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Posts posted by divas-nag

  1. :heart: Dear Readers and Friends :heart:

    Amid the COVID-19 crisis we are enduring now, I'd like to share a story of my journey for my liposuction & face rejuvenation (360 degree waistline) experience at Laprin to lighten the mood.

    Upon arriving Seoul during mid Feb 2020, Incheon Airport security is top-notch - First, you have to go through a series of health check, questionnaire and the staff will bring in the arrival in batches. You'll need to have a local number and the staff will ring you on the spot to verify the number provided.

    Having my appointment at Laprin at 9.40am, the nurses checked my temperature and health statistic, making sure I am free from COVID-19 before proceeding consultation. It was conducted professionally and timely while the interpreter was always by my side to reassure my safety.

    Consultation with Doctor Lee was enjoyable and comfortable. He listened intently to my concerns and suggested different methods to achieve the most natural result for both my love handles, upper and lower tummy.

    Surgery room is clean and sterilised thoroughly. Prior sedation, iodine was sprayed to cover my entire body while the nurses were caring and gave me clear directions. 3 hours later, I was awaked and greeted with a bowl of warm pumpkin porridge. Now, that is a personal touch for me.

    Aftercare is comprehensive including resting in the oxygen capsule to speed up cell regeneration and a laser treatment to tighten my skin. Special mention to Laprin's interpreter, Raina - She is extremely caring and helpful. In other words, she will be right there when you need something to be taken care of.

    Later, I visited Laprin's Dermatology Center to reinvigorate my face with AirJet and Ultherapy. Dr Cho who is my favourite Doctor is very personal and willing to go extra mile to help you. The procedure felt so casual as we chatted about travel experience and life stories. And the next you know, it's done.

    To me, Laprin offers me personal care and attentive to every detail.
    1 month out, I am starting to see the difference on my face and tummy. I can't wait for the final result yet to come!

    Warm Regards,
    Divas :smile:
  2. Nope, i dont speak korean. They have people that will speak good english with you. Try whatapps them, the number is on their website. Regen has experienced surgeon to perform excellent fat grafting. Laprin as well for their nano fat graft. Find their head director to do for you. If u re doing 3 surgeries (say fat graft, acculift and blepharoplasty or rhino), u can definitely ask for a better price and they will be happy to do for u. Regen usually give good rate if the patient could write a positive review and they can offer u 30% and above off.

    Just remember. Its the surgeon's skill that will make or break your desired result. Not the technology.
  3. If u have unsightly extra fat pad, acculift is for you.
    Clinic will quote per area price and usually its 1mil to 1.2mil max for me. Anything more is overpriced. And full face probably ends up at 2.5 to 3mil.

    Fat grafting works well with acculift for contouring and shaping face. For me, i did acculift to remove my fat pad just above my nasolabial fold and fat graft to my cheeks and malar areas. My whole face is lifted. If you have alot of skin to spare, acculift is not for you. It wont tighten like a facelift.
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