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Posts posted by acherousian

  1. The short answer is, yes

    however if you have long term visa + Korean adress, you need to self quarantine at your residence instead

    I might go for surgery in may
  2. Hey girl
    I'm also considering to go through with my trip to Korea in may and staying until september. Can I kakaotalk you about the quarantine facilities? it's so hard to find more information about this
  3. I'm in the exact same situation as you..... I did the jaw reduction 2 years ago and have some annoying sagginess on lower face and double chin. I've just booked my flights in may and will do consultations+research now.

    you're welcome to add me on kakaotalk

    Id: acherousian
  4. You look amazing on your profile picture!!

    I was wondering about if you had any issues with sagging/loose skin after the FC?
    I also did fc 2 years ago, though I have some sagginess on lower face that will hopefully be fixed when I go back to SK this may.
  5. Hey there!
    I feared so.... I havent consulted any clinics on kakaotalk yet, but should do soon.
    Do you have any suggestion on what procedures to consider to deal with it? I've been looking into threadlift, but doesnt seem like it last a long time :/

    Thanks for replying

  6. Im in the same boat as you. I did the v-line 2 years ago, but I have some sagging on cheeks and a prominent double chin caused by the loose skin.

    I'm going back to SK in may and will get facial lipo and maybe threadlifting.

    If you do the v-line you will have to deal with sagging and loose skin and do an after treatment. I talked to some of the girls from the 2018 kakaochat, and they mentioned they had similar issue.
  7. Hi! I have the same issue. I did v-line in may and im considering coolsculpt or acculift to get rid of the double chin as well. Could you let me know how it goes? If you decide to go for it
  8. Hi
    I asked a few clinics about doing fc + acculift in one surgery, and they said they're able to do it! but a few clinics told me its better to loose weight/fat instead of acculift.
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