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Posts posted by farpsdecarps

  1. Actually I agree, the way you've positioned the photos and angled it/posed does further amplify the pointiness but front on it honestly isn't that bad.
  2. I completely agree! Not revealing the entire story and omitting portions that make you look less favourable, and the clinic rather accommodating is absolutely ridiculous. Two jaw results usually take a few months and even up to a year to completely stabilize and reveal its final form. Saying the clinic left you out in the cold, when you were offered free revision is rather ironic. Altering the story to make the clinic look as though they aren't actually qualified and haven't catered to your needs is stupid. The fact is TFD has been producing quality results for clients at excellent prices, a look at the Korean Naver forums will reveal legitimate 'transformation stories'.Doing revision double jaw surgery three weeks after, because YOU believe you're a 'nurse' and thus qualified to validate your own revision surgery is just SILLY.

    Point is negative reviews are told from the perspective of a customer that may be slightly skewed. If you're going to post a review, please reveal the truth. Revision double jaw surgery after three weeks is a stupid decision to make and the doctor personally advised you against it, yet your whining resulted in him finally accepting his clients requests.

    Be careful with your words because some of them were used in a way that were misleading. They did not leave you out in the cold, they accommodated your requests.They are in fact qualified and not just merely plastic surgeons buts rather maxillofacial surgeons. They DO know what they're doing as evident by many patients who were happy when they complied by the clinics advice and consultation, regarding the recovery process.

    I don't know anyone at the face dental but I absolutely detest rude customers who feel that they can make sweeping generalizations.
  3. Hmm I guess cheekbone implants will help alleviate my long face, as I dont have a long chin but rather a long midface.
  4. Wow thank you for the detailed response! I didn't realise there were so many methods available, housed under one surgery title.
  5. Jw have had beautiful results with rhinoplasty! The tip isn't extremely angular, nor pointy and it curves downwards like a natural slope.

    However, has anyone noticed nose jobs become pointier and less natural over a prolonged period of time?
  6. Dr Suh is known to produce amazing noses though! :smile: I've seen his work on real life and sponsored people and it's always very very natural and beautiful, he was actually my top pick for a rhino.. maybe you should consult with them again?
  7. Honeybooboo thank you so much for the detailed response, to every question, wasn't expecting that, but I'm so thankful! I'm happy that your surgery went successfully and that your face has vastly reduced in size! :smile:

    I also wanted to ask one last question, how are the emergency facilities at TFD? (For example; in case of a cardiac arrest etc)

    Which hotel did you stay in btw?

    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

  8. What do you mean by conservative? :biggrin:

    Was Doctor lee firm with you? What was his differing perspectives, in terms of beauty?
    Do you feel your look (although a little too early to tell), is vastly improved?

  9. I really don't want to scare you but haven't you heard of the horror stories at ID? They're notorious for ghost surgeons and thus with inexperienced staff, comes underwhelming results..

    I've heard of stories where there was severe asymmetry, terrible aftercare/customer service, nerve damage and overall unsatisfactory results both aesthetically and physically.

  10. Is reattaching the jaw still vline, O.O or does that move into the two jaw territory?
    I never realised that within vline surgery there were multiple methods utilized to achieve the final result. I suppose vline is just an umbrella term for a variety of facial contouring strategies..

    How long did yo utake to recover from vline kCouture?

    THANK you once again for being SO informative, pleasant and kind.

  11. Ahh so you didn't like your facial contouring results? The problem is not a square jaw, my face is narrow and vline.. its just I HATE the length of it :sad:! I was just hoping to shave some of the length off, even 0.5 cm should be a huge difference! :biggrin:

    Thank you so much for responding, you're so helpful! :smile:
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