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Posts posted by brown-christina

  1. I think Korea is one of the easies Asian countries you can travel around for clinics as long as you speak english. no need to hire a translator at all.
  2. really ? strange. henry gave me all the quotation whenever i asked. try it again!
  3. so pretty.... i am sure a lot of girls want to have the dramatic result like you had... which did not happen to me :sad:
  4. can you please share us your photos??? cannot wait to see them!! it's been more than 1o days now. right? how did it go so far
  5. well, i think they would give the opportunities to the clinic which has built good reputations in each field. otherwise, it would be hard to maintain the business. hope they are not that stupid.
  6. would you let us see your front views as well? hehe.

  7. oh. i like your new nose. the results are very natural.
  8. thank you for sharing.
    may I ask which doctor performing?

  9. wow... how long did it take to write this review? thank you for the work. haha.
    View's acculift price is crazy. . why is it so expensive?
    very good result...
    the best i seen recently. good luck on your recovery and will be awaiting for the next post op.
  11. you must be super excited. :smile: good luck dear. keep posting!

  12. Yes. I like my result as the profile of my thighs is smooth now. I do not remember how much it was exactly but I remember the price was not expensive. I bargained a lot as I got a few procedures tgt..

  13. I have a couple of friends who got the shaving technique and they seemed having the smooth surface now but not everyone can get them as it's more proper to someone who has pronouncing cheekbones at the side parts only. I also got the consultation about the technique for my surgery but the doctor refused to do it to me since my case is not proper for the technique. hope this helps. :smile: good luck
  14. I was a lucky one as I have a few friends in Korea who are quite into PS so I can get helpful information whenever I want. well. yeah. Realself n Purseforum could be good sources to research but careful with the commercial adverts.
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