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Posts posted by trini707

  1. 1. Find out if your preferred doctors are going to be there first. They might go off on conferences or something like that.
    2. Clinics will charge you if you use credit card, to the tune of 15-20%. Clinics might give cash discount of 10%. Reputable clinics will also give you tax refund receipt even if you pay by cash- but some clinics might try to scam you by saying tax refund is included in the price.
    3. 2 weeks is long enough for most surgeries. If it's FC though, you should stay a bit longer unless you get surgery done the day you arrive.
    4. Straightaway could mean several things depending on the doctor's schedule. It could literally be that afternoon or the next few days. However, larger clinics who have well-known doctors may be fully booked during peak months (summer).
  2. Hey :smile: I'm 3 months post op from jaw reduction + zygoma + genioplasty at Banobagi with Dr. Oh. He pinned my own jaw bone to my chin to add length to my face, which is a much more permanent solution compared to fillers, which is what I wanted. I really like my chin too ^^ If you're going at peak time like in June onwards, it might be better to leave a deposit since they're all really busy. >< let me know if you have any questions :smile:
  3. I took bromelain ampoules and arnica cream that I bought in a Korean pharmacy. That really helped my swelling go down, but my nose didn't look great until day 11/12. I was **really** shocked when the cast was taken off on day 6, but it gets a lot better! (Had a bit of a cry on day 7 though, my nose looked huge). 2 weeks after, my nose looked fine. It's now less than 2 months after surgery and I really love it. Also the nurses will show you how to clean your nose after surgery- it's important ^^ I got scolded by the nurses for not doing it well because I thought I had to clean all the way inside- turns out it's just around the stitches.
  4. I'm having accusculpt done end of March. It'll be just after 3 months from the date of my FC surgery. A lot of people think it's quite early, but I think it's pretty standard? Especially when I have a lot of facial fat >< Apparently it's mostly a given that people must have accusculpt after FC due to sagging and to slim the face down. I'm 21 and have pretty good skin elasticity, but I definitely feel that I need it and my mum agrees. I'll let you know how it goes.

  5. This is the only thing I could find on JK's antiaging by Dr. Bae :sad: They do a lot of promoting towards foreign patients. I can kind of understand the lack of reviews. Older women who go for antiaging procedures probably don't blog about it unless they're doing a sponsored video.

    There are a lot of chinese reviews here, you can have a look at their photos ^^;
  6. Most of the top clinics are on that list it freaked me out too! Take everything with a grain of salt, people were telling me that my clinic was bad for rhino the night before my surgery
  7. Hard lump inside or outside the cheek? No, I haven't had that. I have a small bump on my zygoma incisions though. I'm just over 6 weeks postop.
  8. 1) Since you are a guy, I wouldn't recommend Cinderella. ITEM is also not known to produce good results. Recently, GNG has also been popular for their natural results but there aren't enough reviews yet. Banobagi usually isn't highly recommended because of the high price and their natural style, but I like my nose from them- it's a very natural enhancement. It suits my features perfectly.

    2) The risk for calcium deposits on the silicone causing the appearance of the nose to warp may take 10-35 years according to a study. For autologous material such as donor cartilage or rib cartilage, it can be absorbed by the body causing a warped appearance. It seems like a lot of people go for nose revision, probably more than eyelid revision. So it's important to choose your primary surgeon carefully and make 100% sure that they understand what you want. Also to correct your bulbous nose, different procedures may be recommended by different surgeons. Some may advocate for implants as well as tiplasty, depending on how bulbous it is. It's better to consult with your surgeons directly on this.

    3) I went for surgery last December. You have quite a few 'popular' clinics on your list whose top surgeons may be fully booked during this period. If you want to shop around for a surgeon instead of paying a deposit, April would be better. My clinic was packed and the surgeons were super busy as this is the peak time for surgery amongst locals and foreigners as we all have a lot of days off. If you want to book consultations for December, you should book 1 month + in advance. If it's April, I think 1 month's notice is enough.

    4) If it's nose stitches, I had my septum stitches out on day 6 and my inner stitches out on day 11 post-surgery. Not to rush you, but a lot of hospitals back home might not agree to take your stitches out for you, or they will ask for a high fee. it's better to have your surgery done in the first few days of arrival if you're there for 14 days.
  9. Actually before my surgery, I was like ??? at negative reviews and panicking- both about my clinic and about the surgery I'm doing. >< It's better to go and see for yourself I think ^^
  10. Yeah I am thinking of having it done. I've booked my flight tickets already for end of March ^^ I celebrated CNY yesterday with some friends and I realised that my face is still pretty chubby in group photos >< It was a major major improvement of course, but I'm still like :/ get this fat out of my face. It's good to hear that your skin is still firm ^^ How come you're considering accusculpt?

    Hey everyone,
    I updated my blog with 2 new reviews ^^ please check it out. Link is in my signature.
  11. I'm going back in March for BA and accusculpt :smile: I think quite a few people get it after FC- my results aren't too obvious now because I still have a lot of facial fat that will most likely sag over time. I think it's better to have facial lipo now when my body can still recover well than to do it when I'm older and my skin will sag from the weight of the fat? >< I saw the result of facelifts on some older ladies in the clinic and tbh it was a bit disconcerting, so I understand your concern
  12. The dissolvable stitches are still awful to have in your mouth for so long >< I couldn't feel comfortable talking or eating until I had them taken out. It was painful but seriously worth staying to have the nurses remove it.
  13. IMG_1485026423.812981.jpg

    I think the results can be really dramatic as above if your facial structure allows ^^ it's just that for me, it would have been dangerous to cut too much of my jaw because my nerve was so low. I would say go for a consultation and see what the doctors say after your x rays and CT.

    I got my hair cut to distract from my surgery haha :')
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