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Posts posted by andy-l-park

  1. I think you must be awaiting my lawyer call as you said.

    Two days later after my fren will pay for report to SG lawyer office, after I've got answer from them.

    then he'll pm you to know about your information to send some applications with proving he is my agent.

    When I ask to them First, that consultant said online community is not easy becoz they need to find you first, so I suggest them.

    I'll ask to her if they gonna pm you then you are answer for that. So they said that's a possible.

    I aleady sent this website address to they know this what happened, so they have read and suggested I'd better talk with them.

    I don't want you are very uncomfortable with me becoz you keep talking I'm gonna harrassing you but you said anything you can

    talk with me wherever court or not becoz you are right.

    I just wondering who you are.. what's your purpose.. what problem I have.. if that anything is.. then I'll solve myself.

    I felt my English limitation and really wondering what tax problem do you have...

    What purpose you do so, I should have to find expert.

    Becoz that time my SG fren told me solved all problem, furthermore... I have been in SG few times aleady but no problem.

    So, I wondering what problem I have as you said and wanna discuss about this.

    Why Singaporian friend? becoz I don't think you are Malaysian... So, I asked to my SG fren.

    If you are living in Malaysia then tell me, I willing to change law office to Malaysia.

    (Actually, I haven't think that consulting fee is so expensive. 400sgd.)

    Godwin Campos LLC
    24 Raffles Place
    19-07 The Clifford Centre
    Singapore 048621

    Tel: 66904687
    Fax: (65) 6532 2015
    Email: [email protected]

    The way prove themselves is you can call this office after 2days later or monday What I report about you.

    I asked them I want BRYAN CHAN as my agency in my application form.

    We adult don't need fight here. funny isn't it?

    No doubt you gonna answer for that right. becoz you are very right person.

    I do understand your English but I do 'not' understand what would you talk and why you do this pretending like you know me well.

    You know this is defamation problem and I called to Bukit Timah Neighbourhood Police Centre SG to ask but they said

    Get a lawyer is better first. and Next month 18 or 25 Nov, I'll go to the SG or Malaysia.

    I cannot follow your English talk but I would try to talk in English becoz you cannot speak Korean.

    Most of that weird tax calculation, I don't understand and the another talk was so nice.

    Summary, you aleady talked you could show all about my fault and guilty even tax(??).

    So, I also wanna know what problem I have and how can you say here like that way.

    I'll solve my duty problem myself if I have becoz you say like that.

    Keep your talk. I'm looking forward to see you sincerely.
  2. Waa, This is so nice answer;; I have nothing to say for her question becoz you made it perfectly at least in my knowledge.

    :heart: Thumbs up.
  3. You know what? I have never seen any Singaporian is talking to Korean do speak English in logical?

    but I got a chance(?) to see that today even I talked hundred times I'm learning English here.

    Waa... so proud of she is speak English logically... Then why don't we don't have devate something in Korean logically?

    Becoz I have never talk to foreigner speak Korean logically on my life. If I know someone is trying to learn Korean

    then.. I always trying to help them to master of it with pleasure.

    So... she said I'm rude and what? then is it nice talk in SG? Do you think I don't know 'logical talking way' or 'poor English

    even hundred Korean expression is floating on my head'. Just take this as I don't know 'logical talking way' fair~?

    I'll take it as English is Global common language so she is worrying about my English study.
  4. So, you are here to say "I am just here to warn everyone about Mr. Andy Park - who repeatedly says he is here to share."

    Then quoting you, I'm here to say 'What promote is.. and What real Korean price is..' similar...? then as you say exactly...

    Kill another promoter...? so nice. and let's take this as I wanna take a replace their position as you said.

    Why do you angry for what? What's this purpose? Think about this through carefully.

    Simple question.

    There is almost just 3 kind of people here and talk.

    Promoter (like me)


    observer (just watching without any interesting about ps)

    If anyone revealed cheater or promoter and what real price is then,

    Which one is so upset and talking about him like she is really knowing well but don't wanna show herself.

    What's your purpose? Becoz you can't stand injustice as you said? Then why don't you take it as I'm doing same like you?

    As you see I'm doing like you did in your theory. not funny? If I follow you again then I wanna say you

    were worked with me before but you are still working in this field with feeling threatening from my thread

    in my sight.

    You just say in your mouth like you gonna do something for me but as you see all bluff just trying to avoid my question.

    You know what?

    If I just throw something to say here like you did

    I know you well even you don't know me but I don't wanna talk about myself even you ask me

    becoz you gonna harrassing me as you did~

    I heard something from many people about you are lez. I have a picture what you know.

    You have a tax problem so let's calculate about this.

    You just one of promoter who felt dagerous from my thread so you tried to make me scam first whatever I wrote here

    Becoz I can't see injustice.

    Same trick with you? Anyone believe or not but some dumbs who just trust itself is everywhere.

    All thing you did it here just now. Isn't it?

    Ah... one thing less, I think I need to make a new ID and hire good 'English' translator first.
  5. I'm sick and tired of your bluffing on just mouth.

    Paper tiger... like you are doing now.


    Yes like you said you are so nice to share precious information with everyone. For that I thank you on everyone's behalf. Like I said, your true intentions lies beyond that. Yes, you did not offer to bring anyone or promote any clinics outright. But your intention is simple - kill off all possible promoters, and with a lack of players promoting any clinic, people have to come to "experts" like you for recommendations. From there you will share your two cents.


    Is this a new novel you tried?

    So now you are trying to protect them don't get die by me becoz I tried to do to be expert that as you said?

    And what this rediculous picture? Did I ask you this? you do think I cannot find this through image search?


    You are really look so weider?

    From start... all is so weird in my sight.

    I wrote and start this thread make people do get their surgery without any supporter even me you know?

    Of cos you know...

    Don't pay even anyone talk you need to pay, find good clinic after 2~3times visit yourself.

    This is main subject. Any problem? ye, you are problem becoz I know this is so dangerous your biz.

    But you started this Andy was scammer and there is reason what??

    I asked you, make me understand you have a qualify to have my apologize or blame me.

    As I said If you are then I willing to sorry for you. but you made a excuse. I'm gonna harassing you?

    Don't you think that thing.. You are doing now exactly with funny issue suddenly.

    Why? why someone keep saying about I'll kill all promoter to be Expert? Is this right reason you talk??

    If that thing really will happen then something wrong with you?

    And that does need publish my personal information technically? If I would then annonymous isn't enough?

    Becoz I did it well as former promoter. Don't need to show myself.

    You still being behind with excuse I'm harrassing you even you are doing now to me.

    Then don't tell you are awaiting lawyer to show you are right and what? ah... patients will be your side??

    And this is question. how do you know my patients? Getting curious... isn't it?

    No reason but just you suddenly talking about tax what?? and Calculated tax divide kindly like you have

    worked with me, then FYI.. my all SG fren was promoter or patients of cos.

    Even that was so funny thank you.

    You said you have a some picture what I've know so I asked you twice put it on but...

    You just brought any google search image who looks like had ps side effect.

    Keep going, Learning English is just bonus to me. and you are very helpful.
  6. Oh... so thanks to you for you try file my social code and report suspicious biz.

    Is this all reason...?

    Logical...? Don't you think you just talking in English well? Becoz This issue is so ridiculous from start.

    Actually, This thread is starting with

    'How to do your plastic surgery in Korea yourself alone'

    And I wrote a lot of Korean real price and promoter tricks here.

    I'm just talking about Real Korean price and how to go to Korea and stay hotel and find good hospital without fee.

    Even I posted how to googling Korean famous plastic word in Naver search Engine.

    In a short, If anyone understand my thread all perfectly and can do then... even SG dog can go to Korea and get a hotel

    alone without any external help and get cheaper price don't need any promoter 30%commission support as you said.

    This is meaning if anyone need Korea ps information then just take it. That doesn't matter with I was Killer or not.

    Isn't it?

    No one ever but Only one person suddenly appear and talk about 'Tax' problem here??

    Do I have to laugh??


    This thread is about ' 'How to do your plastic surgery in Korea yourself alone'

    In my sight...

    You are just one of black mail sender becoz you felt threatened to your biz by my thread.

    If anyone think like this way then all are simple...

    Don't worry, my chaptor 7 is over as you see, I don't post about this anymore becoz sick of black mail pm.

    But don't know How to remove my thread.

    Becoz if there is only people who would against my thread with talking about my personal information she pretend like well then..

    You know what kinda people do...

    If I were your same situation then I would do like you are doing. Understand.

    Do you have anything for a guilty?

    Ah... I beg you, put a picture. why do you keep just talking?

    Let me see.
  7. So... as a result, you don't pm me with excuse Andy you harassing me bla bla...

    Ye, Nice try as I expected.

    And curious thing is... what's that picture??

    I'd better make new ID today night and talking about you with name Trumph who living in SG as a olypiad bla bla and know you well

    but you don't know me, and don't want talk to you about myself becoz you gonna harassing me.

    Then why do you talk call a lawyer bla bla first with looks like threatening me tax bla bla?

    You know what... you are saying is almost bluffing in my sight from start.

    Say again...

    Nice try.
  8. Second, there is two theory here...
    Ok, don't make me confuse first. I'll take it.

    As you know I aleady publishing my personal information on here becoz nothing I need to be shame or hide in any situation.

    You are saying about you olympiad debater whatever but that's not meaing you can say about people easily right?

    Then can I know your identity and which place I can check you are being as real person?

    You know this situation right? Don't worry this is not for sue bla bla.

    think, very simple. Believe or not, I don't sue you, second.. even I'm gonna sue you if this is all true

    as you say... what do you afraid? I'm just tired about some promoter keep talking about me behind.

    I officially say... I just wanna know you are real olympiad debater what? anyway.. even we don't have

    any personal contact but if you don't misunderstand about me then I can solve that problem.

    I was ps promotion marketer it's true and I wasn't treated my staffs whatever you say that's your free.

    If I made someone sad or tired then that's my fault obviously.


    You should stop it that point becoz I don't think I always made people happy and if I know about this then

    I could say sorry or forgive me about my past fault. I was too harsh.. or whatever.

    But, you are insulting me and keep saying... you know about me personally. Right?

    PM me. I just wanna know you are really know about me or have a qualify.

    Based on your talk as you said..

    I'm almost trash. (mm..I dare cannot say I'm great man but at least not this line?)

    Becoz first, I have never met or talked with named Jenna Chen on my life.

    in No my patients list... no my fren name... literally have never heard and met on my life.

    If you just know about me and write through another people then I think that's not good idea.

    Keep talk. getting ineresting.
  9. This is going to interesting.

    First time, you said I don't know you but you know, now... I'm your Korean friend.

    More Funny thing is.. base on your talk... If any other are seeing this point of view in your sight...

    Isn't this talking like we have worked together?? Even Korean who is still working with me cannot describe and talk like this way.

    Thank you Eurasian Beauty. Unfortunately for Mr. Andy he will never take on the law himself. He always leave the dirty job for anyone who is stupid enough to get their hands dirty for him with the lure of money. He is trying to brush everything aside with mockery and trivialization. Then again, what else could he possibly do? Sue me and show me how possibly rich he is, or to tangle up with me so that more of his worms can fall out of the can?

    I think this is looks like you are telling we were working together so I know Andy well.
  10. Simple question. When we talked in message.

    You said we have talk first even I don't know you but you said something wasn't right on me.

    When we have talk?

    Even I'm not a law expert but You know what?

    If we have no personal talk but you pretend like we have and make a rumor I wasn't on right bla bla...

    then I think that's problem. Even we really had, but if I just asked you when we have a talk.

    What is problem? Without my question answer but just avoid and My father is working in Federal bla bla

    watch your tongue, isn't it weider huh?

    I'm Quoting your talk. 'Think'.
  11. I think there are a lot of kind people.

    hmm.. My English is so weird??

    This thread is start with 'What Korea plastic surgery is...' written by Korean who worked in ps field very long time.

    But suddenly, one is suddenly show up with new ID who pretending like me well but I don't know her bla bla.

    She is posting about 'me' like he must be plaining something bla bla suddenly and promoter have a reason why they are taking a commission.

    Even I introduce myself exactly including my personal information but she is pointing me, scam bla bla...

    So, I asked about it back and if you don't apologize me then let's see.

    But another people just all trust her by single post and judge it all. So thanks, calculating my jail time.

    The another one is nicer...

    '(A text keep ripping on Andy bla bla...)'

    'I knew something wasn't right when I first read his message.' <-- I asked about this, when we have talk??

    'We don't need to do... my father is working in Federal US law enforcement, you need to talk careful...'

    Is there any different between Korea and foreign country culture?
  12. Think what? You said "I knew something wasn't right when I first read his message. Thank you for telling the truth,"

    Ask you again...

    Did I send you message?

    Becoz I have never sent any message to anyone from start and no talk with you on this PM and KAKAO talk.

    Ask Your Federal US law enforcement father if anyone say she had a talke with someone but never have so that people ask you

    when we have a talk then this is what. Ye~ 'you r father is Federal US law enforcement'. Why that is here? huh?

    Again, ask your father.
    Which one is problem between 'Have never talk but pretend like have talk something with someone and post in public board' or 'That people asked about when we have a talk'.
  13. Don't judge people easily by internet talk ^^

    I wonder if that girl post apology statement later about what she wrote and why then what do you talk about this after dear.

    Just don't disappear even you are shame.
  14. I think she reall
    Ah... one more.

    As I said... I know who your are. If you don't post official apology statement here or PM me then,

    I'll post your name here.

    You talked to me your patients be your side? ^^ whatever we gonna meet up again right?

    What tax problem?? Let's see that tax issues will be work as you think.

    You made this bigger than you think. hmm.. I think you know about my personality but it wasn't.

    In consideration you read this or not, I'll give you 1week.

    Congrats your promoter life will be ends up. Back to your normal life.
  15. I have read her post again... So nice to just see.. ^^ (of cos not my sight.)

    From start on this thread... I talked my previous job as I was promoter and Marketing engineer and trained other.

    All my thread is talking about who I was... what's a real Korean price... how to deal with sk ps clinic.. how to find good clinic youself

    without 'Anyone support!' and how to stay in Korea more conviniently while you are being here for surgery.

    But... suddenly, as you see...

    All her post is talking about Andy was what bla bla.. (who don't know??)

    He wanna glorious day again bla bla... (why? -_-;;; with revealing all promoter tricks??)

    He got a tax problem... (kkkk, uh... keep makes me laugh~. FYI, Korea is very strict for tax ^^)

    Andy has no resposibility but Promoter serving for patients that's why they taken resonable 30%..

    (ye... is this your final suppose? ^^)

    My all post is talking about how to do your surgery yourself without anyone like you promoter support dear...

    And bonus... how much you foreigner paid too high price more than Korean. I wrote it and explained

    how to deal with them to make it lower..

    Becoz that just make patients price up but no benifit to Korea ps and industry but not you promoters.

    If you wanna against something on my thread then,

    literally as I wrote, find any wrong information on my thread like wrong hotel price... wrong ps information...

    Becoz all talking about it. This is calling 'reasonable and right against subject' as intelectual adult talk.

    Not like suddenly show up with yesterday fresh new ID saying Andy you don't know me but I know you well?.

    In my sight... You felt I am threatening your job becoz I revealed all about you guys tricks but you have no way,

    so suddenly start talk with promoter have a responsibility so they are taking 30%. Is this your all best? ^^

    Summary, All I'm talking about is 'How to do your ps job youself alone without any promoter support, even me.'

    All information what I wrote is right and very sure becoz I'm Korean and 'Formal ps promoter and marketing engineer'

    Again? other wise, 'I was kinda Cheater' as you said. ok? ^^ is this new story? All knew this.

    Take my information or not?, it doesn't matter dear ^^ not my biz.

    If you wanna attack someone again for your suppose then, learn more kid.

    ps : This is my last teaching you.

    Last but not least, Mr. Andy, I am not going anywhere. If you wish, I await your lawyer letter for any possible defamation. But bear in mind, your millions have not been taxed. And some of the ladies that you have acquainted might love to speak up in the courtroom along side me too. I wish you the best and hope you try your luck somewhere else.

    If you really wanna show yourself confident, then remove last tax part... first, No matter and that just seem like idle bluffing coz you scare me I'm really gonna sue you even you used internet fake name or not in my sight.
    Thank you call me millionair but I'm not yet ^^ further. kkkkk

  16. hmm... good story, but there is no talking about my all theory was wrong but just personal attack dear ^^

    Few days Long time haven't been here, was busy~.

    To set another Agency... Good story.

    I don't feel answer for your talk. Now all bother..

    And as I mentioned... You are not first black mail dear.

    Ah, official talk is first with 'Yesterday fresh new ID' suddenly.

    Nice try. ^^

    Who don't know I was promotor and marketing teacher ^^

    Sorry, I don't care about you and as you see... I don't post new anymore here.

    So difficult and no interest to write here with poor English. I just realized Youtube English class is better to me.

    Problem is no one keep teaching me English after got all plastic surgery and Korea information.

    FYI, Singapore center was SM Plastic surgery video consulting office officially named 'SM PS ASIA' and I don't know

    what Malaysia agency is. I just had one 'Malaysian staff'.

    Last part was more funny. Million taxed? ^^ Lawyer?

    You know what? I know 'who you are' or 'who asked you to this' becoz I just recall who always complaint commission

    and talking like that way and went out with complaning about commission is small bla bla... 'One person'

    And I know you still working for this field.

    Do I have to name of you? ^^ Jenna Chew...??? Are u kidding me ^^

    Tricky... but still less. Looking so confident like 'You call lawyer~' kkkkk. Call lawyer with just know your

    Internet name? ^^ hahahaha. Isn's it same with 'I'm mike who is living in America! Call lawyer!' kkkkk.

    Why don't we have a real contact number each other if you really confident about your talk ^^.

    Try messege me. let's see who really you are, dear. ^^

    Kakao talk : Andypwk, Korean number : 82) 10 - 7643 - 4878. Pm is here.

    This is calling real confidence. dear...

    I bet my neck your cannot send message. kkkkk.

    You are still newbie. This is anonymous place first. Don't play with new set ID.

    Did I taught you like this way? ^^ You still remember I said 'Rat always is talking behind anonymously.'

    This talking is looks like insulting you a bit. But if you can talk with me yourself and I check you are not a person

    who I expected and if you are really my provious patients then, I appolize you politely and officially dear.

    Anyway it was funny. ^^
  17. Tip. If any clinic suggest (looking good) option from start then take it as 'bait' to fishing you.

    Now, return back to your question...

    Technically, it is depend on your surgery. Normally, most of surgery need 2~3times Surgery After-treatment.

    This meaning if you need to go hospital for several times treatment more than 3 visits then...

    you'd better staying in place where nearby clinic.

    Becoz your purpose is 'Good surgery and treatment' not shopping.

    But if that need just 1~2 times simple cleaning sugical part like a double eyelid then..

    you can enjoy shopping in convinent and nearby place oftenly where I can suggest nearby shopping area.

    What's your surgery?
  18. Not famous in Korean. and most of Korean talk is advertisement in my sight.

    One more tip...

    There is specifice clinics calling 'Real' Gangnam plastic surgery in Korean you know?

    Just locating in Gangnam... Seoul... is not Gangnam plastic surgery you foreigner's talking dear.

    South Korea is not big but it's not meaning small...

    Especially you know Seoul is Capital city. It's meaning some foreigners is confusing between

    '서울(seoul)' and '강남(Gangnam)' Of couse Gangnam is middle area in Seoul but as I said..

    There is specific clinics, Korean's Calling 'Gangnam plastic surgery clinic'

    Ah... If I can upload drawing map image to here then more easy but this website is not support that.

    So, simple explanation.

    3 area point exactly.

    Gangnam station, Nonhyun station, Sinsa station.

    If any clinic address is far from this point more than 500m...

    then we, Korean don't count that clinic as calling Gangnam plastic surgery and that Lavian you talked

    is not in our calling Gangnam bla bla range.

    Like uh... When I was in Beijing, China... you know peking duck food is famous in the world. So I just

    tried to go any restaurant to try that but my chinese fren said... peking duck food is not same even

    you are in Beijing, China. Exactly there is some specific area where made this well-famous in the world.

    Same theory with this. Sometimes Reputation is very important thing dear.

    I'm talking about Being or not.

    Exactly If any one talk about some hospital in good or bad, however that is ok but...

    'No reputation' is serious and most of all Korean talking about Lavian one is 'written' in my sight.

    That's it all.

    ps1 : -_-;;; tip is longer than original answer;;

    ps2 : if you need more good information then correct my all broken English -_- deal.
  19. I wouldn't say 'Appointments' is bad dear ^^ but definitely, 'Paying money for appointment in advance is bad idea'.

    Actually most of we, Korean is not makes appointment or payment for just consultation but no problem.

    If you don't make decision to get surgery in one specific clinic surely then, don't pay, never, whoever talk about it.

    Best way is make a 2 more days for 'Research about all of your clinic list.' in your sight

    Most of people is investigating 3~7 clinics and make a decision 'in their country before comming to here' and pay.

    This is worst idea.

    Make 2 more days for research and Just bring all list and 'See youself'.

    Researching 5clinics youself? if that all is in Gangnam or one area, you don't lazy, 2days is good enough.

    Seeing yourself and Hearing from other is not same definitely.
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