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Posts posted by krizzobizzle

  1. I mean,..don't get me wrong, nothing is going to move as the bone is close to healing,.but yes its frustrating. The last thing I want is a minor surgery under local to remove a screw. Luckily the screw that is loose is the one thats easily accessible near the ear.

    I'll hope the healing can fix it in place but I'm trying to be realistic :sad:. I know people post the good about the surgeries I just want to be honest with everyone about every facet of the recovery.

    I'm only 5 weeks out so maybe I am worrying too much but its just a gut feeling.
  2. Thanks Cherry. Yea I have messaged them and they keep telling me the screw is not loose. But I have a gut feeling from the sound that is not the case. I will give it a few more weeks but think its unlikely it will go away at this point. I will update.
  3. Hi Everyone. I just thought I would give a quick update from my FC / Fat Graft / Zygoma with GNG.

    I had surgery 5 weeks ago and still recovering. Overall I am fairly happy,..but at the moment still having a few complications which are really frustrating me that I thought I would be honest and mention. I don't know if anyone has experienced anything similar so I would appreciate any info.

    1 ) The first one is a persistent noise near my right ear where one of the zygoma screws are. This tends to worsen when the swelling goes down. At the moment I am thinking I may be a loose screw as when the swelling decreases throughout the day the noise does not improve.

    2 ) The second one is by bottom lip feels incredibly tight and feels rolled in. I don't know if this is swelling that is causing the tightness, or if the mentalis muscle has been stitched too tightly. But overall its uncomfortable and really hoping it improves in the next month or so. This is more bothersome than the first problem as it affects my speech.

    I will post more if I can as I go. Thanks. Jen

    (Oh, I'm trans btw. Not sure if it matters but there you go)
  4. Thanks, I feel more comfortable with my decision now. The two jaw for midface seems like your best option for your face. I'm lucky my midface is fairly compact. Just beware that there is a risk of sagging the more maxilla is removed. Both or your choices are really good clinics.

    Do you have someone looking after you during your recovery in Seoul? 2-jaw is pretty brutal for the first 2 weeks.
  5. Ok I'm scared:smile:
  6. Hi Everyone

    So as you know I came out to Korea a month ago and have consulted with many clinics.

    I went to JK, JW, I.d, Fresh, The Line, and April 31.

    I was originally planned to do surgery with JK but decided that I really need to correct my bite. I came across The Face Dental after some nice reviews on here and some searching online.

    I have three consults so far, and had all my scans taken etc, and a surgical plan discussed. But I am still scared as I'm on my own here. I'm caucasian so I understand most if not all his surgeries are on asian faces.

    On the other hand I have found Dr Lee to be really nice. He has explained everything as honestly as I think he could, and hasn't been pushy with regards to my decision, and he has answered all my questions without it feeling rushed like in other clinics.

    I would really appreciate anyone who has been to The Face Dental to reach out to me to discuss their experiences good or bad, or anyone who has done 2 jaw surgery.

    My surgical plan is to correct my overbite, moving my lower jaw forward, then widening and moving my upper jaw. I think I am also having a T-Oesteotomy /Genioplasty to narrow my chin slightly.

    Feel free to add me on Kakao at : Krizzobizzle

    Thanks everyone I'll keep you all posted.
  7. Hi everyone. I am currently in Seoul finally but not had surgery yet. I have consulted with 3 clinics. I.d hospital, JW, JK, and maybe DAPRS since they are all close to each other. I'm finding it really hard to decide.
  8. Hi.

    I'm off to JK in Feb 10th for Zygoma Reduction and Facial Contouring + Fat Graft.


    I'm caucasian and transgender, so I feel JK would offer the most natural results and the best aftercare.

    Can anyone tell me if I have made a good decision? Has anyone else been to JK?

    I am naturally a bit nervous about recovery but hoping it goes ok.

    Thanks for anyone who responds, Jen xx
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