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Posts posted by dv007

  1. I got primary rhinoplasty in the summer of 2017. Before, I had a super flat and wide nose. The doctor shaved some bone off to make my bridge more narrow, added an implant, and used ear cartilage for my tip. He did emphasize realistic expectations, but to be honest, I expected a slightly more defined/slimmed look. Since I live in Seoul, I've been back several times for post-op check-ups. One of the consultants did mention that it was possible to go in again for something called tip plasty... which I assume is building up the tip of the nose to make it more defined/slim.

    Is tip plasty less intense than a full-on revision rhinoplasty?
    When going for a revision, would you rather go to a new clinic/doctor or have the same one work on you?

    Thank you in advance for any input/advice =)
  2. I'm glad to hear that she's back! I visited in mid-April for my 8-month post rhino check-up. I met Victoria that time. I was thinking of doing lipo at MVP this summer mainly because they took such great care of me last summer when I did my nose. I had second thoughts when I heard Elizabeth was "gone" but now that she's back.. MVP is back in the running!
  3. Hi. I am reviving this post in hopes of getting some info/review on Evita. I recently emailed them for a consultation. Their prices seem decent for lipo. I am interested in getting lip for my thighs/abdomen/love handles. Another clinic told me that everything can be done in one surgery. Evita, however, said that I would need to have two surgeries for everything. They said it was possible to have surgery one day apart.

    ... Is this normal? They said they had some rule about not doing more than 4 hours of operation on one patient per surgery. Ideally, I'd like to get everything over with at once. I'm scared of not being "strong" enough for another round of surgery the next day.

    If anyone has any opinions/info on Evita, it would be much appreciated. TIA! =)
  4. I did the 윤곽주사 here before. It's supposed to dissolve the fat under your chin. I went to the Myeongdong location because it was the easiest one to find near me (I live/work in Seoul). Most clinics will try to sell you a package deal. A lot of these treatments require more than one treatment to show any result. I did have a slightly slimmer appearance after 3 rounds of shots.. however, I feel like the effects have worn off since then.

    I also did botox for jawline reduction. These work, but also require regular maintenance every few months.

    For nose fillers, I would look into a specific toxnfill or go elsewhere. Toxnfill is like the McDonald's of botox.. they have branches everywhere. The location I went to was pretty modest. Nothing fancy. For nose fillers, I would feel better going to a slightly fancier place.
  5. Hi!
    I am looking to get lipo on my thighs, love handles, and abdomen. Besides 365mc, are there any clinics that are well-known for lipo?
    Or are there any clinics that have a lower body special. Like 3 areas in one surgery?

    Also, how do you feel like "famous" clinics? As in 365mc is famous for lipo, so you should go there. I did rhino at a clinic last summer, had a fantastic experience, but I am not sure I want to go there for lipo bc they are not "known" for that..
  6. My consultation with Laprin was a real turn off. They sounded way too eager to snatch up my money. They quoted me a separate price for primary rhino and a different one with osteotomy (spelling?) They quoted me about 8 mil for osteotomy and rhino. I didn't get a good vibe from the consultant. The doctor didn't even have time to stop in.

    I had my rhino at MVP this past summer. I am about 2 months post op and still healing. So far, I am happy with everything.
  7. I guess mine would be considered a primary. I got nose fillers last year.. but I've never had surgery. I consulted with a Banobagi & Laprin before choosing MVP. MVP was already one of my top choices and hearing that they were having a summer special made the decision much easier haha. Plus, I felt more comfortable after meeting with the consultants at MVP.
  8. I currently live in Seoul (teaching English) & I will be having rhinoplasty at MVP on 7/31! I have a 2-week vacation from work to deal with my surgery. I'm a little worried about how recovery will go with all this humidity... So far, I bought a sun hat, a cap, face mask, and one of those portable fans haha. I know I'll have to walk around to speed up the healing, but I hope the weather isn't too brutal by then.
  9. Do you mind sharing the price? I am thinking about getting mini lipo/lipo in general for inner thighs in the near future as well. How was the recovery process? I heard it's supposed to be less intense than regular lipo recovery.
  10. How do you guys find out about their specials? I couldn't see anything on their website. I am going to MVP next week for a consultation, but I wanted to see what price range I should be expecting. If it's 3mil, that's a really good deal for rhinoplasty!
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