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Posts posted by bifrost

  1. Cheers HJ88,

    You put my mind at ease regarding this matter. Now I'm worried about the security at the airports asking about the large amount of cash. As long as they pull me aside and ask me and not around other passengers queuing up then I'm fine with saying I'm using it for surgery.
  2. I have read in a blog that Myeong dong seem to give the best rate too and that its better to exchange for krw in Korea rather than in your home country. Is there a limit to how much I can exchange at the money lenders place in Myeong dong?

    The rate here in the UK for 1.00 GBP ~ 1600.00 KRW based on HSBC conversion rate but the XE Currency Converter website rate is 1.00 GBP ~ 1732.00 KRW. Is that the going rate at the airports in Korea/Myeong dong?

    My bank, Hsbc's debit card have a 2.75% transaction fee:

    "Non-Sterling transaction fee of 2.75% of the exchange rate will apply on conversion, plus an ATM transaction fee – currently 2% (minimum £1.75, maximum £5.00)."

    Is the exchange rate usually made using local or the home bank account?
    I don't want to lose 850,000 krw for a £8500 transaction + 2.75% (£234) for using my debit card.

    Sorry if this is confusing, I'm trying to gather my thoughts and make as much sense of it as I can.
  3. Hi Joey,

    This is a quote from K Couture's guide regarding using rib cartilage for your rhinoplasty:

    "Rib Rhino - this method involves an incision at the rib area and a cartilage being harvest as such. The surgeon then carves the rib into shape and implants it into the patient. Rib rhino is the most invasive form of rhinoplasty. Many surgeons in Seoul use it as a last alternative for revision patients who, for whatever medical reason, cannot use artificial implants. Potential issues to consider, as with any autologous grafts, are absorption rates, assymetry, uneveness and humps. Again like the diced cartilage, because the shape and structure is not comparable to that of the silicones. However, some surgeons do recommend rib rhino for primary patients as that is their speciality. But as Bryan Mendelson explained to me, the reason behind the aesthetic complications is that most surgeons should not be performing this procedure. Because it is at the end of the day an art form with the shaping of the implant, hence it is difficult to get an ideal shape for the patient. I have seen many cases of unsatisfactory autologous grafts from rib and diced ear with fascia including my own, which is why I avoid autologous methods for the bridge like the plague. So while certainly good results are very much possible, there is also a higher margin of error with these procedures."
  4. I,m glad to hear back from you.

    Ahh, the price are within my expectation since I'm using the v line quote from ID and if they are considered the top 3 plastic surgery hospital then the price range from Banobagi shouldn't be that much of a different.

    Your reply pretty much settle my final choice for surgery. All I have to do now is get a quote a nd book my consultation/ guesthouse and plane ticket within the week.

    Thanks you for answering.
  5. Their guesthouse are right next door to their main practice and from what I have read, the minimum requirement is that you have to do a major surgery with them which requires a day or 2 of hospitalization.
  6. Don't forget to add "think happy thoughts" to that list. I understand, we all heal differently so it's only a matter of time until you get out of the Fat Amy stage of swelling.

    Like you , I'm worried about people who know you and questioned those Fat Amy swelling are more than just 2-3 weeks of holiday weight especially if you are of normal weight to begin with. Instead of leaning out a bit for my surgery plan in a month time, I might have to pig out a bit until I look plesantly plump as a precaution since I can only take 2 weeks off work to heal.
  7. Thank you for sharing your experience HJ88. This is interesting and at the same time, scary to read. I thought all the major swelling was mostly gone in 2 weeks. Are you getting any post operation de swelling massage treatments for it?
  8. Hi Jamie,

    First off, I wish you all the best with your road to recovery.

    How much did you end up paying for the v line surgery at Banobagi?

    Are you staying at their guesthouse?
    How much do they charge per night and how long are you allowed to stay there for?
    Are the guesthouse usually packed and can you book it in advance?

    Sorry for the flurry of questions right after your surgery.
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