although I spoke to them in Korean (fluent, non-accented), they could somehow sensed that I am no local as they quoted me a 10% tax for all treatments.

    Still checking out another clinics and will post about them when I have more information.
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