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Posts posted by fruitsjunkie

  1. Hi MaiQ
    I was wondering if you had one doctor for all those procedures in 1 clinic or multiple ps? Thank you for sharing your experience. All of the procedures you listed are the ones i want for myself as well. Though i want to add lateral canthoplasty but i have heard many negative comment about it. Im planing to do it in two years so i thought this is a good time to start research. Im sorry you had bad experience with disclosing names of ps and clinics :/ i would not blame the person that give out the info. I had a friend recommended me a ps for breat aug, he did a good job on her but not so much on me, i never blamed her because it could be he was on his bad day or thats the best he could do in my cAse.

    Thanks for the heads up about the protein and the necessity of taking supplement to help quicker recovery :smile: i learn new things on this forum everyday

  2. I am debating between either going to japan or korea for my ps - do you have any suggestions on which one is a better choice? I honestly more leaning toward japan because i read so many unethical korean ps in here, its scary.. There are only a few japanese ps english website - do you have any personal experience with japanese ps you can share with us? Thanks
  3. Im also debating about going to Japan for my surgeries instead of korea- since they're known to be more detailed oriented and has work ethic - i wanted to create a thread for it but im too new - what are your thoughts on japanese plastic surgery ? - im aware that it is more expensive and there are less ps places to look at -

  4. Sorry K Couture i forgot where i read in here and tried to look for it with no luck.. But you have mentioned Lateral Canthoplasty is one of the non recommended surgery - just like how 2 jaw surgery is dangerous - could you share your opinion on Lateral Canthoplasty ? Sorry i have read so much and i forgot where i got the info . Thanks K
  6. K Couture, I always learn something new after reading many of your posts. Thank you for that

    I guess im really obsessed with that small face my face is round, my nose is piggie and big on the sides. I also have big cheekbones . I ran across MaiQ post and she had: eye, nose, cheek, vline, chin implant, aculift all done at once and she is happy with everything . And those are all the things i want to be done. I could only hope i find a place where i can get everything done at once with positive result like that - i just wonder why refuse to share the name of the place but then again it must be privacy concerns. Im a little scared of vline now since you have mentioned the possible side effects. Im sure if i fix my whole face i would have to suffer some kind of side effect later on in life and thats not too comforting at all.. Too much of thinking now i know once i decide i can not go back. And thank you once again for a very thorough explanation for newbie like myself. Happy healing and stay pretty :smile:


  7. Well said Anna, I just started in this forum and been reading a lot. Im unfamiliar with a lot of terms being used. I was going to ask but im afraid i sound annoying so i wont. I just hope more people with good result dont mind to share detailed of name dr, procedure, technique used and such.. Mostly i see name of bad clinics and bad dr. That helps in a sense but then we only left as that. i understand some after having good result dont want to share where or which doctor. With this post it gives me hope that there are good drs out there.. Now how to find them.. Lol .. And i have been doing research for drs before.. The only way to make the right decision is to have people point to you and show you the real result on themselves.
  8. Hi itsumobaby
    Im so sorry to hear about your experience. I can almost know how you feel because i had a somewhat bad breast aug and im already stressed over it every time i look at them so i try not to look.. And when i told my ps he said that i had bad figure so thats a lot of improvement in my case already.. He did not told me that before the surgery when i showed him my ideal pictures, all he said was ok ok ok to all the pictures i showed and said im hoping to have those results.. Anyways i was able to put that behind me and just told myself to never do surgery with a white PS in the states ever again

    .. I ran actoss the korean show let me in on youtube and was very impress with the results i saw so i looked into korean cosmetic plastic surgery, i was almost convinced i want to do my surgeries at ID hospitals until i somehow ran across this forum.. I havent seen or read that much good results so it makes it hard on my decision now. Im so glad i did and i am so thankful for ladies and gentlemen in this forum who willing to share their experiences and help saving others life

    What i dont understand is no one comment negative on the youtube videos since so many people are being ruined by this company.. are they delete the negative comments or no one is allow to leave negative comments? After i reAd your story im so mad for you that i want to go on each of their youtube video and give negative comments..

    I hope you stay strong and you could look for support from love one family could support you through this time

    Looks like I have to be extra careful what i see on youtube - now im not even look at company website and their before after pictures anymore - can not be trusted..
  9. Thank you vanitygirl09 for your input. It is so hard to decide and since I am not able to speak korean i know my choices are narrowed down a bit. And as k couture has mentioned it is best to get a surgeons that you can communicate with. I dont mind flying in and out to get different procedures done at different times. I can not express how much i am thankful for having found this forum. I will definitely give back to the forum once i get my surgeries done but its not going to be a while since it took me half a year to decide on a doctor for my breast aug and i still end up with the result i dont like. And i can not thank k couture enough to point out dr Lee in beverly hill. I live in LA and saw this girl on youtube wrote good review on him. I was almost go to him for everything done on my face so thank you thank you thank you!!
  10. Hello K Couture,
    I am a newbie here :smile:
    I am in the process of planning to get multiple surgery done and I have been reading this post from beginning to end and you are very helpful and detailed, therefore I was hoping you can help somewhat guide me to the right surgeons for my procedures.

    If you were going to refer a dr to your sister where would you refer her to for, any prices are fine, just want to get the best as possible:
    1. Eye
    2. Nose (dr park at dream)
    3. Chin (your dr in australia?)
    4. Jaw, bone reduction (my face is round and chin is short)
    5. Whole face (fat grafting)

    Sorry i am not that good at knowing the medical terms.
    Which prodecures you recommend to do together and which procedures should be done first in order for my face to fall together. For example do jaw first and let it heAl for 1 year then do the rest? Im very clueless.

    I did my research on clinics and drs as well but seems like they all have mixed review and switching dr problem is also alarming.

    Also, i have read somewhere in here they say there is one good korean dr that is good at fix or reshape breasts augmentation. I wonder if you know of a good dr. I have had breast augmentation done in the states but the nipples are somewhat pointing down, and im not happy with the scars.
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