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Posts posted by dubu

  1. Although I studied Korean in Seoul for a few semesters, my Korean is not sufficient enough to read whole websites. So I still depend on Korean websites that have English service as well.

    I want to get rid of my underchin fat and maybe do nose fillers to reshape my (flat) nose a bit. I ended up at the website of Jivaka Care, who recommended me to Bioface for those procedures. They're (Jivaka) are kind of like a middle-man, and I must say the communication/service so far is great. But I can't find much reviews online though (same for Bioface).

    Anyone out there who had experience with either Jivaka or Bioface? Or non-surgical treatmeants in general (do procedures like fat removal and fillers even work)? Thank you so much in advance...
  2. This is a review about mole removal at "RenewMe Skin Clinic", for those who are interested in doing a similar procedure or other skin-related procedures and want to go to a skin clinic.


    I swear to God! I went there to remove a mole (by laser) on the left side of my nose. Normally, you would pay around 10,000-20,000KRW if we're talking about a regular mole (depending on the size of the mole). I ended up paying 65,000KRW, that's literally 6 times more than the price a Korean person would've paid. And my mole wasn't big, it was really 'regular'.

    Just because I'm a foreigner, they bring in 'additional costs' for translating. And there wasn't even anyone there for the translating, it happened through a phone! And even when my Korean friend called them and offered he would come with me, so the translating through the phone with one of their staffs wasn't necessary, they said they would still bring in 'foreigner costs'. What the actual hell...

    Other than that, the staff working there were all so unfriendly. I came there with my friend (also non-Korean), and they looked at us as if we were some cockroaches that needed to be removed ASAP. Also, when it was my turn to go to the doctor's "office" for consult, my friend came with me, but he forgot his jacket at the chair in the waiting area. The staff literally shouted: "Hey! You! Clean up!" And made handgestures as if he was some kind of homeless beggar that they needed to get rid off... Really, how to make a client comfortable???

    The actual treatment
    The laser isn't painful, but the 'doctor' was kinda rough. After a few lasers, he needs to remove skin or blood or whatever from that spot, so he wiped that spot with a tissue. But he wiped so darn hard that it felt like he was going to wipe my nose off my face! Hello? It's someone's face, a bit careful, okay?

    Then after repeating this (lasering and then removing skin tissue/blood), he said he was done. He said I had to come back after a few weeks, for a follow-up treatment, because this time he couldn't remove all of the mole. I thought: hell no! I'm crazy I accepted this absurd amount of 65,000KRW for a MOLE removal in the first place, and then I have to come back for a 2nd and 3rd time, and pay the same amount again? I don't think so! I would wait to see the result and then decide if I really needed a follow-up laser appointment - and then I would do it somewhere else... (I ended up not doing it).

    So ladies and gents, once again, DO NOT GO TO RENEWME SKIN CLINIC! They have several branches btw: Hongje, Dongdaemun, Hwagok, Seocho, Jamsil, Bundang, Busan. I went to the Dongdaemun branche. Maybe the service is better at other branches, but I doubt there would be a difference in treating foreigners (incl. costs). So be warned!
  3. It's been a year since I've done my eyebag removal/repositioning surgery at JK Clinic. I mailed them several times about my unsatisfied feeling about the end result.

    I will say it again: I WON'T RECOMMEND JK.

    This surgery is considered as a simple procedure, not even labeled as 'plastic surgery'. So if this is a 'simple' procedure, then why am I not satisfied with the end result? My eyes are not similar anymore, and even though most of the eyebags are not so visible anymore, you still see dark circles. And I get a weird twitch below my eyes sometimes (sometimes it hurts, but often it's just a weird/annoying feeling). They ignored my question about this by the way.

    Also, there is no aftercare provided. They will answer your emails, but they don't seem too happy to invite you again for a follow-up appointment or aftercare or whatsoever. Of course: you already paid for the surgery, so you're not important to them anymore. The interieur looks expensive and luxurious, they have staff who can speak English well, but if you're not satisfied with the end result of your surgery, and you don't get the feeling they'd do anything to give you a good aftercare - then it's a no for me.

    Hope this helps others who are considering JK Clinic. Feel free to ask questions or share your own experience about JK.
  4. There weren't a lot of other clients when I was there. But the ones who were there, were foreigners (I think Chinese/Taiwanese).

    I'm going back in 1~2 months and will visit them again. I will ask for a (partial) refund, but I don't think they will agree to that. I think they will offer a free surgery again, but why should I do another surgery at a clinic where I'm not pleased with the results? lol

    How is your research going so far?
  5. No, I didn't see nor asked for pictures, tbh. Because it's considered as a very simple procedure, which doesn't change your face (such as nose job for example). I made my choice on the type of surgery.

    I said it in my longer post before, but I'll say it again: I won't recommend JK because I'm not satisfied with the end result. I'm looking better than before, but I can't say the eyebags/dark circles have completely disappeared. That's why I'm not content with the result of the surgery. I'm going back to Korea in about 1-2 months, and I will visit them again to talk about this.
  6. You can find answers on these questions in my longer post above :smile:
  7. I can answer your questions here in this thread or you can send me a private message here.
  8. I will share my experience here. I went to South Korea in May. I made appointments at 'just' two clinics; The Line and JK. The surgery I wanted isn't really considered as plastic surgery, but it's still a surgery done at a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, I will share my experience anyway. The surgery I did was removal of the eye bag fat/dark circles below the eyes.

    After my consultations at both The Line and JK, I decided to do my surgery at JK. There were several reasons to chose JK over The Line.

    1. The English consultants of JK are quite skilled in English and professional. However, they play on their phone a lot during meetings, that seems a bit unprofessional. The consultants of The Line were also quite skilled in English, but not as good as the consultants at JK. Also, the consultant at The Line was a bit pushy, which I didn't like.
    2. The surgeon at JK was very friendly and also tried to explain things in English himself, even when the English consultant was present. I met two surgeons at The Line (because they offered a double surgery in my case), who also were friendly but a bit less personal.
    3. The surgery procedure JK offered was more simple and logical than the one The Line offered (they offered a double surgery which would left scars).
    4. The building of JK is really luxurious and gives a professonial and clean impression. Not only the lobby/reception area, but also the consultation rooms were very luxurious. The building of The Line was less luxurious. Also, the consultation room looked like an old office. However, how the building looks and feels isn't really important of course.

    So, I chose JK. The surgery went well. But now, 2.5 weeks later, I'm not really happy with the result so far. Yes, I look way much better than before, but I still see a little bit of an eye bag (especially on the right side). I went back to ask them about this, and they (both consultant and surgeon) replied with the fact it was still too early to see the final result. After 1 month after surgery all of the swollen parts will be gone, and then I could see the result. I don't really believe this, because I could see the difference after a few days the biggest swollen parts went down - and it hasn't changed. I will wait anoter 1.5 weeks like they said, so see the 'final result' after 1 month after surgery, but still, at this moment I'm not really satisfied. Especially because they said this surgery was a very simple one - and not even considered as plastic surgery (since you don't change anything in your appearance), so maybe that's why I'm even more disappointed.
  9. I will share my experience here. I went to South Korea in May. I made appointments at 'just' two clinics; The Line and JK. The surgery I wanted isn't really considered as plastic surgery, but it's still a surgery done at a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, I will share my experience anyway. The surgery I did was removal of the eye bag fat/dark circles below the eyes.

    After my consultations at both The Line and JK, I decided to do my surgery at JK. There were several reasons to chose JK over The Line.

    1. The English consultants of JK are quite skilled in English and professional. However, they play on their phone a lot during meetings, that seems a bit unprofessional. The consultants of The Line were also quite skilled in English, but not as good as the consultants at JK. Also, the consultant at The Line was a bit pushy, which I didn't like.
    2. The surgeon at JK was very friendly and also tried to explain things in English himself, even when the English consultant was present. I met two surgeons at The Line (because they offered a double surgery in my case), who also were friendly but a bit less personal.
    3. The surgery procedure JK offered was more simple and logical than the one The Line offered (they offered a double surgery which would left scars).
    4. The building of JK is really luxurious and gives a professonial and clean impression. Not only the lobby/reception area, but also the consultation rooms were very luxurious. The building of The Line was less luxurious. Also, the consultation room looked like an old office. However, how the building looks and feels isn't really important of course.

    So, I chose JK. The surgery went well. But now, 2.5 weeks later, I'm not really happy with the result so far. Yes, I look way much better than before, but I still see a little bit of an eye bag (especially on the right side). I went back to ask them about this, and they (both consultant and surgeon) replied with the fact it was still too early to see the final result. After 1 month after surgery all of the swollen parts will be gone, and then I could see the result. I don't really believe this, because I could see the difference after a few days the biggest swollen parts went down - and it hasn't changed. I will wait anoter 1.5 weeks like they said, so see the 'final result' after 1 month after surgery, but still, at this moment I'm not really satisfied. Especially because they said this surgery was a very simple one - and not even considered as plastic surgery (since you don't change anything in your appearance), so maybe that's why I'm even more disappointed.
  10. I can totally understand that you'd have wanted more time to prepare yourself! The procedure I have in mind is smaller than a breast surgery, tbh. I want my eye bags fat removed (I don't have just dark circles below my eyes, but they're literally BAGS). The procedure and aftercare of this is way less intensive than, let's say a breast surgery. But, I'm afraid I'm easily swept away in the consult and can't think/decide as an objective person...
  11. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Thanks for sharing! :smile:
  13. Yukina, I'm glad that you've posted your experience at The Line Clinic, as I can't seem to find a lot of reviews about this clinic. Your surgeries seem to be a big success, congrats on that!

    I was wondering, I'm interested in eye bag fat removal and rhinoplasty (for bulbous nose). Now that I've seen your pictures, I became quite interested in zygoma reduction as well, since I put on weight over the years, I now got a chubby face, which leads to fat onder my chin was well. As my chin is quite small, sometimes it just 'disappears' in my neck, lol. But I'll have to think about the zygoma reduction some more, maybe this problem can me solved if I just lose weight...

    The eye bag fat removal is my number one priority, as I'm annoyed by the sight of it every single day. I'm pretty scared for the rhinoplasty, because if they mess it up, your face is pretty much screwed. I'm going to Seoul for two weeks in May. I'd like to combine the surgery/surgeries with vacation time and meet people. What advice can you give me in when to do the surgery in those two weeks? Like, as soon as possible, or as late as possible (before going back)? How many days before the stitches/bandage comes off when you have rhinoplasty?

    I'm so sorry, this became quite a long message. :wacko: I hope you'll answer my questions. Thanks in advance!
  14. I'm going in May, too! I asked them for a consult, but I haven't hear from them yet. I honestly think that their service by email is quite lacking, comparing to other clinics I've contacted...
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