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Posts posted by kimkiwee

  1. HI!
    I booked a consultation for my nose and eyes at Opera.
    I'm coming over this Thursday! My friend(Dutch) did her nose job there and liked it!
    I prefer locals' clinics so I would avoid too much popular clinics..
    You can check it out too! I know their actual price so DM me if you want to compare some prices. :biggrin:
    p.s. can you plz DM me with your prices plz?

    Thank you!
  2. I did some googling about the clinics but to be honest I don't know which one to believe or not. I can see that some clinics had bad accidents but as there are more than one surgeon at clinics I'm not sure If I can call banobagui or grand a bad clinic. So I decided to actually visit clinics and have consultations also joining kakotalk groups to share experiences :smile:
  3. Has anyone has new list of 2018?
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