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Posts posted by dreamsofyou

  1. This is also what I was told at Renewme... I didn't go because it was a little out of my budget. But the rep there said that cheaper places usually dont use a dermatologist for the procedures. My fillers back in the US was a few hundred dollars cheaper but it was done by a nurse. And the person there says that even GPs might not be as good because they don't understand skin like a dermatologist. They wouldn't know what to do if anything goes wrong (it might, filler is not always 100% safe).
    I still couldn't bring myself to pay for everything there,but if I could afford it I would def go. Why does beauty have to come at such a cost :sad:((
  2. Visiting Korea later this year to look for skin treatment and I came across this thread. So many clinics I really can't choose!!

    Im looking to treat some widened pores and a few age spots, maybe some facials. Good candidates seem like Zell and Renewme, preferably a place with good English. But the treatments and price is obviously more important.

    Any further reviews or recommendations? This thread has not been updated in a while.
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