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Posts posted by carmen-carolina

  1. I have not done it yet.
    I have done a great rhinoplasty with a doctor in Brazil that is also well known for body contour, butt implants etc...
    Maybe I go to Brazil to do the face lift and neck with him.
    He is not the type of guy that has a website with before and after photos, but his credentials allow him to be one of only three plastic surgeons to perform surgery at the prestigious Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo.
    His best advertise is the waiting room at his clinic.
    When I was there the first time, there were a lot of beautiful women coming back for removing stitches etc... So I talked to them and they showed me their previous pictures before the surgeries. They all have great nose jobs, butt implants, lipo etc...
    My daughter was with me and she got so excited that she end up doing her nose, chin, breast implant and he performed a lipo in her waistline etc...
    After that, she went back to the university in USA, and was the cover of the magazine of the university, got full scholarship and married a director of Microsoft.
    I think her new looks helped because she was stunning at the time.
    This is the link for his facebook:
  2. Dear @Itsumobaby and @Iaan,
    I am a 50 years old Brazilian woman that was considering going to Korea for a face-lift. As I live in Europe, it is basically the same distance to fly to Brazil or to Korea.
    I thought in Korea I would get a better price than in Brazil, a wonderful doctor and would have better results. How wrong I was! Thank you so much for sharing your sad experiences. It was so sad that I cried while reading. You are in my prayers. God will sure lead you to a nice doctor that do reconstructive surgery for patients that had accidents etc...
    I watched many episodes of LET ME IN. In those episodes people came out beautifully from ID clinic. Do you think that in these cases ID uses different doctors? Maybe, Dr. Park himself do the surgeries for the chosen candidates of the TV? Or maybe he is not even that good but hire someone really skilled to do a perfect job?
    I have seen, in the internet, before and after x-rays of the SKULLS of people that had v-line, 2-jaw, square jaw reduction surgeries and I sent it to my brazilian doctor, which is the best nose surgeon in Brazil, for advice. He performs all his surgeries at The Albert Einstein Hospital, the best hospital in São Paulo, and he, of course, does the operations himself. Only three other PS doctors are allowed in this hospital.
    He said that those surgeries you have just had are very difficult surgeries and he only performs such things in cases of really bad congenital problems and only with a team of at least 3 other doctors ( oral and maxillofacial surgeon , dentofacial orthopedics etc...).
    He told me that the only doctor he knew BY INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION ONLY in Korea, capable of performing such surgeries is Dr. Han Seong ( Facehan ).
    I sent him your posts and he was shocked by the fact that those surgeries are treated in Korea like trivial standard cosmetic procedures: "surgery involving facial contouring in the jaw, chin, forehead and cheek bones."
    Come on! Facial Contouring!These doctors are shrinking the heads of the people indiscriminately! Breaking the bones of their skulls for no good reason.
    These doctors are pursuing inhuman beauty standards. Nobody can have forever the immature jaw bone structure of a child! People are not Mangas!
    These K-pop stars with huge fake eyes and small jaws are all looking like E.T.s.:alien:
    I wonder if they can chew a gun or yawn or gape their mouths wide open.
    In Brasil there are a lot of asian women that do plastic surgeries, but they only put silicon breasts and maybe some butts. And they are gorgeous. Because asian women do not need plastic surgery for the face. Unless there is a case of malformation.
    Asians have very exotic looks that pleases everyone, specially non-asians.If you are not a success in your country go to Europe and be an exotic beauty here. Sometimes what you need is to change your environment, not yourself.
    Actually a square face is nice: Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley have very big jaws. And they are not shaving them!
    Please check Sabrina Sato, a japanese girl from Brazil that still maintains her asian features. She is a TV star and is consider one of the most beautiful women in São Paulo. She only had breast augmentation. She is much nicer and healthier than these K-pop stars:alien: with abnormal faces:https://www.google.es/search?q=sabrina+sato&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=lPbhU9nlLs6T0QXurYCICA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=697
    I think you both should react and reinvent yourselves.
    Do not let your life be ruined by these evil doctors.
    Go workout, get tanned, go to the beach. Invest in your body and lunch a new beauty concept in Asia.
    Brazilians are always consider sexy and beautiful in Europe and in the United States because they workout and are healthy. The majority of us, like me, have and ok face or are very misfortunate. So what? Beauty is the whole body and I am sure you both could be gorgeous if you hit the gym and go to the beach.
    You guys are gonna look much nicer, sexier and interesting than these asians stars pretending they are forever 15 years old. How boring! They look stupid and silly.
    Please forget about these inhuman and unachievable standards of beauty marked by the asian media.
    My fb so you could check my nose job :https://www.facebook.com/supercarmencarolina
    I wish you all the best and I am grateful to have read your posts so I can still keep my big head and jaw functioning properly.
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