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Posts posted by fabuleux

  1. Well... as a French gay dude myself, I must say that, culturally, a lot of French people value "natural" beauty. Nothing is sexier than someone who ages gracefully. ;)
  2. You're beautiful to me, @sdkitty .
  3. Why are you considering the surgery if you think you're beautiful?
    I am glad to read that you are speaking with a therapist, which I am sure will help you make the right decision in the end.

    I guess my word of advice would be that of all the people I know who have had cosmetic surgery, the vast majority of them don't look any "better" afterward. They often look "different" and, unfortunately, sometimes look "fake." I would never say anything to them because I want to be supportive (what's the point of criticizing after the surgery?? They can't do anything about it then... unless they have more surgery).

    Best of luck whatever you decide to do. This is a big decision and you're right about thinking it over carefully.
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