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Posts posted by sunshineusa

  1. Thx for sharing and glad u had a good result. Can u plz pm me where u got vline done?
  2. I have the same question about this method too. Wondering if anyone has done this. Please share :smile:)
  3. yeah, you're right. "we cannot have the cake and eat it too". Im still doing research if I need vline or bc its the machester that make my face wider. what's your list for vline now? may I know?
    I'm so lost for finding the right doctor with the good clinic, some are good and some are bad, they are mixed reviews so we dont know which one is good and safe to go >.<
  4. Please add me on kakao too. My id is: sunshineusa101
    Im interested in The Face Dental too! thanks for sharing NYC Angel!
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