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Posts posted by ryanthelion

  1. I think Dr. Son has left the clinic. I haven’t seen them on the GNG webpage in awhile. Dr. Lee Sung Hoon works with a lot of the local patients. I had my surgery with Dr. Seong because it was a revision. But if it was my primary I probably would have gotten Dr. Lee. While you were consulting did they show you pictures of his work?
  2. This is the cream I’m using. I bought it in the hospital for 50,000 won because I liked the key ingredients: epidermal growth factor, beta glucan, vitamin c derivative, and aloe extract.These are good for scars and wound healing. Some of my scars arent visible and the ones that are are fading. I am 2 months Post Op now. My nose tip is more swollen in the morning, but its not noticeable to others. And the swelling goes away once I’m up and moving. I read its not really swelling but just fluid. Other than that nothing significant to report. :smile:
  3. Hi, I booked my surgery during August when they were having a special and then I had it in October when I had my vacation. I paid my deposit after negotiating on the price. Like I had my face to facd consult. If you are really sure you want your surgery with GNG you can do an online consultation and try to get an estimated price range. If you feel comfortable with that, then you should pay your deposit. I’m not sure on the rules of the refund though, so you might want to clarify that with the consultants.
  4. The saline solution was actually quite refreshing. It was scary at first because I was scared it would come out thru my mouth, but it didn’t. Everytime I did it, I got a lot of mucus and built up stuff out my nose.
  5. Update: It has almost been a month. I feel like a lot of the time people write their inital reviews and then they go ghost. In the morning my tip is more swollen. I sometimes get a pin and needles feelings too, but all of this is normal. I am doing nasal rinses to clear my nose of mucus. Still have a few stray inner stitches. And about scarring, most of the scarring isn’t visible. I apply scar cream to my scars and I also use a little foundation on them if I feel the need to.
  6. What did you hear about it being unethical?
  7. Recovery at home
    My daily routine consisited of eating, taking meds, cold/hot pack, and walking.
    I went back to the hospital on Post Op Day 2 remove the packing. After that I could breathe better. Still not normal because I had some plastic things inside. I got my nose cleaned, and deswelling treatment. Whenever I came I got deswelling treatment and my nose cleaned. I had a lot of mucus and blood for the first Day Post op, but it slowed down and I didn’t have much Day 2 or more on. The nurses were really kind and gentle when they cleaned my nose and removed my stitches. The day I got my cast removed the waiting room was full of Korean patients. I got my ear cartilage stitches removed around 2 weeks post op. And I still have some tiny white stitches that are starting to fall out on their own. They are supposed to, so no worries lol.
  8. Post Surgery: I had surgery at around 6:00pm and when I woke up I was being wheeled back to the recovery floor. I remember seeing Dr. Seong and the nurses smiling at me. At this time it was around 10:00pm and I was kind of shocked to see he was still there. lol They tried to get me to get in the oxygen bed but I was like, “I just wanna lay in bed.” The nurses on the night shift checked on me often, and I’m sure I rang the call bell a lot. I went under GA for the procedures I had so I felt like vomitting a lot. They gave me something in my IV that supressed that feeling. I couldn’t drink water for 2 hours after. That was the worst! My lips, throat, mouth, were dry and crusty. Remember I had been fasting for like 8 hours already. Anyways around midnight I was allowed water, I still wasn’t feeling to well so the nurse offered me flavored soymilk instead of pumpkin soup. Once I was feeling better I got in the oxygen tank. I was scared to go in at first and there is a phone inside if you want to get out. But its nothing. Just laying down and your ears may pop like on an airplane. Also the red light worked well. The next morning before I went home, I finally got to eat pumpkin soup. I don’t really like pumpkins but the taste was not so pumpkin-y. It has a bit of honey in it I think and it was warm and really soothing.
  9. It starts with the letter “B”. I don’t really want to write their name and they try to get me for making them lose money. lol. But really my nose only looked good from the profile view because it was high and curved. When I started looking at revision rhinoplasty all of the clinics and staff I met with were shocked that I had already done rhinoplasty before.
  10. Everyone has brought up awesome points and I agree its what works
    for you in terms of lifestyle, cost, safety factors, etc. Bone cutting is expensive, scary, more dangerous, with a somewhat harder recovery. I’m still trying to figure out what to do myself. After I meet with several doctors I’ll see the scans and where my nerves are and what my options are. But I had a question about the GA, I’ve had it around 3 times before and after the first night I was fine. Did you have a harder time?
  11. I originally had surgery at a famous big clinic. (B***) It wasn’t botched or anything but the results left more to be desired. I wanted a natural nose, but all they did was raise the bridge. No one would ever guess I I had surgery. From the profile it was nice, but from the front it was wide and bulbous. After my experience there, I decided I didn’t want to go to any large hospital ever. They are truly like assembly lines or factories as some people say. So I started my journey looking for a revision doctor. I wanted to go to a medium size hospital. They needed to have a in house anesthesiologist, a doctor with years of experience, unphotoshopped Before/Afters, an emergency vehicle, and a emergency power system in case of power outage.
    I had never heard of GNG until I saw it on this forum. I decided to contact them via Kakao. They answered a little slow, which was a turn off in the beginining. Ir was a Saturday anyways, so I assumeed they were busy living their life. But then I realized they have two English consultants to answer all the inquiries from everyone. So you have to be patient. But once you get in contact the replies are faster. So I first checked in on the 2nd floor and met with Julia. We took some photos, CT scans, x-rays, etc. I then met with the consultant who talked about my concerns and we agreed on the same things. I had a wide nasal bone and alar. I also had chronic rhinitis, which I spent tons of weekends going to the ENT for treatment. I have a lot of other stuff going on with my face, that they could have easily pointed out. (short chin, etc.) But they didnt try to suggest anything else. I then met with Dr. Seong. He was really kind and gentle and told me how he would fix my nose and answered my questions. After meeting with the doctor I was sure I wanted surgery. So I met with the consultant again to talk pricing. I don’t feel comfortable mention the price but it was reasonable. A lot better than April 31. I then booked my surgery with a 500,000 won deposit.

    I got:
    1. My silicon implant replaced
    2. Nose tip with ear and septal cartilage
    3. Turbinoplasty
    4. Alarplasty
    5. osteotomy

    On the day of the surgery, I paid the rest of the fee. I then met the consultant to go over and sign the contract. Its written in English and Korean. But the consultant will explain everything to you and the English translator will translate. Basic legal stuff of surgery. I then went to my room and changed into my surgery clothes. GNG lets you rest one night in their ward if you have rhinoplasty and its more for facial contouring. Not sure how many though. I then met Dr Seong and we went over the final details. I wanted a naturally high looking nose that matched my face. And he delivered. The recovery wasnt bad. Most uncomfortable was the first night because GA is a beast. I got oxygen therapy and light therapy to reduce swelling. I didn’t even get any bruises this time. I was swollen mostly Day 2 and Day 3. The nurses were really kind all the time. I’m kind of a baby in medical situations but they were always kind and gave me as much time as I needed. When I was at B***I cried while the stitches removed and the nurse said “Why are you crying? Are you a baby?”
    GNG provided a bag with all the medicine, prewrapped gauze/tape, q-tips, ointment, vitamin c, pumpkin juice, and and cool pack to be frozen.

    Anyways I went back to work and everyone was like your nose is so pretty. And everyday they comment on how I have gotten more pretty. Its only been 2 weeks back at work so I guess the comments will stop soon. lol
    Ya’ll Dr. Seong is doing The Lord’s Work. You can go wherever you want, you can aim for the cheapest price if you want. But you might end up getting a revison like me.
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