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Posts posted by dyn582

  1. please if you are talking about all the realself reviews, they are all FAKE and posted by the clinic themself.
  2. yup my theory is people mistake "zygoma reduction" with "making your face less wide".

    If your zygoma protrude out far past the width of your skill, zygoma may look good. but if your head is simply wide, and your zygoma dont really protrude out past the width of your skull, then actually zygoma reduction will look terrible on you, and give you flat sunken look.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6d8i9WwIkm161ueFyVU2PA/videos

    check out this guy. he seems like an expert on zygoma sagging, and what causes it, and how to fix it
  4. Never mind guys. This review is real... he just messaged me privately in kakao. MY BAD @Dominic4774 !!
  5. YES. This guys's final photos have been up on View's website for months. What the ****.


    I really liked View but they are starting to become so obvious with their marketing and fake accounts. Maybe this guy really did have good results at View, but to me, this is clearly the clinic, and not him, writing this post
  6. https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1004804-anyone-heard-about-grida-or-ruby-cinic-in-korea/#post-32900434

    @poppykong12 account created last week, first posts ever talking about grida
    @bellatiempi account created last month, first posts ever about grida
    @juliahurth01 account created a few days before that

    promoter alert

    Look at these three threads about grida, a clinic that has never been mentioned ever before int his forum before these three brand new users started discussing it. Obviously the same person.
  7. https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1004804-anyone-heard-about-grida-or-ruby-cinic-in-korea/#post-32900434

    @poppykong12 account created last week, first posts ever talking about grida
    @bellatiempi account created last month, first posts ever about grida
    @juliahurth01 account created a few days before that

    promoter alert

    Look at these three threads about grida, a clinic that has never been mentioned ever before int his forum before these three brand new users started discussing it. Obviously the same person.

    congratulations, instead of helping your clinic, you just lost the trust of the users in this forum.
  8. https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1004804-anyone-heard-about-grida-or-ruby-cinic-in-korea/#post-32900434

    @poppykong12 account created last week, first posts ever talking about grida
    @bellatiempi account created last month, first posts ever about grida
    @juliahurth01 account created a few days before that

    promoter alert

    Look at these three threads about grida, a clinic that has never been mentioned ever before int his forum before these three brand new users started discussing it. Obviously the same person.
  9. @Fasi do you mind if I ask how old you were when you did vline?
  10. [​IMG]
    I have a very long/flat face. Dream, TL, and View said I should probably do two-jaw. Namu, Opera, Braun said my case is not that severe, and I can achieve the same effect with just chin reduction genioplasty. (They may be biased since Opera and Braun in particular don't do two-jaw)

    Option 1: Two-jaw surgery has amazing results for long-face, but it is basically the most aggressive plastic surgery in existence. Before/afters that I love for people with a similar face to me:

    Option 2: Here's my best attempt to imagine what chin reduction genioplasty might look like.

    I'm a little torn. Any opinions? And are there any other procedures you think I could use? We're all here trying to become more attractive right... help a guy out. I do not mind brutal honesty!
  11. I dont know... I think a lot of the anger in this thread is misdirected... this botched job was the doctor's fault, not Claire's.
  12. hmm first post ever on the forum... defending the clinic... I think we found a promoter lol.
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