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Posts posted by calliecat

  1. Thank you! For my FC I was given a discount if I let them use my photos/videos on their social media but this time around for rhino I had a promotional insta price that I grabbed when they had that going on so I didn’t get any other discount other than the promotion but they still asked if they could use my photos this time around too and I said they could :smile:
  2. Hey everyone! I meant to update with my recovery process etc but I never got a chance to while in Korea. I’m currently a little over 2 weeks post op rhinoplasty (Dr.Hong) and fat graft (Dr.Kim) with GNG.

    Initially last year when I consulted with GNG for FC I actually consulted with Dr.Seong for rhino as well. Although I couldn’t get rhinoplasty at the time because of funds lol a year later after seeing rhinoplasty results from both Seong and Hong I decided to go with Dr.Hong. I felt really comfortable with him during the consultation and I just felt like he better understood what I wanted. I think if you want a natural nice result Dr.Seong would be your better option, but because my nose wasn’t really bulbous and I just wanted to lengthen my tip and get rid of my hump and make my nose more curved (this was all a bit more on the dramatic side) so I choose Dr.Hong.

    As for the first couple of nights right after surgery I found the first night was actually worse for me than my FC. I didn’t feel any pain at all during my FC recovery but with rhino the first night not only was my throat super dry because you have to breathe out of your nose but I couldn’t sleep AT ALL because the pressure from the packing in my nose was giving me such a headache it was extremely uncomfortable. So much so I actually asked GNG if I could stay just one more night because I didn’t feel well and they were kind enough to let me stay a floor below the recovery room (for rhino you only stay at the hospital one night typically so the room I had they had to prepare for another patient) but I felt much better the second day even though I counted the hours down until the packing was removed lol

    I didn’t feel really any pain at all from the packing removal and although I could breathe out of my nose you can’t really breathe all to well until the splint is removed. But once the packing was removed I was actually able to go and walk around Korea a bit with Carol and Maggie though we did most of our walking once the cast and splint was removed on day 7.

    Fast forward to cast removal..nothing feels better than not having that cast or splint in anymore lol when the cast was removed my side profile was really nice however my nose was super swollen and bulbous at the tip and that lasted about 3/4 days after until I started seeing it slim up a bit. Now on day 15 I think the swelling has definitely gone down so the tip isn’t as bulbous anymore. Though I also have to admit I heal a lot faster than normal people do apparently so just like with my FC I was told I would see my final results much sooner than others would.

    As for fat grafting I’m so so happy with how that turned out! It definitely gave my face a lot more dimension. Although my ps experience is now officially done I can 100% say I’m happy that I chose GNG both times for FC and rhino. If nothing else their aftercare is he best I’ve ever seen. From them letting me stay another night than I was suppose to down to getting cabs for me even if I wasn’t going to the hospital.

    I know they’re slow to respond especially around peek time but I definitely think it’s worth it to wait for a response and if not you can always send them multiple messages.

    I’ll update with photos at my one month mark!
  3. I watched their snap story a few times since they tend to show more on that then they do with their posts on Instagram and a few times they’ve showed patients getting their casts off and they’ll say which doctor did what-of the noses I saw on there I liked Dr.Hongs better than Dr.Seongs. It’s all really a personal preference but I felt Dr.Seong is more conservative.
  4. From what I know Dr.Seong and Dr.Hong are ENT surgeons and I’m assuming the reason they’re so popular is because they not only focus on the aesthetics of the nose but functionality as well. Some plastic surgeons will give you your ideal nose without worrying about wether you can breathe properly etc. personally I like Dr.Hong’s rhinoplasty better than Dr.Seong (although if going for a revision I would say Dr.Seong). But I booked with Dr.Hong :smile:
  5. From personal experience and from other people I’ve talked to GNG pretty much has a base price. So if you want say rhino and they tell you it’s 4 million won then at the consultations it will still be 4 million won. Only way it’ll change is if you want to say do think with rib etc that’s the only way the price changes. You can’t bargain prices online because they’ll tell you that the price is a base and if the doctor examines you says you may need more done etc to achieve your desire look functionally and aesthetically then that price may change but not by much.

    Personally I needed a chin implant when I only thought I need genioplasty (because of my overbite) and so my price went up slightly because of the implant but that was the only time the price ‘changed’.
  6. If you get the sale price they will not bargain down anymore than that. I already asked lol
  7. I went May of last year to GNG for zygoma/v-line/genioplasty and the swelling was really bad the first week. Bad as in i looked like a chipmunk literally for the first week and then towards the second week the swelling somehow drastically goes down so that to the outside world while you still look a little swollen it’s not really all that noticeable. I went back to work I believe on my 13th/14th day post op literally flew back from Korea and went straight to my job 5 hours after getting off the plane and no one said anything to me about looking like I was swollen which I still definitely was at 2 weeks just not noticeably to everyone else. And then at the 3rd week mark no one could tell really at all. You’ll be surprised just how much swelling goes down between the first week and the 2/3rd weeks.
  8. That’s so funny I should be arriving April 20th as well though the flight I am looking at I would leave April 18th (here in the states) and then arrive April 20th (in Korea). I haven’t settled on an exact flight but what I told GNG is that I would like to consult/have my surgery on the 20th.
  9. When I went down in May last year my translator was Hazel (who I now adore bless her she puts in so much work) and she actually showed me her KakaoTalk one time for the amount of messages she receives...it was well over 30 and that was just in less than one day (it was morning and her day had just started) so I can only imagine how long it must take to try to reply to everyone plus give in depth answers. I agree-just keep trying them they will eventually respond!
  10. No they did not show me like a photoshop version of my face basically they took my photos and touched around my face and looked at my x-rays and we talked about what I would need done to get the results I wanted (they also drew on my photo on the computer to show me what they would be doing) and also went over things I couldn’t have done because of my overbite etc.
  11. I choose GNG for my FC because there prices were much lower than other places I was considering before. I thought maybe there results wouldn’t be as good but I was most definitely wrong. There prices are some of the lowest I’ve found for the quality of there work. So I would say definitely on the lower end for FC and as for rhino it was closer to the average price for rhinoplasty definitely not on the higher end though :smile:
  12. No problem! You can certainly Kakao me anytime and just like last time I will be on here pretty much everyday I’m in Korea talking about my experience (this time with rhinoplasty) so I’ll definitely try to answer any questions! I feel like this time around going back a year later I have a much better grasp on what to expect. I think that last time I had read soooo many reviews over the last 3/4 years on FC surgery that when it actually came down to the surgery and recovery it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I healed A LOT quicker than what people had said and overall my experience both in Korea and with GNG was perfect. So I’m much more confident going in this time around! I’ll be booking my consultation next month and putting my deposit down and then from there it’s just another countdown
  13. I am sooooo happy everything worked out for you! I wasn’t kidding when I said GNG was amazing. There aftercare is so good! Seeing your rhinoplasty makes me that much more excited to go back in the spring!!
  14. The price they quoted me was definitely fair considering I believe GNG has a base price for everything. So (if I remember correctly) bridge augmentation + tip plasty is about 4.5 million Korea won + 1 million Korean won for osteotomy. I want to say those are the numbers I was given my first trip and the numbers I plan to use to save for my next trip back this spring. Now of course if you need specific things or more things done because of problems with your nose it could be more or if you need less it could be less but that’s just the base price which when you physically consult with them could go up or down depending on your specific needs but I know that with my fc I was given a base price and then because I needed certain things done (like my chin was receding so I also needed an implant to get the look I wanted rather than two jaw surgery which I didn’t NEED but would also give me the look I wanted) so my price ended up going up slightly which was understandable but it never went up a crazy amount.
  15. I’ll be going in April! And I booked a deposit my first trip, I also plan on booking a deposit next month as well to secure my date. It helps as well because I can plan my healing time and time I’ll be in Korea accordingly
  16. Thank you, i'm excited as well! I'm pretty sure I consulted with Dr.Seong last time i was in Korea so I believe i will stick with him I had planned to go this winter but because I have so much going on in that time frame I decided on Mid-April so it'll be almost a year since my FC then!
  17. December is a peek month in Korea for plastic surgery so although you may be able to walk in for a consultation (mind you you'll be waiting a few hours to get in especially at big clinics) you will probably not be able to book your surgery for at least a week after..
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