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Posts posted by digitalashes

  1. @Denyagan

    I have been there, am there, after getting my own face disfigured from plastic surgery. And am in the long and expensive process of fixing things. I have wanted to die and give up many times, please keep fighting.

    For US doctors have you looked into the Mayo Clinic at all? They typically review cases and decide if they can take yours on or not. Would also recommend looking into other top hospitals in the US.
  2. I would be doing it for aesthetic reasons, I have class III maloclusion of the jaw but my bite is relatively fine due to previous orthodontics. My face is concave and I’ve already tried to diminish how prominent it looks with genioplasty, zygoma, vline, and fat grafting. I am hoping to get some projection in my mid face, I was really happy how I looked when I was swollen from my last surgery haha.
  3. I’m in a similar situation as you. I did a consult for two jaw at TFD when I visited recently and was told I could do it without braces first as well. I also decided to consult an orthodontist there to get his opinion on the surgery and if it’s worth it. He told me to get the results I want I need to do braces before and after. I think to be on the safe side I’m going to get braces when I decide to do it.
  4. How long has it been since you’ve had surgery? Is the asymmetry more noticeable now than it was before reduction? Have you considered consulting with an oral & maxillofaical surgeon for an assessment?
    Fillers wouldn’t be injected at the layer where the screws are but if you plan to get a revision soon you may want to wait so the surgeon can see what you are unhappy with. Some lifting or a little fat injections might hide it as well without you having to go through another bone surgery.
    I’m about two months out from my cheekbone reduction/v-line and my assymtry wasn’t fully fixed either but it’s definitely been an improvement.
  5. Dr. Oh is suspended??
  6. Which doctor at Regen did you end up going to? Were you able to negotiate prices down? They are on the high side.
  7. Mind if I add you? I’m looking into facial lipo as well.
  8. I am looking to get facial lipo in the near future. Do you recommend Beauty Line? I was thinking about Fresh but now I’m not sure...
  9. I think so, I know age factor in as well, I’m only 27 so fat tends to take more when you’re younger but it could just be American vs. Korean aesthetic.

    I had only agreed to my cheeks and woke up to having almost my whole face filled because it’s “normal”. My jaw, chin, lower cheeks, cheekbone - I never looked like this when I was younger and it doesn’t look good now. Korean doctors have a much better eye I think.

    Doctors have told me it can be hard for them to tell the difference from grafted fat and native fat when removing it. And they aren’t always able to remove it, depending on the layer it was injected plus scar tissue build up.

    Luckily my only issue so far has been a small lump of fat in my cheek that never absorbed. The first lipo was pretty painful I was awake and it was maybe 8/10 I don’t know if part of it was scar tissue or part was because I didn’t take codeine due to allergy so I only had the injection. Not looking forward to it again haha.

    When choosing a doctor don’t go with one who likes to over inject fat because “it mostly gets absorbs”. In older women that’s likely true but it’s easier to add than to take away. I would rather have paid more for multiple procedures than deal with this.
  10. I’ve talked to a lot of people who have been overfilled in America as well. I think American doctors overfill in different parts of the face, like the jaw and lower face.
  11. I was going to go for another round but my surgeon fell ill and had to cancel the procedure. It sounds serious because they were never able to reschedule or give me an update, ended up getting a refund. I’ve met with some doctors here but haven’t felt comfortable with any of them, or have been told they don’t want to deal with it. It’s completely changed the shape of my face, the fat wasn’t placed in the right places. I’ve seen some promising pics from Fresh too but am worried about the doctor not being a PS, FG removal is harder than normal fat removal because of scar tissue.
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